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Everything posted by RomeoJGuy

  1. Many times pirated software originally comes from countries that the software is not marketed/sold in to begin with. Then someone comes along and hacks it and distributes it legally in their own country. Personally I believe that DRM is made more to discourage PC gaming in general than to protect a game... Name one single game whose DRM wasn't broken? However, executives believe that DRM will increase first week sales because it takes time for the software to be hacked. But what they don't realize is that most people have integrity and if they believe the software is worth it they will buy it. Not everyone is willing to steal just because they won't get caught. I don't think Steam DRM is draconian or anything. But it is inconvenient. You technically can run steam in offline mode once you activate the game though The fact of the matter though? ALT+CTRL+Delete and check your task manager... Right now, I haven't even used steam today and it's using up almost 100mb of my ram while in the background/in the quick launch icon. that is a lie, it only uses a lot of ram if you have the steam window opened at all since you started it. If you just start steam leave it in your tray and run the game by right-clicking the tray and choosing one of your recent played it only will use 5mb or less for running steam.... kthxbai
  2. Don't use a Graphics injector to make your dungeons darker.... it is the wrong way... It will only affect the visuals and so the AI will not be affected by the dungeon being darker and so will still find you easy as pie if you are sneaking somewhere that the game considers to be brighter.
  3. I actually looked at every bit of info on that engine reason I say unreal can because I used it for 4 years back when I did level design about the same concept for movable water and they also had interactive water. Even fog was pretty good in unreal not the lod zoning fog but rather using an emitter actor to create volumetric fog that has gravity and collision. Well the fog might of not looked 100% realistic because its extremely slow moving and the variables can only go so low You could not do water as described in the engine... wave paths are determined by the perpendicular direction of the intersection of water plane and terrain plane which unreal had nothing to do such a concept out of the box nor in any game that used the engine to my knowledge. Pretty sure that unreal did not use trochoidal equations for its wave formation, nor to adjust the skew based on the distance from the sea floor to the water mesh. I call bologna.
  4. I think it is obvious what happened to the dwemer, they delved to deeply, awoke some nameless forgotten beasts. They then proceeded to bend over and take a genocidal destruction of their race.
  5. Wearing dark brotherhood armor, is saying here I am look at me, I am in the dark brotherhood, a cult bent on killing people for fun and money.... or wearing thieves guild armor and they should know you are a pilferer. But beyond that, after someone is wanted ie they were witnessed committing crimes and had numerous bounties then everyone in skyrim ought to recognize you same way FBI has most wanted.... obviously someone who is killing without getting bounties and being witnessed should not have issues being in general public....
  6. and why is that???? Why is what. well you claim that it can't run on a console. under what reasoning?
  7. Graphics engine may refer to: Game engine no such thing googled it, and all i can find is it referring me to game engines. The core functionality typically provided by a game engine includes a rendering engine - in which renders the Graphics/misc. not a computer freak in this way, just know about games. but i don't see a way to go against this here. Guess i need to call a Friend he could answer this in matter of minutes. :wallbash: :facepalm: A rendering engine has nothing to do with the game logic. Unreal engine is used on many different games, but they all have wildly varying game logic, and even changes to the rendering engine. And for any familiar with sourcemods it is exactly the game logic that you modify to create your mod, you don't get access to any underlying engine components like the renderer
  8. ummm, what does mods gotta do with this? It should be in the game from the start not need mod to do it.... why does every time someone complains about something people just say mod this, mod that,
  9. its about time beth did this, hopefully it will make installing mods easier
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvhr3PFHX-k&feature=related nein! 0:22-ish
  11. Well already they offer a truly "evil" path if you join the dark brotherhood.... but it seems to me they completely butchered the dark brotherhood as it was already very lame questline.... nothing like the oblivion questline, but people either always know you are in it, or they don't know even when you prance down, down to a skyrim town wearing your evil armor types. Not to mention if they all know you are in the dark brotherhood already it doesn't matter if you are wearing normal clothes they still recognize you.... But even when you finish the main quest not much changes in respect to how your character is treated.... it is like business as usual.
  12. well maybe in the future they can structure the game better to allow different characters to function in it in a believable way. For instance, if you are evil then you can't go to towns to buy things, you have to either sneak into town (needs open cities type thing) or have other ways to attain items added. Like there could be a person in the dark brotherhood who can craft things and he would sell stuff to you. Or in the thief's guild the fences would have random stuff that could be good or bad for you to rummage through
  13. elder scolls games are notorious for crappy occlusion culling solutions, skyrim is the first game I noticed they actually do some degree of culling.
  14. Well at there very least, you'd think other guilds like the Companions would not allow me to join or would actively hunt me for being in the dark brotherhood, especially if I waltz around down in my evil garb....
  15. Even when I am evil like a dark brotherhood person, I don't get infamous nor do I have any consequences for being evil.... I can O! tra-la-la-lally here down in the valley and just waltz into the town and buy supplies, flirt with the menfolk, and not get any kind of change from when I am a good character.... the worse they'll do is comment on me being in the dark brotherhood...
  16. lol wut? do you remember how they even looked? http://www.thisblogrules.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/all-videos_adoringfan.jpg puke.... looks like a human with pointy ears and slight change of skin tone. Skyrim elves look way more morrowind like.
  17. it just looks the same except darker overall... edit: also agree with above.... what is enhanced about it? I'm not sure the craze of post-process "enhancing"... I personally never see from any of the mods that say enhanced anything really enhanced; just adjusted colors, brightness, etc. sharpen filter, etc. etc.
  18. wasn't funny, trolls aren't supposed to be obvious....
  19. Well I think either they shouldn't be able to be chosen for pickpocket quest targets or they should be pickpocketable... I'm not sure what is easier, and since I can't comment into the download there is no way to tell the author of the mod. BUT... (edit) The thing with pickpocketable children is that then you would have them able to be nude because you could take their clothes off with the pickpocket perk... which in a way is child porn especially if someone uses a nude mod. So I think its best to just not allow children to be targets
  20. When you are using the killable children mod I find that they are often selected as targets for Thieves guild fishing jobs.... Only problem is they are not capable of being pickpocketed so you are forced to fail the mission. The comments for the mod are locked on the downloads so there was no way to report this.... Does this happen for others?
  21. Actually he refers to their ears as leaf shaped which does imply a pointed shape.
  22. All the regions were able to be visited in Arena... so it is irrelevant I think if they've been visited before
  23. Nobody has claimed a woman can't be a strong leader... but to be a strong warrior is not very likely.... women are just not built for such tasks. Body shape, hormonal levels, base muscle mass and distribution, etc, etc. the list goes on. And if the OP was so inclined to be so worried about it, they would have known what they say is false, since there are enough examples of female leaders and even warriors in the game, not to mention numerous swords-for-hire that are female and can be used as companions. Smells like this thread was for baiting an argument about gender.
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