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Everything posted by MasamuneZenith

  1. Welp. I gotta say whether WARS is released or not, I wanna see this very much.
  2. I must say that the work on the Thompson is looking excellent. Very nice model there. I do hope you'll consider that extended barrel as well. And yes, the BAR's "Monitor" relative would also be an interesting option to include, though personally I like the idea of the attachments featured in the previous BAR pic I shared, but with the addition of a Thompson style vertical grip. I know, sounds crazy, but it's apparently been done before.
  3. I'm highly interested in this idea. I especially want to see someone tackle the Thompson SMG and finally put it with a working M1928 vertical grip and extended barrel option in the game. I also very much want to see more variation in the BAR and it's many unique configurations, such as the Colt Monitor and whatever this thing is. https://www.dropbox.com/s/uuj1alqb7wh9dg0/82a8d9-Grand%20Theft%20Auto%20V%203_19_2017%2011_26_46%20PM.png?dl=0 Would also like to see the PKM LMG in some shape or form. I'm sorry, I don't know if this is open to suggestion. I'm just rather excited by the idea.
  4. I'd be really surprised if I'm the first to ask for this, but I honestly feel like no one has given that it's not been done yet. I've been hoping someone would do a version of the Tommy or "submachine" gun with the classic wooden vertical foregrip. I've seen several weapon mods out there that had animations compatible with vertical grips, so I feel like it's time for this to be a thing. I'd also appreciate a mod to add extended barrels, as the model had those as well. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NtPC2jQX-jA/T-Y9sRiL4NI/AAAAAAAAAlA/jtsEbUhbIgQ/s1600/2%2Bthompsons%2B003.JPG Seriously, how has no one jumped on this one yet? It feels like it should've happened much sooner.
  5. So I was wondering if someone could do a long barrel and long ported barrel attachment for the SMG. The real Thompson M1A1 did have such a barrel and would be a nice inclusion to it's modifications. Would probably do the usual stat changes for the weapon with long barrels, increased range and possibly damage, lower hip fire accuracy and such. Example of tommy guns with the long barrel: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NtPC2jQX-jA/T-Y9sRiL4NI/AAAAAAAAAlA/jtsEbUhbIgQ/s1600/2%2Bthompsons%2B003.JPG
  6. Seems I'm totally unable to find the version of Modern Firearms featuring the M60. I know it's out there, I've seen the video. But the Nexus doesn't have it. Do you perhaps have a link to it?
  7. I may need to take another look at that mod, then. I tried it but didn't care for it much. I felt like the guns they selected were a bit out of touch for the game, but it's more a personal taste. I'm looking for weapons that are more specifically base around the post WW1 to WW2 to Vietnam eras. Also, most folks that develop video games indeed have not so much as held a gun let alone used one. It's a frequent circumstance. As for the RPK, there's not much to say about it other than it's just a heavy duty AK with a drum mag, and personally I'm so done with AKs. I realize there's a lot of merit in them in reality, they are indeed great reliable weapons. But I hate how they're so popular and "everyone's assault rifle".
  8. Indeed, the M60 was actually used in the first Fallout game. And the PPSH was in Fallout 3, however it was incorrectly used by the game as the "combat shotgun". I believe part of the reason why don't utilize real world weaponry or make as much reference to it is because that certain companies that own the weapons may require rights to do so. This is why games like Payday 2 have many recognizable firearms, but all are renamed to something different than the real world counterpart.
