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Everything posted by wendera

  1. Hihi! Thanks for the random luv~
  2. Second Question!

    I only half made that Zevran morph. I found a face I liked, then changed the hair, hair color, tattoo and skintone for mah needz. The hair color is actually an armor tint~ That's why it's two-toned. Forgot who made the original morph........ I can probably find out.

    Sorry for writing a twenty part essay on your profile ^-^;;;;;;

  3. ..eventually tried to 'dispose' of her because Lady was the more popular candidate to rule in both the assembly and with King Endrin himself. You can read Trian's diary which backs all this up. In summary, Lady knows that Bhelen *did* give her a nudge to kinslay and didn't exactly defend her from Exile, but she feels it was the 'smart' choice to kill Trian (even though she feels guilty)...
  4. .... and the dwarves you are with only backstab you if you attempt to lie and say "it wasn't me!!!!" Which, technically isn't backstabbing, it just isn't going along with your lie. SO, Lady wasn't REALLY betrayed by Bhelen in my story because as far as she knows, all he did was say that Trian was likely to move against her because of her popularity which turns out to be TRUE. Trian would have..
  5. In response to your questions on my pictures....

    1. Yes, you can kill Trian fo realz. You agree with Bhelen that Trian is a threat and needs to be dealt with. When you find his signet ring on the dudes in the Thaig it looks like he tried to have you killed/disgraced and when you leave, you end up confronting and killing Trian where you would normally find him dead.....

  6. Yay! So that means I guessed the right characters!!!!!!!!!

    Btw, did you see the link I put up in response to your Q about the waitress's dress? It's from Odd's Commoner clothes~

