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Everything posted by Zorkaz

  1. Does anyone know if it's possible to increase the selling price of a product (E.g. fur and hides) via a perk?
  2. I forgot how to delay the start of a quest. I want to start it after Leaving Vault 111 but not before.
  3. Check out the Extended Creation Kit, maybe it works for the new update as well. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/51165
  4. Whoa good to know. I use the Enhanced CK so let's see if it happens there as well.
  5. Hi du kannst ja SMM benutzen. Das wäre das sicherste. Damit kann man eigene Kategorien einfügen und sie sicher wieder entfernen, via Script. Ein eigenes Menü manuell zu erstellen und einzufügen (Ohne SMM) ist zwar möglich, kann aber dazu führen, dass Kategorien nach der Deinstallation verschwinden. SMM erklärt im Tutorial auch, wie Menüs aufgebaut sind.
  6. I used it years ago, but better PM Niston himself, as he is still active.
  7. I wrote a tutorial about this. Make sure to read the comment sections as well. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39353
  8. Xmarker Headings are statics that can be seen. You can also use mats or other objects but since they lack collision they are the best object to use most of the time. Anyway they are used for Attack Markers, Center Markers, Spawn Markers... (did I forget another one?) WIthout a proper use of markers NPCs might spawn improperly or not at all.
  9. Thank you It's under Meshes/Setdressing/Lightfixtures/LightOilLampOnOffSwitch.nif
  10. Im working on LightOilLampOnOffSwitch.nif. (Which is animated) I need to have an Oil Lamp that needs to go on and off. But the light needs to be blue or violet. I could recolor the flames but the outer glass still is orange. Would somebody be so kind and alter LightOilLampOnOffSwitch.nif for me? You'd get full credit of course and a direct link to the authors page.
  11. It has been more than a year since I made the last script with Event OnItemAdded and I'm having a problem What I want to achieve: As soon as a key gets taken out of a box the quest should update, but it doesn't work. The script is on the key btw.
  12. Nvm there was a wrong texture path.
  13. I have a red version of the Floorlamp and gave it a red _d.dds and a red g_.dds. But no matter what I do, the floorlamps glowmap stays beige. Btw. it has no material file, everything in the floorlamp.nif is handled via the .nif itself. Any guesses?
  14. That's the odd thing. I had two magic effects on the character: Invisibility and another shader. Both were applied through an ability with a constant effect. I used the condition Player.HasPerk (FHM02DetectLifePerk) == 0 on the invisibility an Player.HasPerk (FHM02DetectLifePerk) == 1 on the shader magic effect. The ghost became visible but never got invisible again, after the FHM02DetectLifePerk got removed.
  15. I have invisible NPC. While drinking a potion the NPC gets visible and once the effect wears of the NPC should become invisible again. The NPC is at first invisible and the spell to remove the invisibility works too (I am using an ability with the DogmeatInvisibility Effect). But the NPC won't get invisible again. The magic script is like this: Scriptname FHM2DetectLifePlayerPerkMagEffScr extends activemagiceffect Perk Property FHM2PlayerDetectLifePerk Auto EffectShader Property VisibleShader Auto EffectShader Property StealthBoyInvisibilityEffect Auto Actor Property FHM2ElizaRef Auto Spell Property FHM2Invisibility Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Game.Getplayer().AddPerk (FHM2PlayerDetectLifePerk) VisibleShader.Play(FHM2ElizaRef ) FHM2ElizaRef.RemoveSpell (FHM2Invisibility) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Game.Getplayer().RemovePerk (FHM2PlayerDetectLifePerk) VisibleShader.Stop(FHM2ElizaRef ) FHM2ElizaRef.AddSpell (FHM2Invisibility) EndEvent Any Ideas?
  16. The precombined meshes have issues with material swap. If you apply an external material swap on an object it might revert to its original color. E.g.: You apply a red color to a prefab house, but it will appear in its default grey color once baked in.
  17. A good way ingame to find out if a static is part of a precombined mesh is to click on it in the console and try to disable it. If it doesn't work, then it's a part of a precombined mesh.
  18. I mean are they the raiders or is the player one? They are just on edge and defending against a crazy intruder.
  19. It would also be possible if you add a node to the sink.nif. Then in the CK you can attach a script to the sink using "Self.PlaceAtNode" and attach the water stream (Which is a movable static) to the sink. You can disable and enable it this way. It has been way too long since I used "Self.PlaceAtNode" but there is a way. https://falloutck.uesp.net/wiki/PlaceAtNode_-_ObjectReference If the water animation is in the .nif you might have to use PlayAnimation or PlayGamebryoAnimation. https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/PlayAnimation_-_ObjectReference https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/PlayGamebryoAnimation_-_ObjectReference
  20. Yesterday I had 11 notifications. Now it's 80! The notification system includes myself (Zorkaz), so whenever I do stuff I get a new notification.
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