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Posts posted by Kuramin

  1. They're pretty human-like already... and by that I mean... they uh, walk on two feet.


    Do you want them to look like regular people? Do you want something like Tabaxi's Cats from Oblivion? I don't know if there was an Argonian version of that mod though... What would they even look like anyway... :psyduck:

  2. Stole a journal (and only a journal) from a certain serial killer in Windhelm... which could in fact be used to put aforementioned serial killer in jail if my character wasn't an idiot. He sent thugs after me and that was that, we're still friends.


    Oh Radiant AI. :rolleyes:

  3. He's not supposed to still have the quest item since Proventus Avenicci is supposed to take it from him in order to complete the quest... So I'm not too sure what's up with that. :sweat:


    Actually, from what he said it seems like he just clicked through and picked up the quest accidentally, without actually reading what needs to be done. Just tell him to give it to Proventus Avenicci in Dragonsreach.

  4. Maybe somewhere in Black Marsh/Esleweyr. Skyrim is a place where Nords and the more human looking races are treated better than the beast races, it'd be a nice contrast to be somewhere where a beast race is more welcomed. Or something... Really I just want a more exotic landscape. :whistling:
  5. I'll miss her incessant whining

    Her walking into traps

    I will long be pining

    For all her "my thane" crap

    She trapped me inside rooms

    She wouldn't ****ing move

    Out of the goddamn way

    So I killed her


    The first four lines rhymed nicely. The last four, not so much. :sleep:


    Continuing on with the rhyming...


    Oh Lydia you've fallen

    And now you can't get up

    But never fear,

    for I am here,

    you stupid housecarl slu-...




    Er, anyway. R.I.P Lydia...

  6. M'aiq has time to find locations of Word Walls? I thought he was too intent on finding calipers...


    He eventually accepts that there are no calipers to be found in Skyrim and has taken it upon himself to instead find Word Walls. Problem solved. :thumbsup:

  7. Uwah... I was doing my best to read it but the wall of text really started to hurt my eyes... Those are good points but I wouldn't say it's the reason Skyrim feels unfinished. It's really just seems like a minor annoyance, at best. To me anyway... :psyduck:
  8. Actually the Nerevarine dies in obscurity. In Hammerfell I think? It is a random NPC conversation in Oblivion.


    The Nerevarine went to Akavir for some reason... isn't he/she immortal? Rather than dying in obscurity I think he/she just faded into it.


    As for the PC from Oblivion becoming Sheogorath... Yeah it's a bit weird my female character is now a strange old guy but it's still awesome. It's Sheogorath after all. :P

  9. Job: Had one once, lasted a good 3 days before I was fired. :thumbsup:


    School: Yep, the campus library is a nice and quiet place to sleep. Er, and study of course. Yes. :whistling:


    Boyfriend: Had one once, lasted a good 3 days before we broke up. :thumbsup:


    ... Come to think of it... a lot of things I do only last for 3 days... what's up with that?... :psyduck:

  10. Same thing happened to me... except uh, nobody ever died. I just had the journal in my inventory and walked around aimlessly forever.


    Oh, he knew I had stolen the journal as well since he had sent hired thugs to 'teach me a lesson' but like always the contract said they didn't have to kill me unless they thought it necessary. You'd think he'd be a little more upset... I mean, the journal was the only thing I stole but still... it's pretty important... :psyduck:

  11. So rather than make a new scenario they're just going to improve things that are already there?


    I guess that's good for console players but the PC players already have the community modders for that. Meh, it's too early to judge. I can't wait to see what happens. :tongue:

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