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Everything posted by thelaughingrouge

  1. Welcome, always a pleasure to find a sneaking enthusiast, Nuk,Nuk,Nuk.
  2. sorry if i deletedu, i fat fingered my phone, Nuk,Nuk,Nuk
  3. Now that's what I'm talk'n about, Classy. Thanks Ghoulz sweet dress. Vic, also sweet, classy and revleling at the same time. nice to know others share a simillar taste 10Q to all.
  4. A good point, I currently use the Dark Crusader enhanced gear, just need a good top. I guess it's not so much a formal request for clothing as a question of why does every elf girl mod make her look like a skank or make it look like she has back problems? ( not that I'm insulting anyones mod. I'm not. I just think a great looking mod on a human girl looks rediculus on a elf girl.) A happy medium is all I ask, ( that and spelling lessons....Nuk, Nuk, Nu...sorry, this is suposed to be serious, force of habit..) I dunno, am I alone in this? Has my artistic sense failed me? Ah what the heck... Nuk.
  5. thelaughingrouge here with a question thats no laughing matter. Looking for some mods for elven females clothing I find one of two types. outfits that she might as well be naked in, or decent clothes, just built with HUGE boobs. No don't get me wrong, I love a naked elf girl as much as the next guy,( maybe more... Nuk,Nuk,Nuk.) but I'm a sucker for the old school. Elf girls have high Cha. stats, that does not mean Porn star chests. So I'm looking for something like Tona's mod shop clothes, (big love for that mod btw,) perferibly seperate pieces not one outfit, without the big cans and badunkadunk. HGEC C cup/ normal-med bottom. Is there a middle gound somewere between pam anderson and a 12 year old. Take back Cyrodiil from the hoochi-mama's!! Nuk,Nuk,Nuk!
  6. The best fence for this is the guy in the pirate cave DLC, he's reasonable about priceing even from the start, and has decent gold on hand.
  7. I have been asked, so here is the explination: Nuk; Verb; a sound made by ninja girls and there fathers to express amusement at a given situation.
  8. I have been asked, so here is the explination: Nuk; Verb; a sound made by ninja girls and there fathers to express amusement at a given situation.
  9. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14386, A cool mod I found. Not mine, all props go to Viperslayer. Havent found a good robe yet but this mod has allmost all the swords, including the inner hollow versions of strawberrys swords. Nuk, Nuk, Nuk, Nuk!
  10. I can't control my heart rate, there a couger on me!
  11. I can't control my heart rate, there a couger on me!
  12. This one's for U buddy.**clears throat**...Nuk,Nuk, Nuk,Nuk!
  13. Tales was awsome, Faxanadu was also a very early NES RPG but still very good. it was one of the first games to change what u loked like based on what had equiped. Chrono Trigger and FF6 obviously were gods among men. Phantsy Star 1-4 was great. 4 was indeed epic. just be warned, some times your memories dont hold up. jems seem klunky sometimes. definetly Chrono, re-playin it myself now too.
  14. Sup yall thelaughingrouge here, Random Incarna, now easily accessible by mortals,

    Big fan of RPG's specialy White Wolf,

    Otaku and proud,

    So, what's your story?

  15. Dude, amazing, just amazing.
  16. Dude, amazing, just amazing.
  17. Colourwheel, you are completely amazing. thanks to some of you files I've allmost forgot what my game looked like OFB.

    Major Kudos.

  18. Colourwheel, you are completely amazing. thanks to some of you files I've allmost forgot what my game looked like OFB.

    Major Kudos.

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