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About LoganWolverine

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  1. Long Long ago in a Land Far Far away in Nexus there use to be a mod that did exactly what this thread is all about I've been searching for as I just came back to skyrim after being away for 2 years with ESO, which I don't play anymore since they nerfed my character so much it can't compete anymore, but thats another story. But I do recall a mod that use to allow you to adjust the cross hair just after character creation or at anytime of game play it was a MCM menu thing, that you could adjust with, not the easiest to use but was something. So on with the search. hope someone finds it.
  2. In response to post #36934810. Good of you, for saying all this about their new stuff, I myself spent a couple of days having to redownload and reinstall everything all over again. Lucky for me I had a copy of NMM 0.56.1, That's what I will stick with. It ask me every time do I want to install the new one and I say Hell No!!!!! LOL. Not only did I not like the All in Profiling thing, but as a creator of mods I found that all of a sudden the creation kit couldn't find anything, I later found out that it was because of the way the profiling system had set everything up and then left I forget what they are called right off hand but they were some kind of funky links. This caused all kinds of headaches for me til I figured it all out and got rid of the new NMM and reinstalled the older one and life has been good for me with it. So lesson learned the hard way for me but til like you said the developers start listening to the users and take into account that not everyone want to use profiles and that everything that is developed should be with the mindset that not everyone that uses this software will want that function, then their developing for a single interest group and not for the public at large. I don't say all this as a hater thing either, I'm one of those old timey gamers and I have my training in the computer world as well.
  3. Hello, I just released a new version of my mod Rusheeda Reborn is now at 5.02 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62098/? soon I will be releasing yet one more to complete everything I wanted in her, at 5.02 she now is stealthy so for those that play as a stealth player she will follow along and render help if you need it, as in you got caught ;). As of this latest and most likely the next update she will be the best Wolf or Dog Follower in Skyrim, she has been in the works for over a year now, and after my stroke I finally have been able to pick it up again and get it nearly finished. It has been a long and wonderful work of art finally coming together to form one of the best Player mods a skyrim fan would want in their mod arsenal. I wish I could get someone to do a Video of her for me I don't know how nor would I want to try to stumble through it as I have seen some wonderful videos on youtube of mods and those people really know how to show a mod off. I hope you'll use the link I provided and download Rusheeda.
  4. Thank you I'll try to track that down and see is it can used, I did find a mod out there that's supposed to support any follower it's called better AI For Followers, so I'm giving it a whirl as far as it making my Rusheeda less noticeable to enemies, but at the same time I will be looking into a way to get her to crouch in a sneak, seems like now that I'm writing and thinking about what you said, it seems like I too remember in the early stage of skyrim that a mod came out that dog followers did crouch when sneaking but I haven't seen it around for a very long time now
  5. Dang I had no idea it was that complicated, I guess that's why no one has tried tackling it in all these years. shoot my thinking was too simple then, thinking that you just generate a new animation. I wonder if Fnis will ever try to tackle it?
  6. thank you both but I've tried to use the event and state and for some reason the wolf/dog I've made won't sneak, it just keeps walking behind me as a usual walk instead of crouching as if sneaking like the player does, and no matter what I do to increase it's sneak and stealth everyone and there brother always detect them but not me, I even scripted so when it's sneaking it doesn't bark or make noise at all, now in fairness I do have a aggro set so it could be I need to turn that off, but my main thing is to see the wolf/dog start crouching and look like its sneaking, but I don't know how to mess with the hkx files in studio 3d max and make animations for skyrim, I would have thought by now someone would have though LOL, so the rest of us could use them :).
  7. Has Anyone Tried To make a Sneak Animation for lets say a wolf or dog??? I'm asking because I made a mod called Rusheeda which is a wolf Follower, but now I'm working on getting it to sneak when I sneak but there isn't any animation for dogs or wolves to sneak and I'm not at all familiar with making them working with animations.
