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Posts posted by DwainDibley

  1. Hey, I don't see anyone else offering to help! :sad:


    Unfortunately yes, you will have to repeat for all the places that you've visited, and need to go back to, that had NPCs in armor, shouldn't be that many.


    Do them one at a time.


    Denerim, Tower, Alienage, Arl Eamon's Estate, etc....


    Sometimes, you fix one or two and the others fall into place...

  2. Try right clicking on 'daupdater.exe' and selecting 'Run as administrator'.


    Try, opening the dazip with winzip and extracting it directly into the 'Dragon Age' folder in your 'My Documents', winzip should put everything in in its proper place.


    Either that or extract to a temp folder and manually place the files where they need to go. The unzipped files will give you a clue as to where they should go.


    Have you tried DAO-Modmanager?


    good luck...

  3. F.Y.I. If you have NBaio running, you don't need all the other 'natural bodies' mods, they add nothing extra to the gaming experience, mostly they do nothing except maybe add to the game load time.


    What do you mean by "kiss/romance Leliana results in the cutscene not playing"?


    What mod are you using that allows you to jump right into romancing Leliana without establishing a relationship and boosting her approval of you, first?


    Are you using the "Beguiler", which allows you to point and click to kiss and have sex with just about anyone and everyone, without establishing a relationship?

  4. Now, if you want to get fancy with it: After visiting your restored Denerim Market, go back to camp and make a new save then exit game. Open this new save with GFF Editor and expand section 16001, and expand den200ar_market. Now, with a new GFF Editor, open your backup save to the same section and arrange them side by side.


    From your backup: highlight line 16010 "SAVEGAME_AREA_PLACEABLES" then right click 'copy' (everything contained within that line will be copied). Go to your new saved game and highlight that same line, right click 'delete', then right click 'paste'.


    Do the same thing for lines: 16012, 16018 and 17000.


    DO NOT DO THIS FOR LINE 16011 "SAVEGAME_AREA_CREATURES", unless you want everybody standing around naked again.



  5. Ok, try this: Back up your saved game then open the original save with GFF Editor. Expand section 16001. Scroll to "den200ar_market" and delete it.


    Save and start DA, run your edited save game and then, go to Denerim Market. It may take a little extra time to load as DA rebuilds the market with the resources available. The market should open with all the armor restored to original. "Should" doesn't mean it "will", but it should.


    Note: It's best if your save is In 'Camp' and not the market when you do this.


    I've done this a lot of times, and it has always worked for me....

  6. It's possible, modders have attempted to turn Zevran and Sten into women with voiceovers and others have screwed up a lot of in game dialogue with unnecessary, incomplete and iratically volumed VO's placed into their mods, so I see no reason why you can't do the same with Alistair's whiny voice.


    Open toolset and click on the "conversations" button, then open the "_ Followers" / "_Alistair" folders, then double click "alistiar_main" to find the task set before you. You'll have to incorporate your VO's into all of that. Good luck....

  7. Open them with winzip and extract them into your override folder. If you're unsure, create a "Test" folder in your override folder and extract into that.


    I put a "Makeup_Hair" folder in my game override and extracted "JB3textures", "More Hairstyles" and all the other makeup and hair mods into that, makes it a lot easier to track down duplicates and conflicts when they're all in one place.


    *Oh and don't forget to run CharGenMorph Compiler after installing those mods....

  8. You can try opening your saved game with the 'gff editor' expanding section 16001 'savegame arealist' scroll down to 'den300ar_elven_alienage' expand it then scroll down to 'den300ip_to_valendrians' and deleting it. Save and boot into your game and try the door again...


    Might want to make a backup of your save game first....


    and, I really don't know if it will work with that particular problem but I have done that with other problems throughout the game and it worked ok.

  9. Maybe that helps you a bit. :smile:


    Yes, yes, thank you!


    Now all I have to do is install blender, again, and see if I can finally figure out how to use it.


    I looked in gmax for something like 'Poly Reducer' but couldn't find anything. If anybody knows if this can be done in gmax let me know.




    See what I'm attempting to deal with.


    (That's two Qunari females.)





  10. Extract "Core and single player head morphs.zip" to your override folder.

    1) Open toolset

    2) Change the module to single player

    3) Click 'File' then 'Open File', browse to the 'All Head Morphs' folder in your override folder and pick an 'mrh' file to load, edit to your heart's content.

    4) when done, click 'File' then 'Save' and it will save your edited mrh file in the same folder, renaming the original mrh as a'*.bak'.

    or click 'Save As' and you can name your edited creation to whatever you like.

    4a) While the .mrh is still open, go to the 'Object Inspector' scroll to '14. Export Settings' and check to see if 'Export .mop file' is set to 'False' if you want a '.mor' file.

    5) Next, click 'Tools' then 'Export' then 'Post to Local' and it will save your creation.

    Because you used the 'single player' module it will probably save it in '*\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\modules\Single Player\override\toolsetexport\'

    *Do not change the *.mor file name if you intend for it to replace the original. No original *.mor or *.mop files will be harmed in this process.

    Hope this helps...

    **ADD: Create a "ZZ_Morphs" folder in your override folder and place your altered morphs in it to ensure they load.

  11. I don't understand, if all it takes is putting the same files in differently labeled folders then why bother creating 2nd and sometimes 3rd layer mmh, msh and phy files in decreasing order of detail?


    If someone could please tell me how to create these files using gmax or any other modeling program, I would appreciate it.



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