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  1. hllckgrny If I understood correctly, the graphics got messed up after installing 10 mods. Check the configuration file (org in the docs). I don't know how it is in OpenMW, but in the standard game, if there is no file to load, the following mods won't load. This happens when a mod is uninstalled but not disabled.
  2. Argonian swimming animation is played only for the race named 'Argonian'. The animation does not work for other races.
  3. You should ask about this on Discord OpenMW. And here there is still a fixed topic from 2004 about the impossibility of playing OnLine.
  4. You don't need to use "resurrection" in the script on the creature. It should disappear after 2 days. If "resurrection" coincides with the disappearance, CTD occurs.
  5. If you remove all the files menu_...dds(21pt) and tx_menubook_...dds(18pt), the English menu pictures will be taken from the game archive. You do not need to change anything in the Morrowind.ini file.
  6. Delete the files in the Textures folder: menu_credits.dds ... menu_savegame_pressed.dds tx_menubook_cancel_idle.dds ... Tx_menubook_topics_pressed.dds
  7. This problem can be seen in OpenMW. There is a different processing of collisions. The animations are made without regard to OpenMW. A script is used to disable animated NPC collisions, but I don't work with OpenMW.
  8. CS will mark 9 cells (3*3), even if you have not changed anything in the neighboring cells. "Superfluous" cells can be cleared, for example, by TESTool. (Only in it you can not use "JUST FIX IT!", otherwise you will ruin the mod.)
  9. Changing the landscape automatically marks all neighboring cells with stars.
  10. These lines are formed automatically (except the first 16).Then everyone has a different order. Just delete this line.
  11. @EriBoden > The women in my game have glowing crotches. Compatibility: ==============This version used textures of 'peanut gallery version'.If you use other textures can discrepancy color feminine detailing for Nude version.(In this case, remove the textures: bb_decalf_xx.dds)
  12. There are no responsibilities here. You are better off working in your own language. wiwiland is a dead site. Refer to the fraternity website: https://www.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr
  13. I also don't have a CD drive because I don't need one. The flash drive is more convenient and doesn't have a scratchy surface. The absence of CDs is compensated by virtual disk drives and the connection of disk images. If I'm not mistaken, QoL is a set of mods for comfortable play. The author of the question wants to quickly install a ready-made set, not to choose mods and solve compatibility problems.
  14. @AndalTheManhunter The deaf do not hear, the blind do not see... I give you one last simple answer to a simple question: > Is there a mod, or something I can do to make it so invisibility effects dont end instantly when you touch something? I have not seen any mods that change invisibility to 100% chameleon. You can change the birth sign yourself in the editor or ask other authors to make you a mod. Instead, you prove that it must be so. Invisibility and chameleon are different things for different purposes and I don't want to argue with you. Why did you tell me you were being abused here? You want me to feel sorry for you and protect you? This conversation is over. Argue to the others.
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