  8. Yes that was the problem I had to reinstall my skse something was missing from it, Again Thank you!!!!
  9. Awww....Thank you sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE I'll check that out right now.
  10. I'm having a bit of a problem with this script not wanting to compile because it won't recognize the "Input" @ Input.GetMappedKey("Sneak")now I have read this directly off the creation kit wiki and everything in this line is the same as the wiki so why is the creation kit kicking it out??? as a errorThese are The error's it's creating:: psc(18,13): variable Input is undefinedpsc(18,19): none is not a known user-defined typepsc(18,1): type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)psc(19,1): RegisterForKey is not a function or does not existpsc(23,1): UnregisterForAllKeys is not a function or does not exist ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Rusheeda AutoReferenceAlias Property Alias_RusheedaRef AutoActor Property playerRef AutoInt iSneakKey Function FillAlias()Alias_Rusheeda.Clear()Alias_Rusheeda.ForceRefTo(Alias_RusheedaRef.GetReference())EndFunction Function ClearAlias()Alias_Rusheeda.Clear()EndFunction Function RegisterForSneak()iSneakKey = Input.GetMappedKey("Sneak")RegisterForKey(iSneakKey)EndFunction Function UnregisterForSneak()UnregisterForAllKeys()EndFunction Event OnKeyUp(Int KeyCode, Float HoldTime)If KeyCode == iSneakKeyIf playerRef.IsSneaking()FillAlias()ElseClearAlias()EndIfEndIfEndEvent Can Someone Please Help Me!!!
  11. Hello, I would like to know or if it's even possible to make a script that would make My Wolf Follower Rusheeda Sneak when I sneak, I've tried some things from the ck web site but none of them seem to work. she is a animal follower so I'm not sure if anyone after all this time has figured out how to get them to sneak, it's easy to get regular humanoids to sneak when you do but animals seem to operate differently when it comes to sneaking. Rusheeda can be found on the nexus as Rusheeda and everything is in her files if you would like to take a look at her and see whats going on under the hood. Thanks for any help in advance.
  12. I lean more towards Jeir Explanation of the gender issue, as I myself don't pay much attention to the news on here, when I really should before all else take a peak before wandering off looking for a mod LOL... I'm in a very small percent category 2%, myself as I'm old :)...but I have been a gamer for a very long time and I have made a couple of them myself, I have great respect for the very talented individuals on here that produce some of the very best features for a game that right out of the box was Flawed LOL... but thanks to this wonderful community they have kept and continue to keep the game filled with new adventures and wonderful fixes at every turn, So to all of them I say Thank You!!!! and please keep up the great work, and for others out there that think they can't do it, your wrong if this old man can learn all the things I had to learn to make my last mod Rusheeda...Then you can learn how to do them too. So this is my two cents worth LOL to everyone
  13. hey, thanks for the reply but if your read my original statement it tells right on the first line what the problem is, as you are building in hearthfire it is extremely slow to build, I'm on my second house and I have all materials to build everything so I just enter at the workbench to add everything and then I have to leave skyrim running in the background for about twelve RL hours as it loads all those things, also it's the same way with building the additions it takes forever for them to load and show complete so I can go inside and add all the stuff, I have a really top end machine that can handle anything the pentagon can handle so it's not my resources on my machine.
  14. I would like One of the very Talented Modders Up here to once and for all fix Hearth Fire and How Slow it builds, It's been what almost six years since it's been out and yes there have been some improvements made however the issue I still see all over the internet is people like myself who haven't really done hearthfire in a very long time, so now I'm asking if someone out there could really put a dent into this problem
  15. I learned and am still learning modding but I just finished re doing my Mod Rusheeda as a Wolf follower and she is like no other wolf follower that I've seen, I have used and looked at just about everyone up here, and because it is a tribute to my real life wolf I made her to be unique and she is as good as Sofia the happy follower which I used as a guide when putting her together, she may not look like much at the surface but she is a whole lot of wolf under the hood, it has taken me at least 9 months and thousands of sleepless nights and days of reading and trial and error and re dues to finally have her to a worthy state for the nexus. She's not just a thrown together Follower from watching a youtube tutorial to make a basic Follower, and now I have the greatest respect for those that have contributed so much of their time and effort to giving the community so many wonderful mods for skyrim, some that fix things that were horribly broken by Bethesda from the jump start of skyrim to those that have changed the whole world of skyrim to make it a more cosmetically beautiful place to adventure in. Thank you to all you modders of Skyrim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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