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Everything posted by jet4571

  1. I haven't had an issue making and testing an _0 version as long as an _1 wasn't in the mesh folder when testing it. Anyway mine is done except for the texture and getting gauntlets to show more than just the hand part. I used those settings you gave me Dizzaster and it didn't change anything, so that wasn't what was causing it. Now I'm on a new project doing a whole armor from scratch but my vertice weights refuse to cooperate. fix one and another bones vertice weights gets screwed up, fix that and something else breaks. painting them doesn't work... frustrating to say the least and I have been working vertice weights all day.
  2. Currently attempting to import a new armor following this tutorial: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3746 but my vertice weights are all screwed up. the paint weights tool does jack s***, watched about 100 tutorials and when they paint the vertice weights its a smooth transition between red to blue and they dont say what settings to use. I fix the shoulder put it in the game and the left leg has vertices weighted to the right. Never touched the legs so I have no idea why or how that happens. Everytime I fix one thing another gets broken, Cannot make smooth transitions between parts the whole thing is driving me insane. Can I please get someone to look at the armor files? fix the weights and explain what settings were used and how? In Max: http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/armor_wip.jpg In Nifskope and in the game for the first time: http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/Boneissue.jpg Link to the files: http://www.putlocker.com/file/7CCA90DF18A03CE3
  3. Perraine I think I hafta agree with your list lol. I noticed the same thing with the psiijic armor so i used the _0 version to make the _1. just had to move the vertices around the stomach and boobs forward and the butt and upper back a little back. I couldn't import both body and the armor then export to use but you can import the body for reference, just uncheck all the checkboxes. move the full body mesh to line up with the neck seam on the partial. then move vertices on the armor to fit. Once its done delete the full body and export. I still have the missing wrist issue, but it is not really the wrist that's missing but the gauntlet itself. The sleeves on the robe will make that part disappear and I have no idea how to shut that s*** off! My robe doesn't have long sleeves and no texture artist can ever put them back. Plus has anyone ever looked at the uvw map for the robes? was it the modelers first uvw map? because it was horrible. So since I was redoing the texture anyway and all I had done so far was alpha channels and a texture typa that i wanted in that spot pasted on top so i could get an idea of how it would look... So no loss If i had to do it over and So back into max and complete new UVW thats not all over the dam place and texporter to export it so I know where everything is in photoshop. I may not be all that great for mapping a UVW but s*** whoever did the robes was worse than me!
  4. Yeah I copied and pasted the missing bones then it worked fine. Finally got it without weird s*** happening like I was having. But now I am having fun with Alpha channels. For some reason the model that's invisible such as the sleeves and pants is still there. You cant see it but as you move around it makes the textures behind it invisible even though there's no alpha channel for that part to make it invisible. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/Alphawierd.jpg Also the wrists are missing and the ring thing around the arm just below the elbow does not exist in the clothing model, might be part of the gloves I dont know since this set wasn't meant to be played. As you can see in the picture the legs are completely affected and only part of the arm just above the wrist does it. Makes Ebony gauntlets into gloves which is a cool affect if the wrists weren't missing. *edit The ring thing on the arm is part of the gloves. its actually the back of the wrist that's part of the glove model. And I noticed now that the bones I had to paste are not lined up correctly. there's a small gap there on the y axis. **Edit It only happens to the skirt part of the robe. The top part does not become invisible. ***edit and last one... Alpha is fixed. the flags were screwed up. Incase anyone has the same problem and finds this thread heres the settings that worked. enable blending, checked. Source blend mode: Src Alpha. Destination Blend Mode: Inv Src Alpha. Enable testing checked. Alpha Test Function: Greater. Alpha Test Threshold: 128. No Sorter unchecked.
  5. It wont paste. says "failed to map parent link NiNode NPC R ForearmTwist2 [RLt2]" click OK and no paste.
  6. The bottom one's 2 NiTriShapeData is what i copied and the highlighted mesh inside the collar is what i pasted. Thats the problem what is copied is not what gets pasted.
  7. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/527208-how-do-you-insert-the-whole-body-inside-armor/ The armor is the one I did in Max and actualy got it in the game so it will fit around a body without clipping in the back. The armor works perfectly fine with the original upperchest/neck/wrist/ankle body but When I try to insert the body it flat out wont happen. If I add the body mesh in max the whole thing is screwed up. And yes I did both versions.
  8. This is a problem, Every single time I do this the whole mesh gets messed up. Follow the steps exactly too. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/Image3.jpg
  9. I managed to make a robe to fit the body i want to insert into it. But when I try adding a body through NifSkope the body becomes mashed. This s*** is f***ed up.
