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Everything posted by Sunnie
LE Basic house building tips
Sunnie replied to Natterforme's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Ya, unfortunately, SHT is made of mostly 1 huge static (SkyHavenTempleTempLayout01). You will not be able to do much here as far as changing rooms or shapes, walls, etc. You could however build your new rooms off into open cell space outside the vanilla areas and use teleport link doors to navigate through to the new areas you put in. -
LE Basic house building tips
Sunnie replied to Natterforme's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
The braziers in Sky Haven Temple are indeed tied to the main quest line (Alduins Wall, I believe). The dark and lit braziers (as well as the other Blades created clutter) in the cell are using the classic xmarker enable parent setup used throughout the game. They use a single marker to enable all the lights (which are set to the same state the xmarker is, initially disabled) and everything in the cell that switches on. The braziers each have a fx fire and a separate light source that get enabled after the quest progresses when you leave the temple after listening to Esbern. Those objects are going to remain disabled until after the quest update unless you break their link to the xmarker controlling them. -
Thats a bit illegal...you won't find it here if it did happen.
Setting player ownership makes some stuff not usable by NPCs. Setting ownership to an NPC prevents other NPCs from using it, and may be flagged as theft if you take it.
Are you trying to connect navmesh through collision walls? What do you mean by "invisible? if you are trying to connect 2 areas on either side of a collision wall, you need to either remove the wall or find a route around it. You can't create triangles through collision walls because NPCs cant go through them...
I've never seen a container object I could not change respawn on, might want to be a little more detailed about which container(s) you are having this issue with. However... Suggestion: Make your own base container object (via copy), don't use a container that's already in use all over the place.
Maybe you should be banned along with him for supporting piracy... :armscrossed:
You can not make new categories in crafting, they appear to be hard coded.
LE Bugged spot light in my mod
Sunnie replied to eltucu's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Spot lights are evil, I stopped trying to work around the issues they cause. Same with hemisphere lights, they also have similar issues. Try to limit the use of shadow casters as much as possible for less headaches. -
Ability added with script not being removed on mod uninstall
Sunnie replied to Vinifera7's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
One thing to keep in mind... a lot of player data/variables get cooked into your save game file, simply removing the mod that made the change won't do anything because the actual mod did its thing at the beginning and then was technically no longer needed once your game was saved. -
You might try deleting the Skyrim - Textures.BSA , do a cache check and acquiring a new copy from Steam. I had an issue like that a while ago where every time I tried to go through a cave to get to a word wall, the game would crash when I look in a certain direction (which just happened to be the direction I needed to go). I deleted teh meshes and textures bsa and got a fresh copy and the issue disappeared.
I don't think so, besides the containers not keeping your items, but that can be prevented with a backup. I did my best to make sure all containers have player ownership, but mistakes happen and I could have missed one accidentally. The book issue will be fixed in the next release, and the dragon masks isn't a bug by bethesda. I hate to disagree with you, but, well.. I have worked in this industry for more than a couple decades, almost 10 years of it in QA management. Releasing something to the public that can make them lose their stuff is a huge no-no. Simply saying "make a backup" doesn't send a very good message to the users of your mod. Broken weapon racks, yet another lose your item issue that can be easily fixed. Broken book cases, again, likely a simple fix. The dragon mask issue, I have no idea what you did to make it not work, I have a bust system in my own house mod that works just fine. My point here is that all those serious issues are probably a simple fix, but you released it anyway. I honestly think you should have waited to release this until you got those issues resolved.
Did you navmesh the both inside and outside your new house and then finalize the navmesh after you placed your teleport markers? Navmesh won't know that there's a cell transition point if you don't finalize after placing teleports.
As far as anyone has seen, we can not make new crafting categories. This appears to be hard coded.
Additionally, releasing with that list of bugs? The last 3 are pretty major issues to release publicly.
Creating new armor - got to edit 20+ NIF files?!
Sunnie replied to ghosu's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
They can't release those tools because they are only licensed to USE them, not redistribute them. As Jimhsu said, we are lucky they don't care much about translating their format structure and making home brew tools to work with them. Licensing is a big $$$ deal for the tool creator and the dev licensing to use them, since it speeds up development of a title by light years. Creating tools in-house is always a slow and and landmine filled landscape. -
[scripting] adding and removing all items from players inventory
Sunnie replied to Korodic's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
:thumbsup: -
[scripting] adding and removing all items from players inventory
Sunnie replied to Korodic's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Check the quest "Diplomatic Immunity", Delphine takes "all" your stuff except the party clothes right before you go to the Thalmor Embassy. -
Ya, I am aware of the warehouse cells, problem is they don't work 100%, the ones in the player houses do.Plus, unless you are already aware of these warehouse cells, you wouldn't know to go look in them. The player houses are already known to most users.
Requests go in the "Requests" forum.
Did you look at how weapon racks are built in one of the player homes?
Are you using the Official HR Texture Pack from Bethesda/Steam?
There has been a couple other threads about this now, and as far as I have seen, they have not been able to make Telekinesis work on actors.
yes, the latter in the load order always trumps the former.