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About kingculex

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  1. It does sound scary and it does possibly explain another issue a person was having were the custom mod menus from Armorsmith Extended were messed up in the vanilla armor workbench. Removal of a power armor mod .esm that was heavy in keywords fixed it. When it comes to adding shared weapon mod menu keywords to AWKCR please keep it optional. Have one version that has them and one that does not OR have a list of them so a user can go in and remove them to reduce the amount of keywords being loaded. (grumble grumble and cuts the unused keywords from SK.)
  2. Thank you everyone for your responses. It took me two - three tries finally go to a stable version of Fallout 4 1.3. I suspect steam had an issue with installing the 1.3 patch that messed up the patch the first time. Everything works good now. Hopefully this will help some people. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3708890-known-textures-causing-ctds-with-the-beta-patch/?hl=%20beta%20%20patch
  3. Thank you for this because it was helpful. The first time I had steam install this patch the game would CTD after a few minutes of play. I tried it on a fresh install of Fallout 4 with no mods as well as a modded version. I reinstalled steam and restored my game back to with mods before attempting to have steam patch it to 1.3 the second. That left be with only a CTD caused by the Grafix Architecture which I was able to fix because of this forum. I wonder if the patch some how got corrupted the first time. *shrug*
  4. Known issue. A mod is conflicting with Settlement Keywords and you probably need compatibility patches for some of your mods. SSEX is one and Safe SSEX is another.
  5. Remove Settlement Keywords if you are not using a mod that uses it. A mod conflicting with Settlement Keywords will cause the trade posts menu to be hidden. or Look for compatibility patches for the mods that conflict. There is a short list on Settlement Keywords' description page.
  6. Hate say it, but this type of issue existed before 1.3. I read about it before I installed Grafix. I think back then it might have been a toaster texture..... Yes, a texture for a toaster was causing CTD for people.
  7. Click the button underneath the green checkmark on the plugins tab (it looks like a piece of paper with an arrow coming off it) to export your load order. Copy and paste in spoiler tags please. You missed the very top of your load order (.esm files) in the pictures.
  8. @Thuggysmurf CTD whenever switching cells is a new one for me. I know it is different issues for different people but I want to try to get a scope on some of the known issues. You may want to take steps to prevent Steam from auto updating your game. Thank you for your input and it is appreciated. :smile: @SirTwist I figured it was a "cleaned" up version of the beta patch. I took steps to block the updates from happening automatically and refused to test the beta patches. There will probably be even patches for the CK when it is released........ Thank you for your input and it is appreciated. :smile: @Skitkjell Waiting till all the mods update might be a good idea. I was looking to start a new game with this patch and it is a bit hard to wait because Fallout 4 is a bit addicting. I recall Bethesda ruining working games with flawed updates in the past and that is why I am hesitant on updating Fallout 4. Having the issues in one location here might help others to decide as well. Thank you for your input and it is appreciated. :smile: @tielebras Random CTDs are another new one. Yeah I agree Bethesda could have released a better product especially with the category keyword limit bug. I hope that one is not a set limitation that can not be changed. Thank you for your input and it is appreciated. :smile:
  9. Ok fellow community people. I am looking at installing this patch and would like to know some of the issues associated with it. I have read the improvements it makes but there has to be a catch. So what are some of the issues associated with this one? Thank you to anywone who replies. -edit- Clarification: Please say if your issue happened in a save game or new game. Please explain a bit about the issue you are experiencing. Updates: I bought Fallout 4 through Steam but took steps to prevent auto-updates. I will not be forced into being someone's guinea pig.........um beta tester. I will also be making a complete backup of my game and mods before updating. All input is greatly appreciated. :smile:
  10. It was probably the keyword cap issue if moving it to the top worked. The keyword cap issue happens top to bottom. The keywords in the mods loaded first (esm) take priority and override the keywords in the mods loaded last (esp). That is how Settlement Keywords and AWKCR work. Mod conflicts work the opposite way. The mod loaded last overrides a previous mod it conflicts. Power Armor mods and mods like Armorsmith Extended (the part that adds the extra mod categories like glove/lining) work basically the same way. They both add keywords for the extra categories in the vanilla workbench/station to the items to form the categories. Armorsmith Extended does it to form categories in the vanilla workbench while power armor mods do it to form categories in the power armor station. When it comes to Worsin's PA Garage it is a bad idea he went to .esm and did not stay .esp. Power