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About IAmDarkPhoenix

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  1. Call me a Necromancer if you must but I'm posting on this old thread in case someone else has this issue and ends up here. The Inexplicable CTD on save or CTD on Save glitch is one of those mystery bugs LE and SSE have that no one knows how it happens or why. The only solution that seems to work (and this will sound crazy af) is the following: Load an older save (as long as it doesn't have CTD on save glitch) Create a NEW save (through pause menu) Open Console Type player.kill Close Console Load your latest save (the one that had the CTD on save glitch) Open console Again Type player.kill Close Console Try saving The CTD may happen once or twice more down the road, but do these steps again and it will stop completely. I know I know. I was shocked that it worked as well. Took me 3 days to find a solution so hopefully this will save someone a lot of time.
  2. Oh trust me, the point was not missed at all here: The problem that started all this was due to archaic thinking with supposedly meshes not being able to be converted, etc. well, we all know that's not the case anymore. And you're correct that record structure needs to be taken into account. You're pretty safe with the majority of mods, though but either way, you always want to really look and compare the mods when you create your new blank plugin in form 43. Some of those more complex records (again, I can't think of any atm) would have to be manually copy or even re-create . Also, I didn't make up the method, it was shown to me. At the time of entering this conversation I had no idea it was such a contemptuous issue. lol
  3. Strange, I have the same error too. First time I've ever seen it
  4. .... This is the only thing that helped me after 2 hours of searching so thanks for that.
  5. dude, that's pretty much what the method does. Did you read it? You're making a whole new .esp in form 43. You are copying over all the entries into form 43. You're just doing it in the easiest and quickest way possible.
  6. Having the issue right now as well. Had a computer crash. had to re-install, etc like OP says and getting the error. is there a fix?
  7. Necro thread but ended up helping me. In case anyone else needs, the link has changed to this: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Notepad%2B%2B_Setup#Setting_up_a_quick_compile This will take you to how to set up Notepad++ to compile scripts
  8. Apologies for just seeing your message. What you do in this case is that instead of "copy as overwrite" you "Copy as new record" into you new blank esp. Make sure the new blank ESP has any other masters added to it. ie. You want to port over Vivid Weathers.esp from SSE to LE. Make your blank (name is Vivid Weathers_Temp.esp for now) Open both esp's in SSEEdit Click and select all the items below "File header" Right click and select "Copy as new record" or "Deep Copy as new record" Add them to "Vivid Weathers_Temp.esp Sometimes it will ask you for a prefix. Add the first 2 alpha-numeric characters - Here's an example of where you find the number (only you'd take the ones from the Vivid Weather_Temp.esp) : https://i.imgur.com/YVhxk8c.jpg If it asks you for a suffix, just skip and leave it blank then continue Click ok once finished, open the location where Flowers_Temp.esp is located and change it to Flowers.esp (the same name as the SSE version of the file. Place in your Skyrim LE load order. ... This should make it where you don't need the other as a master
  9. Necro'd thread but started having this issue after messing around with my heavily modded game. Turns out it was a merge of some followers mod I made. Read about it on reddit and that was the common type of mod among everyone who was having that issue. So for anyone else having this issue you might want to check first any new follower mods you may have added to your load order
  10. It's much bigger than that. It is an EA issue that their customer service has said they never solved and are not going to solve it. The good news is that ZorrCrew made a mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/2609) to replace a couple thrones with the Legacy ones. And I've figured out how to add it to a savegame on PS4 using save wizard. other than that, that's pretty much all we can do.
  11. My issue is that instead of just admitting things can change over time and updates, you are flat out lying (or as you call it, campaigning) trying to instill fear in the masses accusing me of "breaking peoples saves on purpose?" wth is wrong with you? At this point, you are even contradicting things you wrote yourself. So now backporting meshes is different then? lol. Seriously just stop. I'm glad I quoted this because I see you went back and changed what you wrote on a few things. There's not shame in being incorrect, and admitting it would have been admirable. Shows your character. and it's very disappointing.
  12. Youre welcome. Glad it worked out for you too : ) And look... This was just released: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/d0jb2m/cathedral_assets_optimizer_50beta_released/?st=K08JI43N&sh=880ad9d1 It does conversions both ways and while in beta, it shouldnt be assumed the creator is trying to â breaks peoples games â, no matter the source saying such things. So yeah, successful back-porting is indeed possible.
  13. You can have all the credibility in the world, and you've made some amazing mods, and it sucks that the conversion didnt work for you... but it worked for me and it HAS been working for me for a long time now. Credibility doesnt change that and credibility doesn't mean you can't ever be wrong. In this case, you are. There's no way you could have done this because it would have worked. The only way it wouldn't have worked, like I said before, is user error (or possibly a mod with SSE meshes because I haven't tried that yet, as mentioned previously). I truly don't believe you've even tried this. And at this point, even if you did, I don't think you'd tell the truth. And I honestly don't care what you will or will not accept. You've even given me advice in the past and I'm grateful for that... but don't sit here and tell other users lies that I'm trying to "..break people's games on purpose" when I have had this SSE to LE converted patch in my load order for over a year now in an attempt to win over the court of public opinion. You act as if you're looking over my shoulder and playing my game with me. lol Just deal with whatever trauma you described in your last comments following bad information on reddit, but don't put that crap on me because something screwed you up. Your experiences aren't everything in this world. True wisdom comes from always being willing to learn. But I've given you enough of my time so feel free to have the last word. And that's a fact.
  14. You've attempted this technique? What was it you were saying about bogus claims? Because that sure sounds like a bit of projection there. And seriously, who are you that you can judge people who post on reddit or anywhere else with your self-created standards of excellence? Your stuff smells just like the rest of them. Maybe those failures you had were user error. Some of us know how to do things correctly. That being said, you're opinions aren't really amounting to much. Seems like you'd rather tell someone "no" as opposed to being correct about something. PS Nice passive-aggressive statement about the whole "breaking" someone's game, btw. I don't know who you associate with, but that's not how I work. Some of us genuinely want to help people and don't get off on saying "no" or "breaking people's saves". I think your slandering someone on this site, and making up false claims of breaking peoples games with something that you obviously never have done is more of a cause for ban, IMHO. But as you mentioned, that's not my call to make. That being said: It's worked for me for two play-through without incident. Fact. Get over it. Move on. Rinse & repeat.
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