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Everything posted by dweramond

  1. Hello, I know next to nothing when it comes to modding the snowdrop engine so figured a request would be a better idea ; I picked up the game recently and of course didn't resist long on getting a good few mods, which were all fantastic, no regret there, however it seems my save was somehow kerfukled by something and even when gaining the reputation for rewards from syndicates, I don't gain said rewards. I tried temporarily removing my mods and it didn't fix it, and in a sorta last ditch attempt tried using a cheat trainer to reset the reputation to try to fix in, but still didn't get anything out of it. Since by the time I realized, I didn't have the ashiga maxed out quite yet, I tried going to a planet with them and raising their rep when not having mods installed and DID receive all rewards I was supposed to when I reached a reward point, which basically confirm I must have messed up something to do with the rewards with one of the mods I installed, though it seems rewards I went past the threshold for once are bugged for good somehow. I'm not sure what caused it, but since it took me quite a while after getting a bunch of mods to realize it, I don't really feel like just restarting to get those rewards before redoing everything, but still would like having the extra outfits and such, so figured I'd make a request to know if anybody would be willing and able to slap together a mod that would either give the rewards via the usual chest, or give them directly into inventory or something. Thanks for reading / considering this request.
  2. I am sorry if I'm bumping but I experience this problem with UDBP and USKP on and in the right load order... it seems there might be another reason to it. I miss the yellow glowy bones already :ohdear:
  3. Yeah, as foul said the lore prolly need some rethinking, I understand you got the idea from the movie underworld, which means you must know that in there it was actually a werewolf bit by a vampire right before he died that became a hybrid. I'm thinking it would probably be better to leave it that way. And as I said, this require so much work in so many different kinds of modding, it is more likely to attract people who like big projects, which means you'd have a better chance making a whole new area with this mod as a part of the quest line there. First of all, by making a big project you make sure that many people will actually take note of your mod, second, by making this wonderful idea an "Hidden bonus" (AKA as possible to get during the storyline of said bigger mod) you bring even more attention to your mod. Of course that require a whole lot of people, so I'd advise making a WIP thread so that people go "Wow!" and stuff and that it gets noticed, you just gotta say you're looking for a team of able modders and explain what kind of mod you're trying to make. I'm pretty sure foulfrost just above this message wouldn't mind helping with ideas and I sure wouldn't mind either (Since I understand you did not expect to have to make a storyline and etc) Such a transformation requires so much work that a simple trans seems like a lot of work for nothing to people, but I'm sure if you contact different modders and ask if they're interested in either this or a bigger project you could eventually get a team together. The time it would take to do so would most likely be pretty long unfortunately...
  4. Being interested is the least of worries, making the actual textures plus the new anims, then adding a faction and new perks and placing the claws in the transformation and adding a quest to get it etc... all of that (and more since that's just a small part of the work) makes this a good idea but an extremely though one... Not as simple as a plain re-texture. And since most modders stay with one kinda of mods, the ones able to texture and animate and make quest and etc are rare. You'd have more luck if you tried mustering up a team of modders for a bigger project including this transformation (Say, a storyline that would activate when you're either vamp or werewolf and would make you an hybrid over the course of it.) Then simply asking for the transformation. My thought is that, if you make new textures and stuff, you might as well make a whole lot more and make some bigger mod which will bring in more people. I would offer my aid but I unfortunatly am more of a voice actor... Never really got into any kinda of modding. If you do decide to make a bigger one and need some voice acting, you know where to find me.
  5. The title just about says it all, I would like to request a mod that would add one or more of the Incoroptus from White Knight Chronicle 1 or 2. A video showing a character use one (The black knight one, in english so we can hear "Verto" instead of "Henshin") : A video of them all (In japanese this time, henshin means Verto, See how they all say it before transforming?) : Two pictures, one of Ebonwing (The black knight) and one of the White knight: White Knight: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxiy8bIE651qc4ttw.jpg Black Knight (AKA Ebonwings) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__5umD8rMYW8/TE2-I0QCwzI/AAAAAAAAAPk/NlcfD5onz8o/s1600/black+knight.jpg Please do not bump this thread if you are not planning on accepting this request, bumping a mod request may make people think it has been accepted and done, thus making potential mod makers turn away from it. If you require more details, or think I should add something to this post, please contact me by PM and not on this thread for the same reasons. Thank you.
  6. Hello, So it's been a while I thought about this but I really hate how the game force unequip everything when you turn back to human form from werewolf form, it's frustrating and is ridiculous knowing vampire lords get their armor back even though it looks like their skin explode. (while if you look carefully, werewolves' fur grow over the armor) So I was wondering if anyone could make a mod/bat file or w/e that would make it so when you transform back into human form it re-equip the armor you had on when you transformed... I'd do it myself but have no idea how to use the CK or anything >_>' Thankies.
  7. Been trying it out on my own game for similar reasons, once i'm sure i got the file paths right and it don't bug I might add it to the nexus, will post here to tell you if i do.
  8. A simple request mostly for alucard's clothes from hellsing and also for pretty much anything related to Hellsing in general (may it be something taken from the manga or from the anime.) Need images of alucard? Here: http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/a/alucard1.jpg http://static.tumblr.com/9kl9tq5/5eBm7w28h/alucard_by_byakuyahasarrived-d41w7id.jpg And 2 images of his...alternative (to not say any spoilers) look that I would also love to see as a mod *-* : http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk170/kainmshzual/AlucardintoDracula.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/212/2/6/alucard_dracula_by_michaelis_faustus-d428vzf.png (second is taken directly from official sources while the first is just a drawing of the same scene but the drawing is clearer to see the details like the gloves and stuff while the second show the shine and ect more.) Thank you! PS: no need to include the glasses from the 1st outfits, he often don't wear them due to them breaking when he fights. Also please, PLEASE don't bump the thread with stupid comments like "i second this!" those only up the number of replies, thus making it looks like someone took the request upon themselves.
  9. bah i'll try it anyway, i gotta make a V for vendetta armor for myself since noone wants to take it on the topic i started for it, so if i gotta learn how to do it i might as well have something else to use it on afterward.
  10. a throwing system to allow any weapon to be thrown would be neat, a dismemberment mod to allow you to, for example, cut an enemy's sword arm off would be awesome and i sure as hell would like to see a jousting area added in skyrim :D
  11. if you want i'll try doing it, no promises though im kinda new to modding, but i'll try making the custom armors, maybe even a custom bow for the archer with a constant frost enchant. If any more skilled modder want to take the challenge go ahead, mine will most likely be crappy anyway lol
  12. okay so after awhile of research i found a mask mod including ichigo's vizard mask from bleach, and i was wondering, could someone out there make an outfit (or retexture of something) wich would look like ichigo's kimono from his bankai state? or even just the default shinigami outfit every each one of them wear? Also if possible i'd like a few zanpakuto, like zangetsu for example ;) anyway, if anyone makes one or know of a mod wich include some of this please leave a link down below, thanks ^^
  13. thanks a lot, and about the lore friendly thing, just to say i use a lot of non-lore friendly mods, i think if i like it, it still worth it :P
  14. Okay so i've been looking around for a way to bring back sheogorath once you finished the SI quest line, but haven't found a way, he's my fav character so i was wondering, any of you could make a simple mod to bring him back? :<
  15. been looking for the same thing basically, found out you can set your infamy to negative values with console commands, try that (i did had people telling me it don't work for them, might depend on the patches you got installed as i didn't update in a long while :/)
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