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Everything posted by Tempahs

  1. It's been slow the last few days for me to. I'm in eastern states.
  2. I bet they got a pesky little money glitch going on if you don't download the patch. :thumbsup:
  3. Wtf, so just having a dual-core is going to cause you not to be able to play above low?
  4. Exactly, Skyrim is a game. Why would you want to sex a goat in a video game? Edit: Just realized the post was removed lol.
  5. Simple minded people always pick Uncharted, more people play linear games with amazing graphics than anything with actual depth in the gameplay, so it's going to be a cross between Skyrim and Uncharted, though Skyrim tops it a thousand times over.
  6. Solitude, for the simple fact that it looks beautiful (from the screenshots I've seen)
  7. Not to derail the subject... but really? I didn't relize being a perv was a requirement to make a sex mod O.o or made you a perv for that matter. I suppose everyone that has ever had sex at all might as well be pervs with that logic. sorry mom and dad! but you are pervs for creating me! no really,.. while your probally right about the mod creaters for that being pervs, im not so sure sex mods automatically makes one a perv >.> (rather its the creation of, or use of) for all you know they are normal people that just arnt so uptight about the subject. Your taking it way to personally. I have no problems with sex mods. I used them myself just for the realism factor. I was just saying. Why have sex is TES when p0rn is right around the corner? I'm not uptight neither, I in fact love sex. Edit: Also, I guess I should've added a "lol" to the statement. I'll change that now.
  8. Confirmed that there aren't any "animations" In the game, and if so they might have a blank cut scene for sex, it's only confirmed there's nothing in the lines like Fable where you kiss etc. But I do believe your spouse may have quest for you or something of the sort. You can also bring him/her as a companion, and I hope to god that there's more interaction, and it seems that Beth has improved on it. Can't be sure on anything at this point, 11 more days right. :wallbash: I would love to see animations as in the line of fable, but the whole "gift" thing isn't something I'd want, like every time you'd go up to your kid he would want a hero doll or something, and then my wifey would have a gift and it would be something really stupid. I'd like to have kids though, like go hunting with him and teach him how to make sammiches if your a lady (joke). Also while you teach him things he increases in skill and he does age, so later on maybe you could use him as a companion, mod idea maybe? You already know the pervs are going to make sex mods so that's def in, lol. I would say have your wife cook for you etc. but then I'd be getting way close to Sims, I don't think anyone's playing this game so they live a replica life to their own anyway. We just want to kill some dragons. But it'd be nice after you come back from being gone awhile he/she tells you they miss you and how it was and what happened like normal people, I'd also like to see family problems lol. Not sure if it's possible for the NPC's to fight because they don't like you. It would add realism to it though. I'm satisfied as long as there's a tiny bit of interaction, I hope it's not like you walk around like strangers like that fool guy said in his review about the bosmer and his girlfriend. We'll see.
  9. I hadn't seen it, sadly. thanks, I hope I can make it my companion
  10. I also recall them saying something about you also being able to have one animal companion also. Edit: Not sure if its one or the other or both, I'm researching EDIT 2: Nvm, it's only one, sadly.
  11. I mean based on anything in the real world (Also by real I mean something from a movie etc.), not just what you made up in your mind. EDIT: again, I said anything but yourself :wallbash: EDIT 2: Also I had previously searched and found no forums on role models for characters (BESIDES YOURSELF), but thanks for making me look stupid, bro. Also if it "was based on a another character what would it be", also I meant actual plans for it, I'm just curious on how people would go about it, not people posting on a forum the most stupid thing they can find because they find it humorous.
  12. I just had a brilliant idea, so I just jumped on the forums, but I was laying in bed watching TV and a Puss in boots commercial came up (first time I seen it) and it influenced me making me want to make a khajiit :dance: So, just like in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMYpXl0mnL8 He will have orange hair along with green eyes. Also a cape (If Skyrim had one) :down: Also a leather belt, uh oh don't forget the black eyeliner. Before I shall raid bandit camps my companion will raise a flag with a "P' cut out on it, also play a horn with that theme song "I know you want me" (I will play it on my iPod), post war rituals (I will imagine in my head) If I could have a hat like that I would, I'll do my best to find a similar one. Also I will find the greyest kitty with blue eyes I can find a marry it, and I shall charm nord women. Her family shall love me also, and the kitties sister (in the background) shall have a crush on me. :wub: Also give children candy and $$$, I'm a very charitable kitty. The children will also scream like I just head shotted a grunt in halo. Also find a house in the most sunny part of skyrim. (Because hes in a sunny place) 8) He will also be a ninja-type :ninja: , who wields a normal sized sword, I may switch over daggers just because. He also likes to jump around and do cartwheels (If only that was possible) Also hoooow could I forget the boots, the whole game I shall be on the hunt for the best boots possible. The hero description will simply state "He's been a bad kitty, meow" (At end of first scene) Also I'll ride a black horse (At end of video) That's about it, sorry for the long read, just wondering if any of you guys have plans for anything like this. And if so then what would your character be based on? (Anything besides yourself please) lol :wallbash:
  13. I'm fine as long as it comes when it should, if not, I'm suing amazon for emotional distress. Also killing them all with my home made squid-bear.
