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Everything posted by Banadan

  1. In response to post #56208246. #56208656, #56210846 are all replies on the same post. Yes, it's a hobby which still takes time and resources. And I've made several donations to several mod authors because I am thankful that they spent their own time to create such amazing mods and keep them updated as the game changes, that their hobby makes my gaming experience so much better.
  2. New CK is doing something for me what the old one didn't - hogging up memory. I made myself a little personal mod which was linked to all official ESM files (save the update one), basically my mod had some little balancing details in it (like raising the level cap of villagers, always felt silly how player and monsters keep leveling up but hardy people of Skyrim stay at pathetic low levels and thus will just die as soon as someone looks at them in wrong way later in the game) and I had no problems adding all that stuff in original Skyrim and its CK. In new one, it started nicely but then, at some point, started to yell that not enough memory and then crashed. Not an issue with my hardware, but the darn CK is 32-bit and can't handle memory over 4 gigs. I wish I hadn't accidentally deleted my own old mod, now have to put up with this nonsense from this CK and try to restore what I had.. Eh. Anyhoo, hope everyone else has better luck while using it.
  3. Eh.. Funny thing - in an almost non-funny way - I copied everything over to make the transition to a new PC and a new game installation as easy and as fast as possible, scoured the folders for ini files and what not. Guess which folder I forgot to copy over, which folder was on my mind all the time, as a "must copy it!" detail? Yep, the "good old" Data folder. Spent hours and hours later restoring my 100+ mods. Oh well, next time I ever come across a situation like that, I'll copy the darn Data folder right away and then start to think about other details. In any event, thank you for your assistance JimmyRJump.
  4. I've also made edits to various ini files, to accommodate some mods and personal preferences (I hate soggy water with zero visibility) so I should probably copy those too and later put them back. Good reminder about NMM, was planning to copy that folder anyway but I should probably pay attention to paths and restore those as they were, just to be sure that NMM will find any and all mods and things normally. I know it can be edited in settings, but just to be on the safe side.. Thanks for the reply, appreciated.
  5. Hello, Just wanted to ask someone who knows more about this, or has already done this step - I am getting a new PC and while I will do a fresh install of FO4, I do not feel like tracking down and re-installing all my 100+ mods. Is it enough if I copy the Data folder with all of its contents over, or do I need to check something else in addition as well? Advice would be greatly appreciated :)
  6. I don't mind at all unblocking adds for this site once I know that it is secure. Heck I'll be glad to unblock them here, even. So I will keep looking at this thing :)
  7. I would just add that people should stop whining about the console and mods in a BETA TEST. The whole point of that TEST is to try the game all by itself and that new feature, to see how it works and if it works. In case of issues, people are supposed to REPORT those to Bethesda, not try to "fix" it using console or mods. The whole point of TESTING is to try it and REPORT the issues to the developer! Second, this is a beta test and people can choose whether they try it or not. No one is forced to and if you do not know what TESTING means and how it is done, then leave it alone. This is not a live feature. Once the testing is done, reports are gathered and issues/bugs fixed, a real version of that update will be made available and obviously the console and mods in general will work. And yes, it may be possible that some options may or may not be enabled while playing the game in that mode only. So don't cry about a BETA TESTING, if you do not know how testing is really done, don't opt in, wait until the feature is live and then try it. Other then that, I myself will not play in that mode. Kudos to those who will, but I play the game to have a little bit of fun after long working days and so on and I do not want my game to mimic the dang life on every step. I like some of this "game magic" and "overpowered stuff" and what not, it's entertaining to me, it relaxes me. I am happy that I don't need to keep track of all kinds of little things. But I am glad to see that Bethesda keeps adding to the game and making it better.
  8. Didn't think that I could have liked CD Project Red more then I did but there they go, they made me like them even more! Really big thanks to them, to Nexus and this is what all game companies should be like.
  9. For some reason the current NMM has "lost" several mods from the "Mods" tab. That is the mods are still installed and shown on "Plugins" pane and work in the game but on "Mods" pane they're no longer listed. Anyone can tell why? For example I downloaded and installed unofficial patches, all of them, with NMM and they were always listed. Now I only see "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch" listed, all others are no longer shown on "Mods" pane. Same for several housing mods and what not. How can I fix this, or why have several mods disappeared from that list? I haven't fiddled with any NMM specific files or folders, these names just disappeared from the "Mods" list when it was upgraded to 0.45.6, and it's making mod updating a real pain, or even uninstallation. Sure I can remove the stuff manually but it's still listed as installed somewhere in NMM files.
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