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Everything posted by midhras

  1. Sorry for this wall of Midhras.
  2. That picture has faulty fan info. I've coupled a lot of my fans and hooked them up to a fan controller, so I can manually adjust fan speed (for when my girl is in the room, watching an intriguing film or docu or something).
  3. Feel free to delete that botched comment after pulling the link out of there, and then also delete this maybe :D
  4. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8447/7859460648_cf0bec4323_o.jpg
  5. I've actually gone back a notch (to 4.40 Ghz) as the fan on my Scythe Mugen 2 Rev.B died, and my replacement has a reduced airflow. I could have kept it at 4.5 Ghz as it never gets hotter than 60 degrees Celsius (you're in Fahrenheit land right? That's 140F then) unless I put it through a real stress test.

    I've a very good airflow in my case (8 case, 4GPU and one CPU...

  6. Ah... a fellow i2500k user I see now. And a 580 should equate somewhat to my 2 560ti's. Now all I need is your sense of style and flair and I'm set.
  7. Just bumped into your shots. My word!
  8. Strange... you're not in my friends list any more, and I don't show up in yours either. Have you been checking your friendship approvals?
  9. I get that you're scratching this up to the rules, which is just the point that grieved me: that you do. But I give up. You've bloodied and broken my spirit. I'll never succeed in trying to get my point across.
  10. Anaphiel's point still stands as the image was marked 'adult' as well. Mods are then judged differently than images, or this was an oversight/not yet reported. In any case, my beef is not with the rule, or that images can get banned, but that circumstances were not taken into consideration, and are still largely ignored or shrugged off. Common courtesy is all Yagho's outrage requires, if you ask me. What's done is done, but don't leave the man hanging. @ Lisnpuppy: I don't presume to put words in your mouth. I'm sorry if you think I was; you said that if the shot was worth so much to him to post it someplace else. I said that it was not about the shot, but about sharing it with his friends, his NEXUS friends, here. Which is why he went through the trouble contacting management about it. It seems (SEEMS -- I don't presume!) you're all trying to not see this point. He loves the Nexus and its imageshare crowd, has already marred the image in a construed way to try and comply with the rules, gets to relish in the joy of it being hugely, widely popular, and then its all taken away from him quite matter-of-factly. It's like giving a puppy to a child and then taking it away and wondering why the kid pouts. Telling him to go post it someplace else is totally ignoring his attachment to the social aspect of the Nexus. If it happened to one of my kids, I'd think that more scarring than seeing a nipple, by the way. Again, it is not MY site, and they're not MY rules, and as anyone I do try to stick to them, but I do wonder what kind of example is being set here. But I'm clearly barking up the wrong wall. Don't post when you're angry they say. I'll leave it at this before I'll have to go and dust off my dueling foil and call you all outside for a good old-fashioned toe-to-toe..
  11. Well, if that is the way you decide on these issues --totally ignoring circumstances-- if this is the way think it's proper to handle running a social forum, I'll take my images elsewhere, which grieves me (not you), as the community here has become quite dear to me. Truly, I have to make a LOT of judgement calls in my day-job and I often muck up, but at least I try to keep an open mind and try to think about why I do the things I do. I try to never make a knee-jerk decision, hide behind any rules, and try to act using common courtesy. No hard feelings, I'm just thoroughly disappointed, frustrated and sad. EDIT: The Vampire Dante, I think you misread my meaning. Let's leave it at that.
  12. If you think this is about the SHOT than I truly don't understand why you are a moderator. You amaze me. The social aspect is why so many of us continue to come here, post images, mods, pay our fees gladly, but in the end, for anyone that ever posts anything: it's a SOCIAL thing. Some of us have built and maintain valued friendships here. The comments on an image and the appreciation of the aim to produce something worthwhile are of course vastly more valuable than the image itself. If you can't imagine that, please, please stop moderating. This is not a mod repository, nor an image host indeed. The Nexus is and always has been so much more. Don't make it any less.
  13. The main reason I didn't study to become a judge, or never took on the moderation chore, is that interpreting written rules or laws to decide what is just is walking a fine line, a razor if you will. I have a lot of respect for anyone that tries to manage any part of a site, especially one this big, let this be clear. Erring on the side of caution in order to meet the original goal to which a rule is meant to contribute is understandable. Of course I'd hate the site to be overrun with tasteless, debasing smut. But on this, I really feel that the desire to be cautious or whatever you call it didn't result in you balancing the blade, but falling flat on your face, especially seeing how you deal with this after the fact. A ban I can understand, but how you're confronting this heartfelt appeal is an affront to the good taste and humble nature with which Yagho tried to share this in the first place. For all that's good and glorious: this image actually uplifted the mean quality and tastefulness of the shots shared here by a good amount. Any moderator worth their beans could have appreciated the fact, but especially given it's long presence in Top Images and the kind of comments it generated on its thread it would have been kind and friendly and good moderating to have at least first contacted the author, or maybe even offer to switch the whole thing to the supporters thread. Understandable that you all had a vacation and the site is straining your gathered resources, but I don't see how that amounts to a good reason to act like cold hard-liners. In sum: your site, your rules. My opinion remains: if you'd been sooner you could have removed it without causing an uproar, but in these circumstances this all just amounts to poor judgement. As an avid user of the site I'm not proud of the way you're handling this right now. In your role as an owner and admin it's only right to protect one's moderators and defend their decisions, but I do hope you're scratching your head a bit over this. Admitting so would maybe have been enough for Yagho.
  14. I coined the word because somehow I struggled with the word screenshot and screenshooting in a fantasy game. Silly, I know, but it kind of stuck, and now it's popping up all over :D (even for screenshots in futuristic games, imagine that!)
  15. Damn friend approval feature. It's on auto-accept and still it hid this somewhere where I had to approve. Sorry for that.
  16. Sheesh, can't a man get some rest around here? No really, if sPINELESS hadn't been involved I would've totally forgot about this, which I would've ended up kicking myself for until there was literally only bone and gristle left to kick with. I couldn't get a nice shot of Viglad kneeling or lying down with an axe, and I hope you know that Viglad without an axe is having him on show almost naked. So you'll have to take him standing up. These are all quite plain: My favourite has him standing up, axe at in hand, but still fairly leisurely: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8023/7686663152_f14c344175.jpg But he could also just be casually observing the torch's arrival, arms crossed, axe on his back: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8021/7687618124_9c5b2a7f52.jpg Or maybe he could be silently rooting for the great run to finish as well as it will: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8434/7687615494_3c2c1f68a6.jpg Or maybe you want him showing the final torchbearer the way: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8157/7686666874_a010c9eea5.jpg PlayerTwo, a couple things: 1. Viglad is larger than average (I've changed his height in-game) He's about half a head and a bit taller than your average male Nord or about half a head and a bit taller than Claymora. 2. These shots were all taken at 3240p for your benefit (more detail). Pick and use whichever goes best with how the image is turning out so far. 3. Maybe it's an idea to have the final background image shot in 3240p as well? This would allow you to do a final shot that is of great resolution (so people can zoom in and check out all the characters). Also it would mean that the sharpness and details of the characters (all shot zoomed in) won't clash with a much blurrier background. 4. As long as you're editing stuff: if you look at Vig's neckline (where the skin should meet the fabric, you'll notice a gap. He's wearing a beta version of an armour which has this problem. I'd not be against it if you removed that fault, if you want, and if you can. Thanks for waiting for me, and thanks to all the people who have put their time and love into this thing, organizing and contributing and vexing slow torchbearers, shooing them into awful greenrooms and helping torchbearers with their submissions. I can only wonder at how this will turn out, but I'm loving the effort already. I don't dare guess how many avatars will be in the final shot. I'm thrilled! I've packed all four shots in an archive (3240p png's).
  17. And excuse me for not seeing your friend request. I didn't even know there was something like that on the forum. Approved of course.
  18. Hells and damnation! Only by reading on sPINELESSjELLY's profile that there was such a thing as friendship approval (yuck!), I discover that I had 3 pages of requests that I've been ignoring (I plead ignorance!). Of course I've approved everyone that I could even vaguely recollect. So silly...
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 83Willow


