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Posts posted by kradus

  1. Well, Hammerfell "won" in the same way that Vietnam "won" the Vietnam War or the colonies "won" the American Revolution. The other side is still alive and kicking, just not alive and kicking there. No matter what I consider the Hitler comparison asinine, pretty sure Hitler didn't allow the bulk of the shops in Berlin to be owned by Jews. Also, Ulfric has a Czech accent, not a German one.


    The unfair comparison to Hitler comes from the overall nationalistic and sometimes extreme views of his supporters.


    What I meant about Hammerfell is that most stormcloak supporters still use the fact that the redguards strongarmed the Dominion into leaving as proof that the empire could have won the war in the long run.


    Given that several Empire supporters still seem to think that Ulfric is an agent of the Thalmor, that Ulfric is trying to drive all non-humans out of Skyrim, that Ulfric is trying to drive all non-Nords out of Skyrim (oxymoron by the way), and Ulfric is Hitler, I just wanted to see how Empire supporters would feel about having those tables turned.



    It's annoying because you see many more people making such claims. Just look how many times people bring up the victorious Hammerfell argument for example. These things you just mentioned are at least based on in-game information, even if it is a strech.

  3. You know, I really like stories, like this that show the flaws of humanity, rather than stories that put humans on a pedestal. In Warriors Orochi, Orochi said that "humanity will not surrender so easily". In this game, they totally did.


    You're talking about Ulfric's surrender, right?


    You missed an entire war with steep losses on all levels. And it wasn't surrender either, otherwise the Thalmor would be in government, and the legions wouldn't be gathering at the border.


    Come on people, there have been far too many discussions of the sort for this selective amnesia thing.


    Hammerfell had the willpower, Mede and the rest of his Empire did not. Had Mede and his Empire demonstrated the same willpower the Empire would have been capable of holding onto all of its remaining provinces.



    It wasn't a matter of willpower but of resources. Hammerfell had the people to fight on, Cyrodiil on the other hand was ruined and the empire was out of resources to carry on a campaign. Meaning, without the white gold concordat there would have been nothing to keep the Thalmor from moving their remaining armies to Cyrodiil and finishing the job. All of that was a consequence of the war, not the 'empire's inherent weakness'.

    That argument is completely irrelevant.

  5. "Upon my honor I do swear undying loyalty to the Emperor, Titus Mede II..." "...and unwavering obedience to the officers of his great Empire." "May those above judge me, and those below take me, if I fail in my duty." "Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empire!"


    That reminds me that Ulfric must have sworn that oath too. Seems like he asked for Tullius and co. to bring him down.

  6. Like, removes it from all dungeons? Just deletes it from all associated locations? There's probably a less messy way of accomplishing what you want to do.


    Well, I'm trying to get item retrieval quests in Dawnguard to target specific locations. But if I try using extra keywords, it will result in quests not being validated, for some reason. It works well in vanilla quests, but not the dlcs


    To be brief, ALL the Jarls are autonomous - that's how it works in Skyrim, Balgruuf is no different. Of course he has control over who he can arrest - so does every other Jarl. All the dialogue he has indicates that after Message to Whiterun, he's sided with the Empire, because if he didn't Ulfric would've conquered Whiterun, and now that he's made his choice, he's putting his money where his mouth is and sticking with them - if he's still Jarl in Season Unending he'll sit next to Elisif, Rikke and Tullius. Not only that, if you decide to give Markarth to the Stormcloaks, he'll say (among a hubbub of other people talking at the same time) "This is how the Empire rewards us for our loyalty?".


    About this, Ulfric offered Balgruuf the option to join the stormcloaks, which means his rule was never in danger and a stormcloak attack wasn't garanteed untill Balgruuf officially declined to support Ulfric. This proves he was for the empire all the time, meaning his statements come from loyalty, not necessity. Only, he didn't want his hold to suffer the war. He also stands with the imperial delegation in High Hrothgar from a 'neutral' position.


    Jarl Balgruuf is on the side of Whiterun. Without the Stormcloaks they would be already under control of the Imperials and the guy on the market long dead (or turned)?


    In the original post the OP stated, you should wait until you know more about both sides. It doesn't change facts, without the dragon attack you would be lying dead in Helgen.


