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Posts posted by seekingthesun

  1. I want to find the actual code for this quest because I want to see how something is handled but all of the files that I open seem to be missing a lot. For example: stages. I cannot find where the numbered stages are. I see listings of variables and stuff but no stages. They have to be in there somewhere. About the only thing that I see in those areas are generic things to startup.

    EDIT: Nevermind Found it

  2. Don't listen to him it's perfectly legal for you to do that. In fact there was a plan in the works to remake Fallout 1 in Fallout New Vegas. The problem is is that I hate to say it, but if you are not extremely experienced with modding this is never going to get mad, well at least not by you.

    This would be a really tough undertaking even if 10 of the most experience matters in this community somehow worked together.

    I would ask you the following questions are you able to 3D model in a program from scratch? Could you put together a script in Papyrus to make a quest to go to a cave and kill some radscorpions?

  3. There's a "well groomed" perk/effect that's still in the game files that I suspect was either cut or is not visible. I think it might have to do with the cut copies of La Coiffe that I happened to restore with a mod on the nexus. It's interesting. Perhaps when I update that mod I'll implement "well groomed" I wonder how I could do it. Maybe I could make the magazine add a settlement constructable item based on the barber chair or the pre-war sink/mirror/vanity.

  4. Funny you should mention it because this is supposed to be in the base game and it's even mentioned in the game, and sometimes it even works but the whole settlement requirement and workshop view is horribly bugged and has been since the start. For example you can find purified water in settlement resource containers that don't produce it. There's also a script that will try to add native production of workshops based on linked settlements but that doesn't work very well either.

  5. Don't vertibirds airdrop power armor'd BOS knights on occasion? Could that be used as a basis maybe?


    Also there is a mod out right now that allows you to mail stuff between settlements, which might be a decent framework to work off of.


    Maybe if instead of buying new stuff for the supply drops, you crammed stuff you already owned into special containers at settlements. And the contents of the nearest special container get cut and pasted into what gets dropped out the side of the vertibird when you call it in.

    It would be worth giving it a look but part of the problem is that, to put it nicely, Bethesda is very creative with their choices to implement things. For example power armor is a race. That's why there's that neat mod out there that makes a power armor frame into a companion/follower works. They also made mannequins in Healthfire a race as well, which is why there's those creepy bug videos where they come to life.


    Vertibirds are treated like animals or organisms in the game. The vertibird parts are in the files as body parts. I have a mod out there that makes vertibirds smarter and make better decisions and they do so by drawing from the general AI rules. In my mod which you could download the vertibirds get shot down a lot less because they act aggressive towards engaging enemies but try to maximize their distance, and also fly away when wounded.


    The brotherhood that drop have entries like p-attachgunner/ P-attachpassenger which is the same naming convention that they use to signify weapon attachments like c-reciever or p-attachnodebarrel. But if i'm not mistaken it's also the way that armor addons are treated.

  6. You have to be really skilled FULL STOP. There's lots of high poly models out there for free but they're worthless. There was a free resource out there where someone rebuilt the 10mm SMG in 3ds max. Here's the thing. They're maybe worse than hitler because they made their model with something like 30,000 vertices. For comparison, the very complex laser musket, will all its parts is maybe 5,000 vertices at most. I did all this work to "optimize" their model in 3ds max by deleting all this worthless stuff that wasn't visible but was modeled perfectly in detail so that if you were to 3d print that. I couldn't tell it apart from the real thing. It was immaculate.

    I got rid of so much extraneous detail and I used 3d max's primitives optimize function and got the polys down to 12,000 without it looking terrible. It took my incredible computer with a 980 and an excess of 4.5gMhZ two full minutes to equip it in the pipboy.

  7. Yeah that's the issue. I've tried doing havok objects but they are subject to "object at rest stays at rest" problem enough of the time to be really annoying. I'll think it over. It's getting it above the zone that's a problem.

    I was thinking that the destroyed vertibird hull is treated by the game as a projectile and maybe it would work to copy after that.

  8. The scripts are in python. You need to spawn an object on command which is easy, if you've done it before. But you want it to spawn a custom made object above where the grenade was placed that will havok on spawn. I can't even think of anything in the base game that behaves like that to copy it, so you might have to do it from scratch.

  9. Well, yes, if there is an analogous function, call, etc and it is put into a script.
    I did some really clumsy work with some references that can in some cases run existing scripts, starting at a stage. For example I made a mod that enables a quest stage from picking up and reading a note but I don't think any of that could help. But as soon as there was a papyrus compiler I made my quest mod of human error into running completely off of a modified script.

  10. I counted 3 of those that are in the base game and the idea of "wait for help" is based on a misunderstanding of how settlement attacks work. It's already part of the game that settlements can defend themselves even when the player is away.

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