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Everything posted by RomeoJGuy
first thing I do when looking for oblivion mods now is block tags like anime, sexy, nude, boobs, pretty, etc. so mod to your heart's content, doesn't bother anyone. As long as no one is trying to push Bethesda to include crap like that in future games no problems.
Per-object motion blur is nice, post-process motion blur is not.
If you don't like the way the elves looks then play a human or other race.... then you can mod it, but I think it doesn't make sense to tell Bethesda to demand that you can use sliders to make all races essentially identical with different colored skin.... It is not said directly this is the desire, but it is clear that all the features that make elves stick out from humans are to be "softened" because soft is apparently the only way we can tell a male from a female. I have not once yet in the game been unable to tell a male elf from a female elf. There are clear differences especially in the eyes that make it very easy to tell.
That is the one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. No - naturally, it's totally 50/50. The male's gamete is what determines the sex of the offspring. He produces an equal 50/50 amount of gametes, half containing an X chromosome (leading to female offspring) and the other half a Y chromosome (leading to male offspring). The balance really only gets thrown off when people purposely disrupt it, i.e sex-selective abortions. Uhh... testosterone IS a hormone. And actually, the excuse that "it's fantasy" DOES work because... it's fantasy, not reality, it's make-believe and therefore we use our imaginations. "Rules" of reality do not apply to fantasy, so human physiology doesn't have to be applied to make believe people and creatures. In this world of make believe an Orc woman can very well be as strong as a man - same with Khajiits, Argonias, the whole lot of them. But even in real life a woman could easily be as strong as any man if she has the motivation to work at it. You should meet a friend of mine - she's in the military, and she's ludicrously strong in both upper and lower body. She can bench press 300 pounds and can best almost any man in a wrestling match. And no, that really isn't true. The Y is small, but it has not "lost" and genes at least since we diverged from chimpanzees millions of years ago. I would like to point out that in my ancestors culture (the celts) women were just as bad ass as the men. Their three main war deities were goddesses. There was a traditional of females teaching the men how to fight. Society was matriarchal, lineage passed through the mother. Several of the most notable celtic warriors were women - Boudicca for instance, and the Pirate Queen Grainne. Not related to the celts, but in ancient sumeria, the death god was female... and the sun deity in japan (which is usually male elsewhere), was female. So lets stop the women are the weaker sex nonsense. How do the deities and beliefs of your culture prove that women are "as strong as men"? It's a fact, a physical fact that can not be disproven, and it's true for most mammals. Why does an elephant become aggressive when he enters musk? Because testosterone is being produced in excess. The same thing occurs within stags. Testosterone effects many male traits - body hair, muscle tone and growth. It also effects aggression. You know what produces the most testosterone on a living being? The testicles. On the other hand, hormones effect things like breast growth, and when a woman hits menopause, or experiences menstration, the hormone levels produced by the uterus change - altering body fat, emotions, and other physical factors. Women don't grow the way men do, it's a fact that's been hard-wired in since our caveman days, when women would focus on breast feeding and rearing children, and men would gather, hunt, and protect what was seen as "vital resources". As such, women had no need to develop huge forms of muscles. Without a ton of testosterone, a woman STILL can't get close to what a man can get to in muscle mass. Physically, the majority of woman are weaker than men. Female bodies don' have the strength of male bodies. Throwing around that your culture revered women as beings of power is like saying we should worship certain animals such as cows and cats as being stronger than they actually are, simply because the Egyptians thought they represented an ideal, or power, or unseen force. It's culture, not actuality. Physically, a woman is weaker than a man because they don't produce even close to the amount of testosterone. Not to mention women are often smaller; hands, feet, height, etc. He was pointing out the physical, and it's true; our science and history back it up. Women are the (physically) weaker sex. Yeah, no, you're being extremely close minded and clearly have not studied what you are talking about in any depth. Early human women did not just sit around all day doing absolutely nothing but raising kids - they too would forage and hunt and make stone tools, etc. Do you honestly think males could have managed every little thing on their own? No, they couldn't have. In a small, isolated tribal community, each and every person has to do a share of the physical work in order to survive. In regards to physical strength, men dominate in upper body, but women completely