Well, The new design is quite good but there are still 2-3 things annonying me: - Could we decide in the options the order of the sections to show (or hide) in the home page ? for example, i don't want to see the media part, is there a way to place it last in the page or hide it (without adblocking it :p ). - For the Hot Files, place a bit of opacity in the background color of the description, because sometimes it's unreadeable on the picture. - In the mod Page, i find the header too big to be a header or not big enough for a cover. For me, it's like an book's cover cut in half. Either you put directly an image in fullscreen with one or 2 informations on it and we scroll to know more, either you place the header with a smaller image, (in the old design it was good, the header didn't take too much space). Oh and again a small background opacity on the text in the header for contrast with the image sometimes. Apart that, i find the rest quite good.