  7. oh, means "Pretty Monkey" So Mizaru would be the pretty monkey lady!(?) Also, sorry for triple post ^-^;;;;
  8. Yay! It does! Was trying to write that on your pic but it was failing~ That's Mizaru in Japanese. At least, the way that it popped in my head initially. Can't think of any other way to write it.
  9. Does Japanese work here? 美猿!
  10. Thanks for the kudos~
  11. Thanks for the birthday wishes ;p
  12. I fixed my profile comment thingy and then spent a while looking at all the other interesting options...... in short, I am easily entertained!
  13. Thanks everyone~ Got the BNB one to work for me by installing and not replacing anything :thumbsup:
  14. I might be blind, but is there a mod that un-Type3's the old ladies? I know there is one for children, but I can't find one for elders. Old Lady Gibson with her boobs hanging out is kinda creepy. I can probably make this mod myself, but I just wanted to know if it existed already before I started editing every single old lady in the GECK.
  15. I had this bug too. I didn't find a way to actually fix it, but using a mod to remove killmoves all together got rid of the problem. I'm using this: Killmove Control
  16. I know you said you don't have any other mods that modify the Whiterun area, but what about npcs? I was ctd-ing because I installed an Ysolda mod and forgot that I had uninstalled apachii's hair mod the day before.
  17. Have you tried changing your resolution size in game settings in the launcher? It might have gotten overwritten somehow. Even if it says like, 1920x1080 when you open the window, change it to something else then change it back so it writes to your ini file.
  18. I have been deactivating mods via the NMM remove function which uninstalls anything added by a mod. I've also poked around in my folder structure a few times to make sure that mods with strange file structures didn't cause NMM to bork up my own. Specs: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (hard drive crashed a while back and could only get my hands on a 32 bit windows for my new hdd x.x) System Manufacturer Gateway System Model FX6840 System Type X86-based PC Processor Intel® Core i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz, 3201 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s) Graphics Chipset ATI Radeon HD 5570 Memory Size 2299 MB Memory Type HyperMemory Core Clock in MHz 650 MHz Memory Clock in MHz 800 MHz Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB Total Physical Memory 2.99 GB Available Physical Memory 1.83 GB Total Virtual Memory 5.98 GB Available Virtual Memory 4.29 GB Page File Space 2.99 GB Also, here's the load order list copied from BOSS's log ====================================== Skyrim.esm Active Update.esm Active CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esm Active ApachiiHair.esm Active RaceCompatibility.esm Active SkyrimURWL.esp Active Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active Dr_Bandolier.esp Active BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp Active AsharaPartyOutfit.esp Active AsharaWeddingOutfit.esp Active Field Mage Outfit.esp Active FlameAtronachArmor.esp Active FullBootForKKSA.esp Active TrissArmorRetextured.esp Active UniqueLeveledItemsUpgrade.esp Active Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Normal Weight).esp Active Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp Active Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp Active Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).esp Active Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp Active Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp Active No Helmets Required.esp Active Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp Active VariousGuardReplacer.esp Active Ysolda.esp Active dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp Active effeminatenazeem.esp Active N_43 Hair Pack.esp Active OrientalRace.esp Active UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Active VanillaUsesCustom.esp Active AsharaRadiantRaiment.esp Active Daedric Extra Armor.esp Active (below this line are individual npc edits) BrelynaMaryon.esp Active CamillaValerius.esp Active CarlottaValentia.esp Active HirelingJenassa.esp Active Annekke.esp Active Mjoll.esp Active Uthgerd.esp Active Taarie.esp Active AelaTheHuntressFacelift.esp Active Ulfric.esp Active Ralof.esp Active Ahlam.esp Active Arcadia.esp Active Betrid.esp Active Borgakh.esp Active Bryling.esp Active Delphine.esp Active ElisifTheFair.esp Active Eola.esp Active Faida.esp Active Faralda.esp Active FraliaGrayMane.esp Active Fridrika.esp Active HirelingErikTheSlayer.esp Active HirelingVorstag.esp Active Maven.esp Active MirabelleErvine.esp Active Sigrid.esp Active Tonilia.esp Active Torvar.esp Active Claymore.esp
  19. RESOLVED: After installing a 64-bit windows, all issues ceased. Was a memory issue~ --------------------- So lately I've been getting a lot of strange texture problems and a crapton of ctd's. There are random missing textures and some textures that seem to have alpha issues - all from mods. The strange part is that I *know* the game can load the textures since in one game session a certain texture can go from fine to missing to fine to broken as I change areas. Two NPCs can have the same armor on and be standing right next to each other, and one set of armor will be missing its textures and the other one will be normal. I've been playing around with the load order on my mods and deactivating them one at a time to try and see what's what, but I can't seem to pin down the issue. I'm starting to think it might be a memory problem, but I'm crossing my fingers that it's not. I've used the opt textures program to reduce the filesize to see if that helped, but while the game is working faster, I haven't seen a difference in the amount of random missing/broken textures. So basically, my question here is what is the most likely culprit?
  20. I'd recommend Blender, mostly because it's free. You can also use 3ds max to edit meshes too. There are tutorials for these programs all over the place and there are guides to import the meshes into Skyrim in the sticky here. You'll need Nifskope as well. Info for that program should be in the sticky as well.
  21. I've been searching the forums for info on how the game handles custom races because I eventually want to make my own. I know that Oblivion needed that custom race fix for the game to function properly (or at least to get out of the tutorial dungeon), so what about in Skyrim? I know there is a similar 'race check' right after you create your character and also many race-specific dialogues throughout the game. So are people at this point making a vanilla character, then switching to custom after Helgen? I'd still think that this would cause many dialogues to either glitch or not trigger at all. Or, are people just copying races at this point and letting the game think that the custom race is one of the vanilla ones?
  22. If I'm not mistaken, the ears are attached to the head mesh. I'm assuming you're trying to make some sort of chocolate-elf-like race so it'd be easiest to edit the redguard head mesh in your preferred program and lengthen the ears to a more elfish shape. You might also have to edit the textures to match. If you want to save your progress, just click the save button and make a new esp. Make sure the first time you do this that you don't have an active esp or it'll overwrite that one. Although, since you're just making a new race, you should only have the skyrim.esm checked anyway. I personally like to keep a working copy and a backup of whatever esp I'm working on, just in case I break something ^-^
  23. That look's like SK KKK's hair. Should find a link to it here at the retex mod.
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