dominate in lower body strength. Each comes with its own uses and advantages in any environment, and every individual is perfectly capable of any sort of physical activity if they take the initiative to do so. You should study anthropology; you'll really learn a lot. It was by no means physical strength that got the human race to where we are. It's a pretty mundane thing, really: just look at orangutans... they're just an average intelligence primate like any other, even though they are many times stronger than any human being and could tear and adult man to pieces. (heck, it wasn't even our brains that got us to where we are: it was our ability to adapt to different and changing environments) But whatever, I don't really care because this IS NOT what my post was about at ALL and I'd like for it to stop. It's a video game and I was asking a simple question about lore. Chill. Is a lie.... women are in no way stronger than men on average for any part. It is true that for lower body the gap between male strength and women strength is less but males are still stronger in both aspects.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_humans#Strength.2C_power_and_muscle_mass Two things to say.... testosterone is one of the main ingredients to initiating muscular growth after working out. That is why it is very difficult for women to bulk up instead of just tone up while for men it is much easier to bulk up and build additional muscle mass. Women who can build up either produce more testosterone than average female or they supplement with additional synthetic testosterone. Though with regard to the dragonborn is generally irrelevant, but creating a believable world generally requires to treat things with some sense of reality. Women generally are not built to be warriors nor do they have the aggression due to much less testosterone to really desire to engage in aggressive activities. Unrelated to the above quoted: I also love how my past comment generated troll calling. It is really sad when the word troll became mainstream and idiots who can't use it properly call anyone they disagree with a troll.
Trolling again. You are accusing me or what amounts to racism and I am not going to stand for that. I live in a multi ethnic community and find that in each ethnic group, the males and females look distinctly different. It's as simple as that. It beggars belief that you and likeitsillegal are now playing the race card just for me pointing out the fact that males and females, and I am talking about HUMANOID races, after all the elves are humanoid though not HUMAN, look different. Really, that is utterly ridiculous and nothing more than an attempt at troublemaking. It's also defamation. I repeat, those of us who do not like what Bethesda has done with the elves are prepared to mod the features we don't like when the CS comes out, those who do like them can leave them as they are. It's beyond dispute that Beth have crippled the chargen and limited the sliders so let's hope a UI mod can put them back in, something similar happened with Dragon Age. So far as I am aware, it is not compulsory to worship everything that Bethesda do, and some of us don't. Well maybe those words are a bit harsh, but you completely ignored the main point.... Mer are not supposed to be Humans.... your concepts of what should be a female type of structure and what should be a male type of structure have no bearing on what that race should be. I say race merely because the mer and humans can still breed with each other making them not distinct species. But the monkeys illustrates my point very clearly. Chimps/Monkeys/Gorillas are all very close to our species and the fact that their differences between male and female are not obvious to us. For reference, the genders of the chimps are male/female/male/female. You are fine to change the game when it can be modded and nobody gives a two craps but this thread is trying to say bethesda did something wrong and that it needs to be corrected by bethesda in likely the next game they make. They didn't really do anything wrong. The ideas presented regarding improved chargen all boil down to trying to force a (imo dont harp on the word) Caucasian aesthetic of femininity unto the elves by driving the sliders far enough to remove the whole unique aspects of their facial structures that makes them elves as designed by bethesda and seen before in morrowind. And put the troll word away... just cause someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them a troll. we all learned in kindergarten that different people can have differing opinions. As to what Kendo 2 said, Gee whiz what is everyone here saying? We all don't care if you mod your game to have whatever the hell you want, but to try and claim Bethesda did wrong with the elves is crazy..... not finding something aesthetically pleasing does not cause error on the side of the designers. and I hope they don't regard this thread in thinking there is a problem with elves.
Some of us like having another man ride our phallic symbol.... nothing wrong with that.... I play males cause I like seeing a big muscular man butt flexing as I run through the game world.
ummm, women are weaker... Testosterone is higher in males... so it just makes sense for males to be predominantly more appropriate for warriors and any type of aggressive activity.
