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Posts posted by seekingthesun

  1. I want to make a NPC hostile to another given that they have a keyword but I don't know how to go about this.
    What i'd like to do is approximately what the following pseudocode is about

    JimBobREF.setenemy(haskeyword "enemy of JimBob")

    Or a script that could do the following pseudocode

    Enemy of Jim Bob
    Function: Add to faction(custom enemyofjimbobFaction)

    If not, can anyone think of an existing quest that has similar functionality?

    Essentially I want to set a known NPC hostile to any spawned, procedurally generated NPCs as soon as they have the enemy keyword added to them

  2. The fallout 4 geck is almost entirely the same as it has been since Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. There's some things that have been changed about the game itself but you should be able to get started by looking at Fo3/NV/Oblivion tutorials for some things and Skyrim for others. Scripting is very close to that in Skyrim as are the way that in game objects are treated.

  3. Those settlement mods use reuse vanilla assets. You should instead just look them up in the creation kit and drag and drop them manually. You won't need to slave your mod to those settlement mods.

    That item in the first one looks a lot like shipwreckedmetalplate02 so just look that up and use it. I should warn you that while what you were trying to do is plagiarism which is very frowned upon here.
    If you wanted to make a settlement mod to say, enable nuka-cola vending machines like in settlements expanded, then that's okay because you are just plugging in a vanilla asset as a constructible object and the fact that you reverse engineered the item is just smart modding.

    However, if someone took a vanilla asset that didn't used to be, for example a snapable flooring piece, and instead plugged that nif into existing co_workshop_flooring E.G. and maybe even modified the base object to be the right scale, you ought not to copy that directly.

    Instead you should do what they did from scratch. Unless you get permission to straight up copy their mod. Sometimes they're okay with that. It would probably be easier to do it yourself
    With that out of the way. What you'd want to do is find the textures used for shipwreckedmetalplate02 and plug those into a vanilla flooring type.

    You could do this two ways. You could either make up your own custom material files, and include the right paths and do a bunch of meticulous work pathing them right.

    OR you could duplicate a vanilla floor, and create a custom material swap for that item that replaces the base textures with the ones from that metal plate, assuming they're the right size. You might have to do it the hard way.

  4. You'll need casting animations and visuals for magic bolts/rays/whatever, everything else is in the game already.

    No you don't. I made a mod that has lore friendly magical effects that are realistic, as in they could exist in the real world, to grenades. I made a mod that adds a fear spell to a custom meshed grenade. It works as you'd expect, it induces fear: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12916/?


    Likewise. All you have to do it assign a custom projectile any of the various vanilla effects. You could assign something to the grenade key that would produce the flamer flames, or the cryo effect through sending a projectile.

  5. I happen to actually know a little bit about that. The issue is not so much what register the dialog is in but what musicians/vocalists/music theorists call texture of a sound. For example, say that someone with a really gravely voice like Tom Waits were to sing in a high register. You wouldn't mistake them for a smooth voiced female pop musician. It it possible to use autotune technology to make fairly realistic sounding corrections to pitch. For example almost everyone who sings on T.V. if you what what to listen for you can tell what is their native singing and what is studio magic. You can even make spoken word sound sing-songy. There is an experimental music project called EMI I think where they are experimenting with copying vocals but that's another ten years down the road. Eventually you could have a computer compose a song, and sing it to your significant other on their anniversary as Frank Sinatra, but not yet.

    If I was to suggest the best way that this modding community could make a modular way to add content it be as follows, though the idea is simple, the implementation would be more difficult:
    Either put all the dialog files through professional voice synthesizing software so that there could be a central preset from which people could draw. Then, any dialog that's added for new quests could work from the same voice.
    Create an alternate start mod with real voices.

    The problem that so many people fail to realize is that voice acting is a lot of work. There's a reason why dialog recording for games takes months.

  6. I want to make a NPC hostile to another given that they have a keyword but I don't know how to go about this.
    What i'd like to do is approximately what the following pseudocode is about

    JimBobREF.setenemy(haskeyword "enemy of JimBob")

    Or a script that could do the following pseudocode

    Enemy of Jim Bob
    Function: Add to faction(custom enemyofjimbobFaction)

    If not, can anyone think of an existing quest that has similar functionality?

    Essentially I want to set a known NPC hostile to any spawned, procedurally generated NPCs as soon as they have the enemy keyword added to them

  7. It would be easy enough to make a constructible object at a workbench that would produce concrete scrap, it's just concrete isn't very rare so it's not of much interest. hell I could a texture to the cut Mr. Brewer in the game files and make it into this.

  8. There's actually a mod out there that "does" this already(which is not me throwing shade at the author) the problem is that the gun just appears in the hand but the melee is the only enabled one.

    I spent a long time trying to make a dual pistols mod and I have it backed up on my external drive and it kind of works but as impressive as it is for an extremely amateur modder, it looks horrible and you wouldn't want to play it.

    Features of my mod that I'll probably never release
    1. two pistols can fire at the same time
    2. Left or right handed can be equipped separately
    3. both pistols are animated both firing and reloading.

    And that's about all you can say about it. The player only reloads the right handed one, and in doing so the left handed pistol animates as if it is being reloaded but instead it is in the player's hand and it clips into right pistol and right hand.

    I tried to redo the animations to make it work but animation work is so hard that it's just above my level. If someone were to go ahead and animate two slide action pistols for the game I would gladly collaborate with them because it would be trivial to integrate it into the game based on what i've already done. If any of you who read this know a mod author that can do this, feel free to refer them to me.

  9. workshopnpcscript has entries for NPCs to sit, eat, and "relax" among other things and they do tend to do these at different times of day you probably just missed them because NPCs that are assigned to work on something work insanely long hours and will sometimes just do things like pick mutfruit for 14 hours and then immediately go to their beds. There are some assigned tasks that they will never leave like artillery or guardposts

  10. I had a really nice machine that would exceed the specs for skyrim in every way. But because of poor integration with the graphics drivers that I could get,

    dwemer astrology puzzle to get the elder scroll

    never successfully rendered the light beams in that f*#@ing room so the only way I could progress was to solve that by brute force which required something like 300 different iterations to work.

  11. The scrapping interface is built on top of the buildablearea entries, obviously. You scrap by opening the workshop mode. It might be possible to launch it outside of that and assign it to a workshop resource container but without a good example of how that's possible, I'm all out of ideas.

    You could theoretically take a settlement's borders and set every boundary to something like 100,000 so it would envelope the entire map. On my computer I had issues with the other modders who got overzealous at expanding settlements because of the buildable areas bleeding into too many other cells and being really resources intensive. I suppose you could instal a scrap everything mod and adjust the borders and just try to give the map a quick, top to bottom scrapping, then disable that plugin.

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