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  1. Thanks. Another solution I found: Include it in a scrap recipe. Put the statics into a formlist -> make a scrap recipe -> make a condition that prevents you from scrapping it (optional) -> Redo precombs and previs
  2. I have a cell with precombined meshes. How do I make sure that certain objects can be scrapped after I generate precombined meshes? Btw I put everything in a layer, which I made hidden during precombined generation but that didn't help.
  3. You can use my files and textures to figure it out: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/64954 Hope it helps. Btw I use Photpea for creating textures https://www.photopea.com/
  4. A hot tip: Use the condition "Getisid ==== MyNPC" in your greeting conditions.
  5. Is there a way in an exterior cell to make every item be owned by a faction or NPC automatically? I tried to to it via an Encounter Zone but the game then also told me that I was trespassing. There are no further settings in an exterior cell as they are in an interior cell regarding crime, and trespassing.
  6. I want to craft bloodpacks that draw health. I'm using a dummy bloodpack, that will then use a script to switch itself out for a real bloodpack and also reduce health. But the script I'm using on the dummy bloodpack won't work. Any ideas?
  7. I found out how to alter the hair color. But how do I change the skin color? The option the CK presents me won't let me change the color.
  8. How can I make it so a NPC automatically starts the greeting converstation when I appraoch him, without the need for player activation? ForceGreetHello does nothing for me.
  9. I'm searching for a simple voice actor who'd voice a vendor and minor questgiver in a gasmask. The story and personality aren't yet set. He/She lives in a church that is he/her home. Can't offer money but a youtube video featuring the dialogue and credits. Btw, the sound might be muffled while the character is wearing a mask, maybe with some inhale sounds.
  10. I'm using CK Platform Extended. For some reason when I click on multiple objects I can't move them. I can only move one static object at a time. Has anyone had the same issue?
  11. I made this, this should be what you're looking for: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/71003
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