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Everything posted by Ottemis

  1. Either that save is corrupt, or, if this happens with more than one save, one of your mods that applies only to femshep which is being called directly by that savegame, is causing issues. Likely the latter I'd advise trying to rerun AUTOTOC, otherwise try loading a different femshep save and test around a bit on which moment you can trigger a crash, i.e. try opening the locker, load into a level wearing armor etc. See if you can narrow down which mod might be the culprit, then vanilla affected PCCs
  2. I would guess pretty good. I suspect textures and customization that is possible in DA:I now will be possible in Andromeda. But interestingly, Ottemis is very impressed with the graphics right now. She sees almost no flaws in them and I agree with her. Still, it's fun to have options and Ottemis may very well mod it later. And there are tons of talented people out there. I don't know you, but you may be one of those people who makes some mods. :smile: Hah. As you say! Right now I only see a couple of things I'd like to mod personally. facial textures (preset option, no slider)eyebrows (Only one variant, no slider)facial hair (stubble and beard hairline transition and overal quality / density)eyeball & iris / pupil (more shading, smaller pupil, deeper iris)tattoos (more options)scars (more options)one particular casual outfit pattern (the one Gil wears)Eventually also hair mods but I suspect functional meshmods will take a while. I'm waiting to see what they do with a possible CC patch, might resolve some of the things I'd like to otherwise fix. I'm not only hoping for a fan-built tool but also a savegame editor. That would likely enable us to change our facial texture/hair mesh after creation. There are several ingame that are either not selectable or not at all in the CC. There are several coders looking into the viability and method of Andromeda modding atm.
  3. There are several mods on the ME3 Nexus (custom DLC mods) that you could download. You can load their files into Package Editor (ME3Explorer) to take a look at how they have handled the cloning of new entries. Just a word of caution, don't use them as a base for your own modding without their express consent, looking through the files to get a hint at what to do yourself is fine, but anything else requires permission. Other then that you might want to check out the old and new me3explorer forums and the me3explorer wiki, as they both might hold tutorials or articles that might be of use for this purpose. Greets Otte
  4. The DAI tools forums are a good place to ask these questions, also. They might seem quiet, but support is there. http://daitools.freeforums.org/
  5. Just to chime in here as well, work on the old DAItools is discontinued. However the current coder on the project, Dawn, is working on an overhaul. Development on FB engine modding tools is still underway and we can expect great things in the future, but there is no ETA for it's release.
  6. Yeah you're quite right haha. Honestly, only reason I know is because I'm on staff for both ME3Explorer and the DAI Tools so I've got my ear to the ground for both of them.
  7. Well no, it's dormant because the tool is so incredibly limited and buggy that I suspect most people are just waiting for the new version of the tools to come out. Development has been dormant for a good year now I think. We also have our own Discord server now and a lot of DAI Modding discussion (and general banter) is held there. The current coder is working on an overhaul, it has most definitely not gone as far as the FrostBite engine will allow. Keep an eye on those forums because there is definite change on the horizon.
  8. In response to post #24743634. #24743894, #24744099, #24744554, #24744644, #24744769, #24744904, #24745164, #24745394, #24745804, #24746019, #24747414, #24747454, #24748174, #24748274, #24748914, #24749009, #24749129, #24749159 are all replies on the same post. @UberSmaug: Completely understandable and much agreed.
  9. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074 are all replies on the same post. It's a fact there are parts of this and any modding community in it's users that have zero real concept of the amount of work that goes into modding and think rather loosely or little at all on the matter, even taking an entitled stance rather than an appreciative one. While it's 'normal' to forget to endorse or comment on mods you've truly enjoyed, and easy to think modders do it for themselves and out of their own volition that does not negate that modders do thrive on positive feedback from the community and more appreciation and healthy views on what modding entails certainly wouldn't hurt the modding community as a whole.
  10. Read this for info on how to get mods to work with the new patch: http://ottemis.tumblr.com/post/112693842550/da-i-modding-psa
  11. Currently not yet possible, user Adela on the DA:I Toolset forums and BSN has been prepping some gorgeous (qunari) hair models for when this is possible.
  12. I've been working on some of these, you can follow progress in the user's gallery of the DAI toolset forums or on my tumblr page.
  13. Should be possible but I don't think anyone has managed to locate the culprit texture as of yet.
  14. Place doesn't really matter no, just the folder depth when browsing to it with DAI Mod Manager.
  15. All of these things are not yet possible considering the current state of development of the dai toolset. We have no mesh replacement as of yet and no complete save editor or way to pull up the CC ingame.
  16. As Thandal stated, they've openly said as much for ME3 as well. Mod your game as your own risk as it's not officially supported, but unless you mod MP in a way that would upset gameplay balance, they really don't care.
  17. Did you try turning off Origin ingame (and/or other applications with overlay effects), they can interfere with Texmod functioning.
  18. What DXDXUSER said should work, the DLC is contained in the before mentioned folder (relative to your personal Origin installation path) "..\Origin Games\Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\DLC" If you back up that entire folder, you have all the ME3 DLC. You can rar or zip it up.
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