  10. femalebodyastrid_0.nif Is the correct name. Helps to tell someone the correct name so they are not looking for something else.
  11. Well completely redid it and this is what comes out: http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/TESV2012-01-1410-10-06-87.jpg Its animated and has textures... but what is going on with it? Can someone please look over my files and tell me what was done wrong? http://www.putlocker.com/file/3872F8B79809DE6E
  12. What does it matter? You need to run the game to test your mods anyway, and that requires Steam already. From what Bethsoft has said, the toolset will only be legally available to legal users through Steam. Interpret that as you will. :tongue: Only if you allowed Steam to update the game and bought and installed it on day 1 and that's a steam download version. the first version does not require steam to play. First patch to last and My game wont play, So steam is disabled until I get bored with Skyrim or want to play HL2 again. Launcher shortcut on the desktop and NO steam running required. I do the same with Oblivion as well. Anyway interpret that as download through steam only. so if you are like me and the updates break your game better copy and paste the directory before.
  13. Should be but it is not. Anyway the body actually does not fit inside the robes. even BBE slim or TNT Athena does not fit. the back and butt stick out further than the robes and if you bump the body forward the legs and arms stick out. Spent all day trying to mod the .nif in max and worked many bodies and all did the same thing. This boils down to a complaint I have that they didn't have a default body for all armor and clothes that was exactly the same shape as the nude body. If they used 1 for _0 and another for _1 of each sex to get the armor/clothes to fit then there wouldn't be an issue. Its called a template! And using THE SAME body for everything it makes correcting clipping issues that much easier and there is a shitton of those in vanilla armor.. The games fun to play but they sure as s*** made the modeling and settings overly complicated. They could've used the funds wasted on complicated modeling and setup on quests and unique NPC's and probably almost double the content there.
  14. I did everything in the tutorial and It looked fine in Max and NifSkope, what I get in game is... Well pictures are worth 1000 words. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/WTFISTHISSHIT.jpg I inserted Calientes BBE vanilla body into the psiijic robes and adjusted the robes to fit around it a little better considering the bodies back and ass sticks out past the clothes and moving it forward via nifskope created more clipping from hell. WTF am I doing wrong? Or are there missing steps in the tutorial that those familiar with it would already do? *edit Hello there! That fixed the above problem and now I get this catastrophe: http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/Image4-2.jpg The small pic is third person POV. the purple whatever that is shows through player characters.
  15. There is no female sub directory and no Astrid bodies. both the meshes and texture .bsa files are fully unpacked.. I am not using any updates because they made the game unplayable, so if it was in an update then I dont have it.
  16. Thanks Perraine and Ghogial. I would have used Max but when I open it I get an error for the .dds plugin. and .dds does not show when put in the materials list or on the model. Wasn't a big deal because what I used it for the game didn't care if it was a .dds or a .tga. it would load the .tga if one was present or a .dds if not. So I used .tga for modeling and testing because saving was faster and then converted to .dds for the compression when finished. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/Image2-1.jpg *edit Figured out what the issue was... I never installed SP2 for Max 9 and I installed it so long ago I never noticed it didn't say service pack 2 when starting. Thought I did but that's where thinking can get you lol...
  17. Hi I am working on a retexture of the psiijic robes. mainly sleeveless and shorter robe. I am working on a male and female version. female version has a lower cut shirt showing some cleavage and shows a little belly above the belt. same robe for male and female. Issue is there is nothing under the clothes at all. no arms, no belly no cleavage. I did the NifSkope to make the robes include alpha channels So no issues there. I have 3DX max 9 and already included a complete full body model if it will be required Only issue is I cannot use .dds files for textures in Max 9 so I cannot see them unless i convert to .tga(for alphas). I am not changing the uvw so it shouldn't matter what was dragged and dropped onto the ball then onto the model from the ball so I can see it, then repeating with what i cannot before exporting. or even importing a new part and replacing an old without changing the texture file type at all leaving everything grey in max. and when I try to import into Nifskope it gives me an error with the .mtl file. And the error happens when i never opened the .obj or .mtl and changed anything, export. then import 2 seconds later and error.. Anyway is there some setting in Nifskope to include the complete body? Or does someone want to donate so i can buy a new version of max since it looks like the .dds issue is common and every fix for it has been deleted. FU Nvidea for deleting the plugin lol !!!!
  18. You linked to the Oblivion version of TESsnip and it wont open a Skyrim .ESP file. And i dont have fallout or NV so the fallout mod manager doesn't get past where is the directory when starting.
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