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Everything posted by Zorkaz

  1. I have a NPC who has a workshop script attached to it. Through dialogue I want the NPC to become later on part of a settlement. How would I do that?
  2. I use Photopea. It's Photoshop but online with the same features. https://www.photopea.com/ Luckily I found an old heightmap I made. Maybe by using this file as a base you are able to accomplish your goal. But I'll pm you, because it's too big to upload.
  3. I want an NPC to hold his hands up during a conversation. But I can't find a way to do it. The holdup quest doesn't provide any infos.
  4. I have a script like this: Function RemoveMisc() Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() Int iWaponCount = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(ObjectTypeWeapon) EndFunction I want to remove all misc items. The issue is that I don't find a keyword for misc items. Any ideas?
  5. Ask the guy who made this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/90018
  6. Is there a dialouge condition to check if the player has a companion?
  7. Ok it's also necessary to use a script with Actor.setrestrained() == True
  8. Ok I used the near same package but the character won't sit in the wounded position using "Sit". Is there a good scripted way to force an NPC into furniture?
  9. Yes that was what I was looking for but couldn't find it. I guess their package gets added via script.
  10. For me it feels slower, more sluggish (Have a Geforce 3070Ti)
  11. How can I force an NPC in a wounded position. Using "Sit" or "UsIdleMarker" doesn't work.
  12. I have an issue: Whenever I make a scrap recipe I want to use a condition so it only applies to the current location or worldspace. But when I use the condition like "GetinCurrentLocation == MyLocation" it doesnt' work. Suddenly the scrap recipe gets global. Any thoughts?
  13. Maybe because I was playing with a mod that set the the respawn rate to a very long time for all of my older gameplays. Or because I come from a similar but alternate timeline and slipped in this one.
  14. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Pull_the_Plug Appearantly after helping Sully out at Thicket Excavations the site is drained and raiders appear. But I can remember that never happened. Thicket Excavations never would have been drained. Was this added in a later game version?
  15. I have a dummy workshop object that provides 10 safety. When a certain event occurs this object gets disabled. Therefore the workshop safety is reduced by 10 points. Is this safe? I remember playing around with power values was a concern back then.
  16. Necroing this tread myself because I made this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/90883?tab=posts
  17. Here you go. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/90968/?tab=images
  18. I'd suggest you start out with a simple "Enable/Disable" script and work your way up.
  19. I want to create a small space where you can scrap objects but it shouldn't be a settlement. 1. As long as I don't add location data, add it to the workshop parent via quest, etc... I should be safe, right? Like just adding a scrapzone, a workbench should suffice? 2. Also do I need to use a SetOwnedTrigger or something like that?
  20. I can't confirm that this has to do with FallUI as I don't use it. Or any UI mod.
  21. Thanks. Another solution I found: Include it in a scrap recipe. Put the statics into a formlist -> make a scrap recipe -> make a condition that prevents you from scrapping it (optional) -> Redo precombs and previs
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