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Everything posted by midhras

  1. That new endorsement reminder thing works wonders. At first I didn't understand what I did when I saw that my mod went from 600 endorsements to 700+ in less than a week. Then when I downloaded a file and saw that (elegant) reminder, I understood. Sweet addition. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for those images zz. That hair! Beautiful. I didn't think FO3 could have hair that was as good looking as that.
  3. Thanks for taking another gander at some of my older shots. I'm always honoured when my stuff does well under your scrutiny.
  4. Hey, thanks for adding me as a friend. I'm quite inactive here, especially in the imageshare, so keeping track won't be a chore ;)
  5. Thanks for helping me out on the thread of neverending questions there faerie. I can't bring myself to visit there much these days. I can't bring anything new, and it feels like I'm only repeating myself over and over and over. I'll pop in sometime soonish. But again, thanks for making me feel les rushed.
  6. Thanks for the kind words, Isinsocal. Much appreciated.
  7. There's nothing like the occasional extended abs(tin)ence to decompose, reinvigorate, charge up and inspire. I expect nothing less than borderline brilliance from you now, either in images or word-craft. I myself feel thoroughly drained already, so the occasional bout of elevated spirits that results from your presence is an enjoyable change, indeed.

    Welcome back good fellow!

  8. About performance on Midhrastic: if you just disable DOF and/or SSAO, you'll find that the performance is nigh on the same as vanilla, or even better, because SMAA is much more performance friendly than MSAA or any other form of antialiasing. You can disable both depth of field and ambient occlusion in enbseries.ini (set both to false).
  9. Not well, but not awful bison. Thanks for asking. I hope to move in finally in about a couple weeks. Much work to do before then. Hope you're doing well and that you've recovered well from your surgery or are making good headway on your way out of the pits.
  10. I'm getting the same on my mod: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18107/ Can someone try tagging it for me?
  11. Exciting stuff. Sadly the tip you gave me doesn't hold up in my particular ENB config. I'll try if I can get it to work using code from my Midhrastic ENB for Skyrim. I originally thought that enabling game colour correction would work, but it didn't.
  12. How are you keeping Yagho? Everything alright?
  13. Also, I'd love it if you could find a solution to the problems I'm having to get night vision to work, using my ENB, if that's even possible. I think if anyone, you might have an idea, seeing your modding experience, and the specific mods you've worked on.
  14. Hi, I'm fiddling around with your Skyrim sunglare mod for my Fallout 3 ENB. I've only just put 1 and 1 together to find out that you're the author of my beloved Lanterns of Skyrim and the Flicker mods! Thanks for those, so much. As well as the gorgeous imagery. So... are you thinking about doing mod work for Fallout? I wouldn't mind running around with a torch or lantern in Fallout :D
  15. More shots: great! I'm using the exact same pack with the medium bumpmaps. I thought I saw NMC's there. Good to know. I'm excited about you doing Wasteland shots. Do share some on my page okay?
  16. Thanks for those images. Care to tell me if you were using any texture mods?
  17. Oh! I like it. And how much. It's always nice to see such a surprise. I was so bummed that you didn't have Fallout that I decided to do a video myself, but it's plain boring and ugly when I compare it to yours. THANKS!
  18. I made an ENB config for Fallout 3. I'd like it if more than half a man and a dead horse checked it out: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18107
    1. schmoops9


      i really REALLY gotta start playin FO3... your shots with your ENB are spectacular! and glad to see u here, even if it's just a status update *hugs* :)
  19. Aaaarghl. I'll have to ask TV to do it then. When I try to run both FRAPS and my game (the way I've configured it, I get dips in the low 20's and stutters when turning. Awful on film.
  20. The H60, that's like a hybrid system right? Where a fan helps cool off your liquid that's in a small closed loop from the cold plate to the CPU? That looks quite nifty. I've always kind of shied away from liquid cooling, but something like that looks quite manageable--and quieter.
  21. Ah, read your comment just in time. Yeah, the PLL is high enough. Thank heavens it doesn't fry my CPU. It's been running for half a year, almost non-stop without a single glitch. Great steady overclock this. And I'm amazed at how cool it's keeping. I'm thinking about stocking up on Mugens for my next CPU.
  22. You're going to make me reboot into BIOS aren't you?
  23. Hod, do you have Fallout 3 by any chance? And if so, would you want to make a vid for it? Using my ENB? Mmmm?
  24. Feel free to edit.
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