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About cormell

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  1. OK. With some advice from a friend, I went to my Steam library and ran the verification routine. It found corrupted files. Fixed them and now everything seems to be OK.
  2. Actually you have to have the .ini files in place to launch the game. The game launcher says I need to download the game from Steam -- start again -- since there are no ini files. Not surprising. But what is surprising is that when I launch Vortex, I get the exact same error as before. Occurring at the same line number and column number despite the fact that there is no .ini file present. Apparently the error is not in the .ini file. Do you know what the \xHH form is? "unknown character in \xHH form"
  3. I appreciate you help. I installed an old copy of Fallout.ini from August. I still get the same error at the same line number (21) and column number (27) even though the two files are different. I'm not very good at debugging these things. But I don't understand how the error could be at the identical location since the first 21 lines of the two ini files are different. Do you know what the \xHH form is?
  4. I've been getting this error message for a couple of weeks. I am currently using Vortex to mod Fallout 4. I don't know what version of Vortex I have, but every time I get a message that a new version is available, I update. Could you tell me how I can initialize LOOT. This is the error message: Error: libloadorder failed to create a game handle. Details: Failed to parse ini file, error at line 21, column 27: unknown character in \xHH form: Libloadorder error at l.handleResponse (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\bundledPlugins\gamebryo-plugin-management\index.js:2:619583) at C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\bundledPlugins\gamebryo-plugin-management\index.js:2:618056 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\bundledPlugins\gamebryo-plugin-management\index.js:2:618039) at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28) at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:324:12) at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:297:9) at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:234:10) at Pipe.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)
  5. Duh and double duh. Problem solved. As everyone has been telling me is to add this line to CreationKit.ini (or CreationKitCustom.ini or both) bAllowMutlipleMasterLoads=1 I cut and pasted that line from one of the forum suggested solutions. But it didn't work. Ten minutes ago the dyslexia finally unscrambled. Notice the spelling of Multiple.
  6. Thank you pepperman. Yes, the precombines for the settlement are broken. That is why I am trying to load the esp into the CK. The esp is one I made for a settlement in Far Harbor (a Transfer Settlements Blueprint). I am hoping to do some re-combines in the CK and improve the rendering / frame rate. And yes that is a good reference article for FO4 Optimization -- I refer to it often.
  7. Thanks. I added the extra line bAllowMultipleMasterFiles=1 to the Custom.ini, but no luck. (I already had the line for MUltipleMasterLoads.) The esp file is called PentWater it's a Transfer Settlements Blue Print converted to an esp. As you can see in this CK window, it has several masters. https://puu.sh/IjcNu/38f829f9ff.png Too many, I suppose. I've tried a lot of things. I'm trying to find a way to improve the fps hit for the Settlement since nothing has been combined. I was hoping to do that in the CK.
  8. Yes -- The mod to convert BPs to esp's works. I have some terrible fps losses in the settlement I'm working on. I'm hoping that fixing re-combines in the CK would help. The problem I've had is that when I try to open the esp in the CK, I run into the multiple masters problem. Not a new issue, but I haven't been able to fix it in FO4, There was no problem in FNV or Skyrim, you just had to modify the CK.ini to tell it allow multiple masters. I haven't been able to get that to work. (under General -- bAllowMutlipleMasterLoads=1 ) I've seen a couple of videos from a few years ago where that change worked. I wonder if something has changed since then or whether I'm missing something.
  9. Thanks, but... I've been trying to debug this for several hours. (Several different and incorrect solutions have been posted unfortunately.) I dunno I was able to do this for GECK and CK in Skyrim. I don't know why it's not working here. Possibly, the CK has been changed since 2018? Although I did see this vid for 2020 -- I have also added the extra ba2 files to SResourceArchiveList2 in Fallout4.ini This was suggested by several people, but that didn't help. The esp that I'm trying to load into CK is a converted Transfer Settlements BP so it also has masters like Homemaker and SOE. I remember having problems with Lings.esm for other games. I wonder if that is the problem here.
  10. In response to post #67076411. Ditto. Petty move by GameFront.
  11. In response to post #37179945. #37180065, #37187110, #37187155, #37187485, #37188675, #37188720 are all replies on the same post. Where's appdata? Must be in a different place in Windows 7 Can't find plugins.txt either. Thanks Morgan. I should have read all of the 379 posts. lol
  12. A number of hot keys are disabled and bindings gone after this patch. For example, in workshop placement of a new object, the "F" which rotates objects -- say a bed your trying to squeeze into a shack -- no longer works. "At least do no harm." No problems with CTD that others noticed. FO4 is sooo much better tha FNV in that respect.
  13. My GTX 780 just died. I thought I would try to play at low resolution and no enb. I get the renderer error. Dizz, I don't know how to use Steam to re-verify the game. What does that mean.
  14. The removeGhost.esp worked. Thanks. The console command gives the error "Could not parse the line". I believe I typed the correct syntax. Anyway, it's something I am going to have some fun with. Auslander has already posted a video with a ghost character. Fun stuff.
  15. Thanks, it does work. But... is there a reset? Even after I unclick the .esp, my character remains semi-transparent.
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