      Yep, same here > 53 requests!!! And I had the setting on "accept without approval", since the beginning! I think those are the people that tried to add us/you from the Skyrim-Profile and not directly here in the Forum... ?!
    3. midhras


      That's possible, because people have been adding me for a loooong time without me ever having to approve.
    4. trillville


      I have no idea how this site works, lol. I thought this stuff was all automatic.
  19. I'm renovating in my new house (BIG job), trying to get it ready so we can move in. My presence here will be quite limited, and my desires to get Midhrastic in order will greatly reduce my presence in the Imageshare, especially commenting your pictures, my friends. But I will be back, and I will take care of my incurred backlog, over time.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      One thing I know: when this is over, your new house shall be in mint condition, call it a hunch. Have fun with the job in hand and keep in touch, if only to say hello.
    3. bison1967


      I hope everything goes well in your renovation, my friend. Stay safe, and we shall see you when you return. :D
    4. kevkas


      Just wanted to say 'good luck' with your new moving (or should I say modding) project: your house xD
  20. Thanks for the nice picture on my mod page! Looks great. Kudos!
  21. Thanks for adding me hodilton. And thanks again for the vid. I'll let you know when I update.
  22. This is so awesome and Viglad is bursting to join in. I can hear him pacing from a thousand miles away. However, I'll only be able to greenroom him in about 7-10 days from now. If that is a problem I could upload a full shot of him using an ENB and no greenroom, if I even have one. So in short, what's the deadline?
  23. It would have to be an older picture then (if applicable) because I can't take any new ones where I'm at. I'll look in the thread later.
  24. Well, I finally released this thing. Check it out if you like: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20429/
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 83Willow




      now the only missing thing is "Vig the Companion" ;)

    3. midhras


      That would have to be a private release then. I'd like to keep the Vig exclusive for a while. Still want to finish his story...
    4. 83Willow


      Thanks Mid, and it was rather a joke, I wouln't even dare to ask you if you want to release Vig officially! Oh and yes please! You know we are all waiting longingly for the continuation of your fantastic saga! :D
  25. Thanks for adding me as a friend schmoops. I'll go check out a couple of your images right now.
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