I would say not so much as from an update but i too experienced the black screen of death SINCE LAUNCH and only until i custom built a rig (not all that better than the laptop i originally installed skyrim on) i was only able to play a total of 2 hours for the first 2 weeks but now will a fresh system the same exact game installed from disk works 100% no problems no black screen CTD or anything of the sort and have since logged approx 20 hours so i will list my previous parts of my old rig to the new and maybe it will help or provide some insight i too still think its a game issue and not a hardware issue but.... OLD RIG intel i-7 3.0 processor AMD 5660 series graphics card 4 gb of ram windows 7 64bit New rig AMD phenom II X6 processor NVidia geforce gt 560 4gb ram windows 7 64bit all else is the same oh and the temps are right about the same as far as i can tell i will continue to experiment with the old rig to really see the differences and hopefully find a new solution... so with that said all it took is a completely new rig for the game to work properly....good job bethseda awesome testing you guys have done...