  9. This is meant to be a list of (more or less) Fallout lore themed weapons that I would personally enjoy seeing added to the game. It's not meant to be exclusive to my own tastes, so feel free to post your own suggestions too. M1 Garand http://www.memorableplaces.com/m1garand/flagm1nobayonetwallpapermemorableplacesdotcom.jpg M60 Machine Gun http://www.gunsforfilm.com/photo_gallery/MACHINE%20GUN/slides/MACHINEGUN,%20M60%205,%20NON%20FIRING.jpg http://imagesmtv-a.akamaihd.net/uri/mgid:ao:image:mtv.com:126774?quality=0.8&format=jpg&height=495&width=660 PPSH Submachine Gun http://users.atw.hu/pusztitoklanja/ppsh41.jpg 1887 Lever Action Shotgun http://www.taylorsfirearms.com/media/catalog/category/1887-Lever-Action-Shotgun-1280.jpg http://www.originalprop.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/terminator-2-sd-screencapture-shotgun-movie-prop-10.jpg M3 Submachine Gun http://world.guns.ru/userfiles/images/smg/smg32/m3_gg1.jpg http://www.e-sarcoinc.com/images/lucas%20grease%20gun.png RPD Light Machine Gun http://www.deactivated-guns.co.uk/images/uploads/rpd/RPD-027304.jpg http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/e/ef/DS_Arms_RPD.jpg/500px-DS_Arms_RPD.jpg MP40 Submachine Gun http://www.deactivated-guns.co.uk/images/uploads/1mp402459/mp40_44-023812.jpg PKM Machine Gun http://www.forgottenweapons.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/pk.jpg http://www.janes.com/images/assets/019/54019/main_p1642804.jpg M79 Grenade Launcher http://world.guns.ru/userfiles/images/grenade/gl06/m79-2.jpg Stoner 63 Machine Gun http://weaponblueprints.com/mongo/pictures/Stoner-commando-right-side.jpg http://www.modernforces.com/img/new_site/stoner_1_450.jpg MG42 http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/0/0d/Mg42drummag.jpg/400px-Mg42drummag.jpg http://www.ww2incolor.com/d/50441-4/mg34tr4 M1897 Trench Shotgun http://www.tokyohobby.net/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/p/i/pic_4661_1.jpg http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa115/KenworthW900/Retro%20Airsoft%20Rifle/m1897tanaka2.jpg DP 28 Machine Gun http://s3.amazonaws.com/bidsquare_assets/www.cowansauctions.com/itemimages-8880826.jpg http://www.apexgunparts.com/media/catalog/category/DPM_Catagory_Image_Web_1.jpg China Lake Grenade Launcher http://mygaming.co.za/news/wp-content/uploads/black_ops_weapon_china_lake_launcher_US_M79_601988951.jpg Possibly more to come in the future, please add your thoughts and suggestions!
  10. Okay, so right now I'm attempting to do a mesh switch with some of the weapon attachments. I'm trying to swap the combat rifle's compensator and muzzle brake with that of the pipe rifle. I thought I had it when I extracted the .nifs into the proper directory, then selected which model I wanted to use, but when I booted the game the change didn't seem to take. Am I missing something? Edit: I figured out my mistake. I simply didn't activate the .esp after saving it before loading the game.
  11. That was my problem. I had to "import". If you're not using Blender, what do you use? I might like to try it.
  12. So, I want to learn how to change the models of items and weapons in the game. I'm close to figuring it out, except for one drawback. When I export a .nif model into an .obj, Blender doesn't seem able to find the .obj files I've exported. I'm looking in the correct folder, but all that's available for me to select are more folders inside it rather than the files I need. So I guess my question is, how do I properly upload a model from the game into Blender?
  13. I have a request that seems pretty simple, but I'm unsure how to do it myself yet. Since Far Harbor has been released I've found I rather like the lever action rifle's compensator mod. I do however think it would be more appropriate on weapons like the combat rifle, assault rifle, submachine gun, and radium rifle. So I'd like to ask if someone could replace the meshes for the compensators and muzzle brakes found on those weapons to the model of the lever action rifle's compensator.
  14. I see. There's another issue. I notice that some of the mods I see aren't clearly named to corresponding weapons. For instance, this one "AAA_mod_TEMPLATE_Muzzle_Brake". How am I supposed to know exactly which weapon that mod goes to?
  15. Hey guys. So the Creation Kit's been out for a little while and I've already learned how to play around with the base stats of items and weapons. But now I'm trying to figure out how mod mods. You know, weapon mods. What they do and maybe how they look. Thing is, I'm not sure how or where to find them in the CK. Are they somewhere connected to the base weapons, or are they a separate data material? Could use some help from anyone with experience, thanks.
  16. I remember several mod "attempts" to implement an old school tommy gun with a vertical grip in NV. But none of them were great as the characters would still hold it by the bottom of the weapon. That's another thing that will have to be dealt with if a decent model featuring a vertical grip is made, making proper animations for the weapon so it doesn't end up looking silly. At the moment, I'm not aware of any weapons in game that already exist with a vertical grip or similar animation to using one.
