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Everything posted by ThatKidLuke

  1. Hey Kenny, im excited about a new Skyrim UI! Aswell as many others here. ;) Minimalism is ok i guess but since we spent so much time in the menu, it would be nice to look at some nice "Nordic art". However i cheer (and pray) for the things to come. :D
  2. Good question. The ENB Mod creator Boris mentions that issue here: (Dont know if you can pull any infos from that) http://gtabay.cba.pl/index_dokumentacja_gta4_en.htm
  3. You had a sensible approach on your retex. its not oversaturated/sharpened etc. I like that! Keep up the good work.
  4. @ Headbomb really like your ideas! Great stuff dude. :) What i really miss in the Vanilla UI is more sorting options for Flasks, Weapon types, armor types etc. http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/2551/skyrimui.jpg personally i would prefer a Diablo3 or WOW inventory layout.
  5. I dont get it. If Bethesda/ZeniMax wants to release their PC sales - Retail and Digital distribution - why is everyone talking about Valve not releasing sales numbers? I thought its Bethesdas choice to do so.
  6. Hello there, Here is a bit of a Spoiler involved... i got Lydia as a Companion and i think she disappeared when i decided to become a Werewolf. Is there any way to get her back? i tried to sleep for 24 hours or do fast travel, nothing worked so far. Hepl would be highly appreciated regards
  7. The Dxdiag info collection was for Patch 1.1 - correct me if iam wrong? Im with you on the UI change, it really needs a total overhaul but i dare to only dream about this, in my wildest dreams. :) Splinterbungee get Win7 :) it is a really good OS!
  8. :D These Glitches are really funny. Had the same thing going on with the Mammut. thx for recording and sharing them!
  9. Hello Folks Just wanted to ask if anyone found an Article, Blog etc. if a Patch comes out and if so, what it would fix? regards
  10. Asrock is from Asus, it used to be the "lesser quality" boards back in the days, these boards had bad electrolytic capacitor which caused some issues. Nowadays, things are different, even OC records are done with Asrock. The quality increased and as long as the Lanes and timings for the onbard-chip aswell as Slot-bandwith are the same as others with same socket, the difference is marginal to non existence.
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