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Everything posted by ThatGuyx

  1. I have the script from the forums, it loads up and everything but when I find a model and try to import it, nothing happens. Any idea what the problem might be?
  2. I have models and textures for some swords, I'm working on getting more of them right now. Some of them just don't seem to work, but I'll find a way to fix them I'm sure.
  3. CD Project RED has allowed to port their stuff to other games as far as I know. Perhaps but Bethesda doesn't want people to put things from other games in their games...they've said it time and time again they even get mad when you were to pull a file straight from Oblivion and put it into Skyrim. You can mod how you like but they get mad when you take other games file and put them into theirs. There seem to be plenty of mods that add stuff from the game and are direct ports and no one has gotten banned yet. CD Project RED has allowed it, so I really don't think there is much Bethesda can do about it. I aim to make a more complete mod as most of the ones I can find don't contain many of the weapons.
  4. Hey guys, I've managed to find a few of the sword models but I can't figure out how to export the rest of the models from the game. Does anyone know how? I know its possible as there are some mod makers that seem to have done it but I can't seem to figure it out. I just have a pack of sword models from the game that someone else uploaded right now and it isn't nearly all the swords, not even couting the other weapons you can use in the game as well. Thanks :)
  5. My first request, as i have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to modding.. Would anyone be willing to make a boxer? I have one in real life and would love to have one to follow me around in game :) (Would be even cooler if it could look like mine, but that is no problem) Only thing i really specifically want is one that is the more light brown color, as seen in these pictures.. Pictures: http://www.dogfamily.org/images/boxer-dog-6.jpg http://www.theboxerdogblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/boxer-dogs.jpg http://www.boxer-dogs.net/images/boxerface.jpg http://www.dogguide.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/334086736_906f8ee13b.jpg Thank you! :happy:
  6. I think it's more the fact that these are the sort of questions people that wear tinfoil hats and talk about the end of times on the street corner seem to ask. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4tlOD9R3aT8/TdeoYzjAQyI/AAAAAAAAABY/nUHFRd-XK2Y/s1600/homer-says-the-end-is-near.jpg
  7. http://myfacewhen.com/images/301.jpg My mind is blown.. Life will never be the same..
  8. Looking for some feedback on this, so If you'd like, give it a listen and tell me what you think?[: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K5S1ys_smU&feature=plcp
  9. Hm, didn't know you wrote stories.. Your good ^-^
  10. As my title says, I'm in need of a graphic designer for a logo. What i need is fairly simple, I've worked up a sample. It's for my music page, and hopefully if this goes anywhere, my official logo. Here is the sample http://oi54.tinypic.com/mkbwk0.jpg I know that is kind of big, sorry bout that. Anyway on to what i need: I was curious if anyone with more skill than me can touch up this text abit. I can send it in 1080p.. I don't really know what i want to be honest. Something that would go with kind of music. I can't pay anything (As of right now) but, i could in the future if this goes anywhere. PM me or post here if you are interested.. Thanks guys!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nRYEdoMZNg Been lacking inspiration lately, so i remixed my own song.. lol Thoughts?[:
  12. Voodoo! No really, just do the tutorial.
  13. Last one for today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZPZ7x9KXjw Thanks everyone :]
  14. Thanks :D That song isn't really dubstep, more Techno or specifically Hardstyle.. I agree about the end :P
  15. I remixed a song today: Hope you like it :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDNsWXKoAOI
  16. <br><br>Yeah bro, I'd agree with that. I just find it really hard to make your typical dirty dubstep.. All those guys you linked are great btw. I love Skrillex. He's pretty awesome.<br><br>I've never heard of Hype Machine actually, but it looks pretty cool.<br><br><br>Also, Thanks Indoril <img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":D"><br><br><br>Here is another song of mine: <br><br>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=megLSbIhoxk<br><br>
  17. Hey, I'm going to post some of my music here as i progress if that's okay.. I've been working on learning music for about 2 years now. I use FLstudio among other things. I try to make techno, and dubstep. Anyway, on to the music :D Input is helpful :P Finished this today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb-W6YJr9hQ
  18. Hey man, Hope your treatment goes well! :] I really only care for 2 things.. Clothing under/over armor Spears Thats it :P
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