  17. Two things. One. Okay, so Spray N' Pray is in fact a pretty damn nice weapon. But it's ONLY that gun, and ONLY because of that legendary effect. All other submachine guns are pretty awful, including any that you pick up in between the time it takes for you to actually get your hands on the SNP. I want ALL the submachine guns to feel useful, because I like giving them to my settlers and companions. The good news is that there are already mods that address this topic and fix the issue, and furthermore the Creation Kit is released. Which means I can make my own variation on it. Two. You are 111% correct that the submachine gun needs that vertical grip. It does NOT feel complete without it, especially for the gangster noir feeling that this game attempts with it. I'm desperately hoping that someone makes a new model for it soon.
  18. Ah, yes. I've had this problem before too, but you can use a console code to fix it. Type into console "prid 1a4d7", press enter, then follow it with "moveto player", enter again, exit the console, and Preston should appear right next to you. If it doesn't won't right away, try doing it in 3rd person. That seems to help for some reason.
  19. So, I've got a problem with the Minutemen radiant quests. Namely the fact that Preston refuses to give me any. I'm already over aware that most people would call this the opposite of a problem because he's supposed to give you one nearly every time you turn around. Unfortunately for me I actually rather enjoy these quests. I also planned on doing an all out MM playthrough this time and have found that it's literally impossible to get some of the settlements in the game to join you without them. What Preston refuses to NOT STOP doing is asking me if it's time for that "talk", referring to his admission of reverence and appreciation of how awesome I am for kicking raider, feral and super mutant asses, taking back the Castle, and what a good friend I've been and reaching max level affinity with him. It's not so much that every time I speak to him it happens, but it seems to be taking the place of when he should be giving me quests as after going through the dialogue with him several times only causes it to repeat later on down the line. I'm assuming this has something to do with the most recent update to go in hand with the Creation Kit, which by the way removed a BUNCH of my save files making it impossible to go back to the point before taking the Castle in my playthrough. If anyone knows or could make a way to scoot him past this so I can get back to rounding up the settlements, I'd be very appreciative. I don't even mind using console codes to get it rolling, I just don't know which I need. PS: I should also mention that no quests come through Radio Freedom, either. Literally unable to get any MM quests. At all.
  20. And that's why I want one. Because as neat as it is, the combat rifle is no BAR.
  21. Yes, please. One of my top favorite historical weapons.Known as the Automatic Rifle in Fallout: New Vegas' Dead Money expansion, I feel this would have a good place in this game. It should be powerful using the .308 ammunition, decently accurate, but slow firing at least until you get the proper upgrades. Here's some pictures of the gun and some possible mods to go with it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/txl9exzb8kowzjs/bar.jpeg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/q88rs0whh94vifa/compensator.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/q3fs90j1h3scib6/pistolgrip.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/pg3s7rh9gch7bmd/heavystock.jpg?dl=0
  22. I have to say the default 3rd person camera in Fallout 4 is a great deal better than 3 or NV, but it still has it's problems. For one, just like Skyrim, it zooms in and out much too slowly. I'm a FPS person and I like seeing exactly where I'm aiming, but I like looking at my character in 3rd person while traveling to get a better look at the world overall. So when I'm walking through the woods and see I'm flanked by a yao guai or something, I want my FPS view to zip right up when I need it so I can enter "OSHITKILLITBEFOREITGETSCLOSETOME" mode. Secondly I'd also like to tweak the distance of the 3rd person camera to be just a little further. Anyone know how to help me out?
  23. I see. That's one of the reasons i like the GTA V mg so much, I like the base appearance of the PKM, but they made it all modernized and tactical. As for Millenia's stuff, I'm aware he's done one and it is quite nice. He may not port any of his mods, but that doesn't mean he may not make some fresh versions of old models.
  24. I really enjoy the look of the drifter outfit, spike armor, and cage armor. They give the character a very rough and rugged look which works well in the game's atmosphere. There is one nitpick I have about them though which is I feel the coats ought to be a tad longer, I'd say right around the ankles similar to the leather coat outfits. I'm not sure if this could be done yet without the creation kit or tools like Blender and Nifskope, but if someone could look into it I'd really appreciate it.
  25. Awesome. I'll pop this into my game right away. Did you also account for the unique smgs, the Silver Submachine Gun and the Spray n Pray?
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