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Status Updates posted by thelaughingrouge

  1. Welcome, always a pleasure to find a sneaking enthusiast, Nuk,Nuk,Nuk.
  2. sorry if i deletedu, i fat fingered my phone, Nuk,Nuk,Nuk
  3. I have been asked, so here is the explination: Nuk; Verb; a sound made by ninja girls and there fathers to express amusement at a given situation.
  4. I have been asked, so here is the explination: Nuk; Verb; a sound made by ninja girls and there fathers to express amusement at a given situation.
  5. I can't control my heart rate, there a couger on me!
  6. I can't control my heart rate, there a couger on me!
  7. This one's for U buddy.**clears throat**...Nuk,Nuk, Nuk,Nuk!
  8. Sup yall thelaughingrouge here, Random Incarna, now easily accessible by mortals,

    Big fan of RPG's specialy White Wolf,

    Otaku and proud,

    So, what's your story?

  9. Dude, amazing, just amazing.
  10. Dude, amazing, just amazing.
  11. Colourwheel, you are completely amazing. thanks to some of you files I've allmost forgot what my game looked like OFB.

    Major Kudos.

  12. Colourwheel, you are completely amazing. thanks to some of you files I've allmost forgot what my game looked like OFB.

    Major Kudos.

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