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Everything posted by kradus

  1. The only way to keep the empire alive is to actually win the civil war for them to let them focus on their other problems. Callously letting it die just puts the civilian population in even more perill. IDK why anyone would want to be part of the problem.
  2. Dragons where only dangerous when Alduin was able to resurrect them. After he was expelled through time, dragons begun declining, so they're no danger to the future of mankind if he's 'dead'.
  3. Simply put, they are observing Aventus's house to see who will claim the reward. That's why you only receive the note right after talking to him.
  4. Why wouldn't you want to be a cat? It's a loving nickname certainly.
  5. Breton. I think that in this game, nothing is more usefull than magic resistance. Berserk and Histskin and things like that are great, but only work for a bit every day.
  6. I can't buy bedroom furniture for Breezehome. When I ask the steward for the furnishings he accepts, but he doesn't take the money, the home doesn't get upgraded and the purchase line for the bedroom furnishings remains active in the dialogue. Is there any code or trick I can use?
  7. Well, point me to it plz!
  8. Oh and thanks!
  9. This is working for me! I did as described and enabled the mod beforeentering high hrothgar for the first time, and went to riften, now back to whiterun, and so far so good. So this gots green light from me.
  10. Is there a mod that allows us to control the direction in which a tamed dragon from dragonborn flies?
  11. I need this too plz. Idealy we need a plug mod that holds back the dragonborn questline entirely so long as the mod is active in the mod list. So we get to choose when to start the quest by disabling the plug.
  12. I want to know if I can stack magic resistance with fire/frost/lightning resistance. There are builds to plan, but the wiki pages have contradicted themselfs over time in this issue, so I dont trust them. Has anyone done any tests recently? Does anyone know for sure?
  13. Wrong, he made the pilgrimage, like many people do. But there's no info whatsoever of him requesting to be a greybeard, you're just making that up from a lack of arguments. Balgruuf simply doesn't want troops in his city. As a stormcloak you should be very aware of his political inclinations, consideing what he says when you beat him in the throne room, despite his life being on the line. He IS an imperial, quit trying to deny lore.
  14. The empire was actually broke after red ring, not able to even carry on minor campaigns like retaking Markarth, let alone relieving hammerfell, or invading. So the Dominion had it better for sure. The situation had obviously improved by the time of the Stormcloak rebelion, considering that the empire can field its own armies now. So the rebuilding part of the deal had worked so far. Bam, right there. No, it's just more conjecture.
  15. The point of the matter at hand is that less than half of skyrim support the stormcloaks. 'Neutrals' remain citizens of the empire unlike them, and didn't ask for the rebelion. It matches the fact that most of the empire wanted peace by the time Cyrodiil was liberated, which is what brought this on.
  16. I explained before that only a few npcs pronounce themselfs pro stormcloaks, even in stormcloak holds. Out of the whole deal, they are a minority. If you feel that the jarls reflect the will of the hold, then Whiterun ultimately sides with the empire, starting out as neutral with simpathy towards the empire, while Winterhold barely has a population. If you consider the stormcloaks themselfs, you must also consider the nords who serve in the legions. So, yes, less then half of skyrim supports the stormcloaks.
  17. It's Hammerfell and less than half of skyrim vs Cyrodiil, High Rock, all the non stormcloaks in skyrim + nord legionaries, and even the Dunmer as inconsequentional as they are. All of them remained loyal/non rebelious. So the idea that most of the empire accepted the WGC compromise as a means for peace is more than logical, as they remained loyal afterwards. And even the stormcloaks didn't rebell right afterwards, it took time, Ulfric, the Markarth incidend, and the intensified Thalmor persecution that followed to tip the bucket, not the WGC alone.
  18. Most of the empire includes Cyrodiil, High Rock and skyrim, who remain largely loyal. I've said it before, you just can't change lore to justify your choice in the civil war. You have to accept the facts and live with it, that part is not up for discussion, bethesda doesn't give us more info. Even the messages in the loading screen state that only by signing the WGC was the empire halt the onslaught of the war, or something. Where imperial propagandists able to hack into bethesda softworks by any chance? If you can't live with the facts, too bad, but dont complain here about something you can't change. Either live with your choice or change it, not the lore.
  19. The Forsworn uprising was the 'little more than chaotic' one, dont mix information. The reach was at peace under native rule, for obvious reasons. They fight, because they dont want to live under precarious nord rule. And I'll add that Igmund never implicates the emperor, he called on Ulfric himself to solve the problem, under the promisse of an illegal reward. The Thalmor couldn't hold Cyrodiil, and Hammerfell for that matter because of indirect imperial help. "In Hammerfell, General Decianus was preparing to drive the Aldmeri back from Skaven when he was ordered to march for Cyrodiil. Unwilling to abandon Hammerfell completely, he allowed a great number of "invalids" to be discharged from the Legions before they marched east. These veterans formed the core of the army that eventually drove Lady Arannelya's forces back across the Alik'r late in 174, taking heavy losses on their retreat from harassing attacks by the Alik'r warriors." About the WGC " No part of the Empire would have accepted these terms in 4E 171, dictated by the Thalmor at swords-point. Titus II would have faced civil war. By 4E 175, most of the Empire welcomed peace at almost any price." The majority vote. http://www.imperial-library.info/content/great-war
  20. Markarth. Slavery, corruption, abuse of power, extorsion, racism, the bad living conditions of the lower class, and the general disreguard for human life, plus the ongoing conflict in and out of the walls makes it the worse place in skyrim by far, from a moral point of view. The corruption in Riften, the Harshness of Dawnstar and the Social problems in Windhelm can't compare to what's going on in the Reach.
  21. We needed a far more epic and demanding final boss fight, plus an overall change in npc's attidude for our deeds to be recognised.
  22. The silver hand. Being a werewolf is kind of controversial, at least the vigilants of stendar seem to agree. Refusing the beast blood should trigger a secondary quest line, where the silverhand try to get a hold of you and give you the option to help them whipe out the companions, like the Alikr asking you to side with them. Maybe even we'd have access to a more complex array of high tier upgradeable silver weapons to match skyforge steel. The forsworn thing also makes sence.
  23. The house of curiosities by Calixto. There was something heartwarming about his apparent personality, the loving way he talks about his deceaced sister, and the simple/childish way he presents his collection of 'rare' items. Even later knowing he was a depraved murderer, I always keep a save for that tour in my playthroughs.
  24. There should be the option to join the war as a freelancer after we are recognised as an allmighty hero, so as to not be regarded as a freeking novice. One way to level up that quest would be to add more ice wraiths, or even one of them ice-ladies, with ice wraiths aproaching from all sides. All that way to that island, only for a freaking ice wraith...
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