Armor are usually keyword heavy and best loaded near the end. Personally I use ZephyrWarrior's F4 Power Armor Overhaul (ZW's F4 Power Armor Overhaul.esp) and it has not conflicted with any mods since it is loaded near the bottom of my load order and it has similar features as Worsin's PA Garage. The only conflicts I had with it are with the Legendary Modification 2LM workbench and Jetpacks Unlimited. (I made patches for both and but them in the forums section of Zephyrwarrior's mod.) *The 2LM workbench makes stand alone items with 2 legendary modifications while not altering vanilla items. It did not have Zephyrwarrior's keywords on the pieces of power armor it made. *JetPacks Unlimited and Zephyrwarrior's mod both use overrides to add their keywords to vanilla power armor pieces so they conflicted. Or You can use Worsin's Paint Garage Lite. It does not have the categories and just dumps the paint into the vanilla paint category. (Unless he reverted back to using .esp files.) Great that you fixed your issue. :smile:
  11. My mistake, I found a mod conflict was causing the lining mod menu to not display all the linings and my patch fixed it. If moving Armorsmith around in your inventory (near the very top under the esm files or near the very bottom) then chances are higher that it is the keyword limitation. The issue with the Backpack Workbench was indeed the keyword limitation. I ran into this issue myself and fixed it by making the workbench mods use AWKCR. Suggestion: 1. Disable all your mods. 2. Enable Armorsmith Extended. 3. Start enabling your mods one at a time and start the game each time. (Go into your save but do not save the game.) 4. Test Armorsmith Extended. ^This may take a while but it will help narrow down which mod is causing the issue. This is my load order: All the menus now work fine and I can now have two legendary modifications on all items crafted by AE. :)
  12. Try moving Armorsmith extended up or down in your load order. It sounds like it could be the category keyword cap (doubt it but who knows) or it could be a conflict with another mod. The keywords for the clothing mod slots are actually added to the articles of clothing and not in the vanilla armor workbench. So, I would find it odd if they got messed up by the category keyword cap. The power armor station works the same way as the vanilla armor workbench. I ran into a similar issue with the power armor station and it was caused by two mods conflicting. But it could be caused by the category keyword since the keywords for the mod slots are in the Armorsmith Extended mod not in Armorkeywords (AWKCR). :sad: Moving Armorsmith Extended up might fix it if it is the category keyword cap. Moving Armorsmith Extended down or up might fix it if it is a mod conflict. (Goes back to editing the Armorsmith Extended items. Fun adding a 2nd legendary to them and better lining.)
  13. To get technical if you want to call it what it really is: FO4EDIT is TES5Edit renamed for anyone who does not know it so it works with Fallout 4. It is not TESVEdit. TES5Edit works with NMM and does not require further changes like deleteion of everything in your appdata\local\Fallout 4 folder. Settlers: Settlers will also come in and use workbenches. Homemaker: Homemaker works just fine if players follow simple install instructions on the installer. (It is shocking how many players do not simply do this.) NovaCoru generally makes her own patches at least while the maker of SSex hasn't made a single one. Homemaker by itself works fine, it is other mods that need patches to work with it. (Same with Settlement Keywords.) Homemaker is a work in progress like MO2 and NMM. Even with the CK some mods will require patches to work smoothly together. SSEX: I could go into details on the massive flaws SSEX has but I won't waste my time. NMM: Putting the mods in the data directory is a flaw of NMM but it is better than stuffing them into the normally hidden AppData/Local/Modorganizer directory by default if you want to edit them. It is much easier to get TES5Edit, LOOT, and Bodyslide to work with NMM. Tons of people use it without any issues. MO2: Even the STEP Staff is saying it should not be used yet as your general game manager. Conclusion: It is good MO2 works for you but it still has its flaws like NMM. To each their own, just the false advertising is a bit much. (You could not get LOOT to sort properly with MO2 and you originally had issues with getting TES5Edit to work.) Have a wonderful day. :)
  14. I was reading the Mod Organizer 2 Discussion and Feedback forum and found this interesting: Mod Organizer 2 still has bugs in it. An example is the bug with running FO4EDIT smoothly. So no, it doesnt just work. I also find it intesting that one of the Super Moderators over there is using LOOT. But hey to each their own, just the false advertising is a bit much. *smh* NMM is not perfect and has several hang ups but is still being developed. MO2 is not perfect and has several hang ups but is still being developed. Found when browsing the LOOT forum: It seems the simple way to use LOOT with NMM is to remove the read-only property on plugins.txt found in C:\Users\*yourusename*\AppData\Local\Fallout4. NMM makes plugins.txt read only so the Fallout 4 Launcher doesn't mess it up. Players need to use the 64Bit version of LOOT with MO2.
  15. @Wax2k It looks like Thetruthh is missing the SK patch for Robot Home Defense.
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