    I have seen or found no execution ever practiced by the Stormcloaks. Maybe they don't have to?



    What? The fact that you never see stormcloaks moving prisioners around kind of speaks for itself, and is a very rotten attitude. Unless you think the stormcloaks are letting the enemy go whenever they win a fight? Or maybe they never won a battle? Or maybe the legionaries fight to the death every time? You decide.

  9. Yes, they did this assuming the Stormcloaks would not actually win, but if the Stormcloaks actually do win (with the Dragonborn helping them, this happens in a few days), it's like the Thalmor's ultimate plan just blew up in their face.


    Not really, either way a lot of men die, and with a stormcloak victory the provinces of man are completely divided. Supporting the stormcloaks is not constructive in any way, only a temporary reprieve from the justiciars at the expense of the future. There's a reason people join the empire and not the cool looking guys.




    Imperials planned and partial succeeded on killing Ulfric and anyone who happened to be in the area at the time of his capture. What is there long to think about? I didn't choose to become executed for the better of Skyrim as a Redguard (not Stormcloak member and pure bystander, same as Lokir)...



    I assume you would have joined the empire if you where caught in a stormcloak ambush and taken as an enemy by one of their officers instead? (especially being a foreigner)

  10. Can I just say something:

    Helping the Imperials is the same as helping the Thalmor. And I aint becoming a Thalmor puppet, nor am I going to side with that douche Tullius.




    From what we can tell, the Thalmor have provoked the civil war by manipulating Ulfric and people like him to be angry at the empire. That makes the rebels the puppets.

  11. I'm trying to get Meridia to send me looking for her beacon in a specific location.


    I tried adding a keyword condition in "DA09" and "DA09ChangeLocation" to limit the pickings, but that only blocks the quest. And without the mod on, the game sends me to a random location that is selected at the start of the game, apparently.

    What am I missing?



    I actually took a course specifically dedicated to Empires, and was rather surprised to learn that, for the most part, violence is the least common method of expansion and control used.

    That's actually the model of the Septim Empire. Tiber Septim, model of bastardry that he was, was actually a smooth diplomat and negotiator. The heaviest resistance to the Empire's expansion was due to religious differences, and this isn't the first time the Empire has had to make concessions for those. Unfortunately this Emperor didn't have the options to get a better deal, or to notice this one was intended to set up a later invasion.







    Because that's technically a criminal action. It just doesn't look like that as the Tamrielic government is ridiculously easy to bribe.




    So is using a Shout in a Duel...



    That's more of a blasphemy than a crime.




    Because that's technically a criminal action. It just doesn't look like that as the Tamrielic government is ridiculously easy to bribe.



    Just shoot them from stealth.

    They insist on being your enemy, so you do what needs doing and make sure the WTG is more taxing to them than to the empire


    It should be mentioned that in a vacuum, the Imperials would probably win the war. I mean, first scene of the game -- Ulfric is captured, and the war is about to end. It all would have stopped there due to Tullius's military genius, if Alduin hadn't chosen that precise moment to attack.


    I'd guess that the only reason it's been going on as long as it has is that the Thalmor are covertly aiding the Stormcloaks. They just have to be careful, because while a Stormcloak victory would certainly be better for them than an Imperial one, the war continuing indefinitely is preferable to either.

    Why do people refuse to see that a Stormcloak victory results in the execution of every named Thalmor in Skyrim?


    Tell it to Elenwen.


    Why is that even relevant when in an imperial victory you get to continuosly slaughter scores of them on the roads?

  15. Has anyone missed the part where the Empire has been preparing for another clash with the Dominion?




    Although, neutrality is the worse option of the three in the long run.


    Not really. I've been ignoring the civil war in my recent playthroughs, never joining the Legion or Stormcloaks. Just let the story decide the fate of Skyrim. We'll know how things really ended up in a future Elder Scrolls anyway.



    That the Thalmor cooked up the rebelion with civil unrest, and want it to last for as long as possible is fact. Neutrality means letting them have what they want.

    Of course yu can always just keep killing their elite troops on the roads.

  16. You could always stay neutral.

    Like you I think the empire makes the most sense tactically, but I also sympathise with the stormcloaks. With that in mind, non of my 'good' characters can find it in themselfs to join either side.

    Although, neutrality is the worse option of the three in the long run.

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