More of the damned anime analogy, please change the record as this is getting ridiculous, you seem to be contributing nothing but trolling to what is otherwise quite a good discussion between different viewpoints. You obviously haven't read a single one of my posts properly, as I have quite clearly stated that I have never followed anime. My issue is that they have made the FEMALE elves look MALE, not that I want the male elves to look female. I like a clear distinction between the sexes to be there, and deplore the fact that Bethesda have crippled the face sliders so as to make it more difficult for this to be accomplished. I deplore the fact that Bethesda do not seem to know what the distinction between masculine and feminine features and suspect that they don't have too many women in their team. I would hate for them to be leaning towards the very limited character customisation of Two Worlds II (where you can only play as female with a mod), or the Gothic series where you have to play as a male. Moreover, a number of us have also stated in this thread that we would not personally want to use some of the more exaggerated body mods (there is already a DMRA mod up!!!!) for any race, and my personal favourite would be something akin to Type 3, which has breasts no bigger (just better shaped) than the default Skyrim ones and would suit an elf, in my view. But if others do, it's THEIR game to do with what they want. Meanwhile, I have made progress with my Altmer since I installed one of the mods that makes the lips more defined;- http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l255/janepreddy/TESV2011-11-2315-48-29-65.jpg I'm beginning to like her now. Still got the chiselled features, and the haughty look, and I have quite deliberately chosen an eye mod that gives the elves different eyes from the humans. I think this is going to be an evil character, with those fierce amber eyes... Which of these chimps is male and female??? http://farm1.static.flickr.com/8/8726901_a5d8c3c286.jpg http://www.angryharry.com/images/chimp_thinking.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/10/11/article-0-02F5FA4600000578-904_468x328.jpg http://www.chimpworlds.com/images/chimp_facts.jpg Elves/Mer are not humans..... Elves/Mer are not humans.... What you consider the differences between male and female from a anthropocentric view does not mean that other ethnicities/races have to fit those types of physical characteristics..... Seems to me probably stems from an underlying xenophobia.... These different races you can choose are entirely separate and should not be the silly puddy mess that was the oblivion character creation where everyone looked the same with different color skin.
this is truth, if they are just gonna mod out the elves to be anime big bust characters and to have the male elves be as feminine as the women then they should just do that and not whine about bethesda not doing that.
Uh what are you talking about with Republicans being anti-community... and why bring it up here.
Aaaand the record got stuck again. Before trotting out your anime mantra and trolling other people, check your facts and check previous posts. I stated that I do not either read or watch anime, have come across it only in passing and would have no idea what an anime elf looks like. As someone who knows very well what an ordinary female face looks like (in my mirror every day) I have a major issue with the masculinisation of the features on the Dunmer in particular and have quite clearly stated that. I have often thought similar things when looking at some of the race mods and female game saves for Oblivion as well as for Skyrim - so often the chins and jaws were just WRONG. But at least with Oblivion you had the option to do something about the puffy cheeks and you could still make elves look like elves, I used - still do - the modified HeadHuman mesh from Robert's resource for OB, let's take a look at one of my OB Elves by way of comparison;- http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l255/janepreddy/Oblivion2011-06-2420-11-21-34.jpg That is actually a Dunmer copy race with a different texture applied. In game she actually looked much more chiselled and had clearly sculpted cheekbones, and I could adjust not only the height but also the degree of concave/convex, same with the jaw and chin. I raised the outer corner of the eyebrows to give a slanting elven eyed look and could do a lot of work on the bridge of the nose to avoid thatflattened, smacked in the face look. In Skyrim, I do not have that wide range of options. that looks horrible.... looks like she is ready to enter a beauty pageant and doesnt even look like an elf....
Sounds like the people who don't like elves are just wanting anime-esque looking elves.....
I would hope some mods come which flesh out the new DB Sanctuary. It needs more unique characters that have names and different voices and some small story and quests to them. It could also use with more upgrades, where is the weaponsmithing, training area, sithis temple upgrades? For werewolves it would be nice if any werewolf player or npc would be forced to transform into were form during full moons at night. Werewolves would be enraged and essentially behave as with frenzy on them and attack any and everything. For the player they will loose health slowly the longer they go without attacking something in were form.