  14. EDIT: I love how I just realized that was a racial joke. :hurr: EDIT 2: Also realized I use "class" to much, to many mmorpgs :facepalm: You are not alone my friend. I always play as a assassin red guard, don't ask why. But I will play as a nord my first playthrough, just for the sake of the story Plus I've always loved the gladiator type of feel, a sword and shield. But I REALLY don't want to leave magic left out because it looks amazing in the vids I've seen so far. Anyone have any ideas on which class I should choose for magic? And I don't like dark elfs. Also I don't want to be like everyone else and use the same class for magic, also I don't like being a hero kitty. I feel like I should be getting pet and begging for milk rather than stealing dragon souls, lmao how would a kitty be born with a dragon soul anyway? If they had a donkey class I'd pick that, just for the love of shrek. :ninja:
  15. Yeah def amazing, I would kill for those skills, one of the best pictures I've seen in a long time IMO Keep doing it, your amazing at it.
  16. EDIT: You spelled excited wrong Only thing I'd like to see with an archer is, you know I forget the game but every time you'd get a headshot it would play the animation in slow-mo and show it going into their head, it would be cool if it showed the arrow in a similar way and it actually come out the back side of the persons head, maybe a bit to "gore", but make it only happen randomly like 1/50 times, so every time it happens you call your mom in the room to see it and by the time she's in there it's over. Then she decides your into the game to much and calls for family night -_-, (happened to me as a child). Back to the point, that's all that I want in the besides what's already in it it already has hundreds hours of gameplay, possibly thousands if your the type who goes EVERYWHERE to get EVERYTHING (like me) Off-topic again, as for the magic, not much they could do with it, they could assign like one to each spell, but everyone would get annoyed seeing the same finishing move with there fav spell, so it doesn't really work. First thing I'm doing when I get the game is shooting an arrow straight in the air and seeing if it comes back down and hits me. Off-topic again.
  17. "Why are you drawing meat?"
  18. I will be getting it for xbox for the simple reason that my laptop is junk (I do have a desktop but its junk to). I'm running on 2.0Ghz (Don't troll me) But I'd rather not lag every time a dragon baby pops up on my screen. PC is my main platform Hoorah. But as I said I'm running on a trash 2.0Gh
  19. I'm sort of disappointed no one mentions wolfs, I'll definitely have one if possible, and for the Kittehs, I'd rather not have my companion shake and sit in a corner every time I decide to kill a skeleton, but that's just me. Plus, there a bit small to do much don't you think? They could scratch their face off but most monsters could care less about what there face looks like, there already ugly. :wallbash: But I'd have a cat just for the lulz.
  20. I sell propane, propane accessories, and an axe in the face. :P Mister Fantasmo O.o? I'd probably just go on a full out gladiator type, seems to be the easiest my first play through, then I mess around with rouges, mages make me feel like a nerd, casting spells constantly kind of gets boring, but that's just me. I want some epic fight like in old Disney movies, with magic it's just like," yeah, I threw fire at you, but your a dragon so I fail, well damn I should have been a warrior" :wallbash: Also hot chicks in light armor duel wielding daggers is much more sexier then a Mage girl wearing a robe, keeps me entertained while I pick flowers and fish with my hands :whistling:
  21. Oh boohoo, it doesn't matter when I play my Xbox Version of this I would much more like to have modding, PC haves huge advantage over Xbox. Graphic wise and the ability to mod, you guys make your own DLC. And Xbox seems to get just about everything before other platforms, Call of Duty for example. We got everything a month before PS3. Don't act like you guys didn't see this coming. And I DO play on PC also, so I'm seeing both sides of this and every time I would play Oblivion or FONV I would just think about the mods I could be using right now. And I can use my xbox controller on my laptop but my laptop isn't really up to spec for Skyrim, it could handle most graphic mods for Oblivion, but considering Oblivion came out in 2006 it should be able to handle it, but I doubt it will handle Skyrim, and my shitty G61 can't upgrade anything (trust me I read into it.) So I'm stuck with my modless Xbox, and trust me. You guys are lucky to have a nice PC.
  22. "This is not the debate section" My point proven, and mod sorry for that post I made I was eh, not in the best state of mind you could say.
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