Retextures are all different, if one mod creator does an armor another has done as well, they will both look uniquely different due to variation in texture use and artistic freedom taken. Because of that, packs like Quasartz, who basically packed up what he liked for convenience, are a personal collection and most often don't appeal (100%) to everyone. While some people will prefer to install that instead of picking and choosing mods by different authors and shopping around, most users that I've encountered have actually stepped off using it in favor of customized choice. Both Smarteck and myself have created packed content that can blanket apply over a large portion of the game's content, but in logical batches. AKA I have an armor pack for all 7 set armors, all alliance blues pack, all combat fatigues pack, all science uniforms packs etc. Smarteck has DLC packs etc etc. Aside from us as we're basically the heavy hitters in therms of sheer number of created texture mods, there are plenty other modders around, on the BSN, ME3explorer forums, Tumblr, Deviantart and here on the Nexus that offer even more choice. You gotta remember that picking and installing might take you a while, but you only have to do it once. I'd think it best you take your time and enjoy it! =)