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Everything posted by Kojak0

  1. If I may add to this old problem: When I enter Solitude there is only one person at the stage, one of the elven women from the clothes shop, so I can't even try to advance the game by killing Roggvir. I have tried pretty much all the setstage commands suggested as well as trying to sleep, wait and so on, but nothing helps. And here's the kicker: the game is freshly installed without any mods whatsoever. The only problematic part is that I have Barbas and Lydia joing me, but how they could affect the game, I have no idea. I did try to kick Barbas out before entering, but no luck. So, I'm quite stumped to be honest.
  2. Awesome suggestions people - especially that caravan one will be looked at. Thanks guys, you are the best.
  3. A little background: I have razed pretty much the entire Sanctuary settlement and replaced it with my own not so hole-y buildings. One problem though: Trashcan Carla tends to set up shop at the same place all the time, and before when that was a street, it was all good, but now I have a bar there. I don't mind Carla there, but her damn brahmin spawns in there all the time. I have tried to use the brahmin relocator mod (awesome btw), but it doesn't help - as long as Carla is around, the brahmin teleports back to her. Now, I have thanks to the scrap everything mod (THANK YOU) found a couple of invisible entities for set animations, but I never found one for the travelling merchants. So, could a mod be made that just moves the rallying point for the merchant (and the crew and brahmin of course) off to the side? I would be happy to make some accomodations for them, but if not, I would be just as glad to not have Carla show up.
  4. Thank you - that might be what I have been looking for; I did install - and uninstall - a few mods that didn't work properly, so I might have screwed up by not following the right procedures.
  5. I'd like to add to this topic, even if I know its kind of old: my problem is that the cathegory for generators and water have disappeared. I have a suspicion that its one of the later mods I've installed that screws things up, but I think I have disabled pretty much every one of them trying to get this to work. Load order:
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