Post your prospective ideas for DLC.
RomeoJGuy replied to pulseoflight's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I want more quests or ways to improve my Dark Brotherhood sanctuary and recruit new members with actual names and unique voices and stories. -
This thread makes no sense. Elves look fine.... For instance my Bosmer Dark Brotherhood assassin has no klingon forhead, bags under eyes etc and his face is not squished, it is pretty long. I'd rather it not be "why the long face"/horse syndromey anyways http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/648745786662385483/3B6DBD27E9BAED669450E4C63B7D7B43184407AA/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/648745786662383969/6D65777B3B4FBA8FD5742F6C482A9D7D529A2FB5/
It really bothers me that men are hitting on my male character
RomeoJGuy replied to 4dvz's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hmmm, usually people who find great disturbance from being hit on by the same sex are dealing with problems internally themselves. It is funny how the most homophobic people (leaders of obviously anti-gay groups) end up being found to be gay themselves hiring from that rentboys site and getting "massages". OP seems so obsessed about the guys hitting on guys. What vested interest does a straight person, who is sure of his sexuality, have with being concerned if guys are being hit on by guys? It seems rather outlandish to be so vested in this situation.... -
The models for the weird races are so much better. Elves, Khajit, and Argonian especially. I am glad this game they decided to cool the color palette. Oblivion colors were all garishly bright and overly shiny, Skyrim nailed the colors much better. More gritty look to all the races. And I am so glad they finally made the damn facial hair not some blurry blob of color that gets blended on your skin ala Oblivion.
I can't find em anywhere. Did goblins just up and die off or something? Is there some explanation for their absence. If not, then I hope to god a mod adds them back in, but maybe makes their models a lil less comical and more gruesome and grotesque. Oblivion goblins had big heads and skinny lil bodies.
I'm honestly glad that there is diversity. I seen plenty of women of different ages and attractiveness. They shouldn't all be skinny, big bust and trunk, and have perfectly sculpted faces.
regardless the engine for rendering is irrelevant to a problem with physics. And I also doubt it is even the physics engine that would cause these problems, rather buggy implementation into the game. The only thing I hate are the absurdly stupid things, like walking over a bone sneaking and then it gets shot out like a rocket and alerts the whole damn fort. Or when you get killed by a giant and your body or your companions is rocketed into the air (really high almost to the point it looks like your in map mode)
The smith in solitude was selling something called boots of xxxxx, but upon inspection it had an armor rating of a typical body armor and the 3d model was that of a body armor as well. I think there is a bug in the game making some boots look like body armor. I didn't buy it cause I couldn't afford it though
No my issue is to do with the once the book is already in my inventory. It also happened to me with a few other situations recently but I forget what it was. Wasn't books this time. Needless to say there are some problems in the UI where after performing an action and you were using the mouse for highlighting it will stop using mouse input and instead revert only to keyboard input.
When I put a book into a container or sell using my mouse to select which book to sell then the mouse usage is disabled and I can only navigate the books by keyboard or mouse wheel.... It is pretty annoying not to mention the whole UI being clunky and junk. I'd even say Oblivion had a better UI even though that one wasn't much better. I don't understand the logic of creating fancy UIs over usable UIs especially when the UIs will be heavily used by players as they play through the game. The worst thing in my opinion though is the clunkiness of using multiple spells or weapons. It interrupts the flow of combat whenever you need to change weapons or spells you have to pause the game. They need to invest in some Usability personnel at Bethesda post haste.
SPOILER ALERT: I found some at the shrine for Mehrunes Dagon, but I don't know if they are there normally or as a result of the quest related to his shrine. Some spawned outside but there were some spawned when I went inside not sure if they were always there or were part of his spawning outside.
Do Daedra appear like they do in Oblivion?
RomeoJGuy replied to huntsman2310's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I don't think this is spoilerish since it would be expected. Daedra are encountered in some of the shrines to worship. I haven't visited all the shrines yet, but I only found them in one thus far.