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Everything posted by DaxMastah
As The Title Says, I request a Single or Series (up to the Creator) to the requisition of GunBlades, what theme They May be based on is Really up to the creator, as to How i wish for There Creation? Well, In all truth, I'm Surprised Noone has created through this Method, But the crossbows i feel would be Excellent! in consideration that they are already used as a Melee with The Terms Of their Right Click, Or Secondary Attack, If you will. why not Make them into a Magic or Steam Punk/ Clock work Gun, Add a Blade On to The Bottom of the Barrel, and Give it melee Bonuses Based on the blade? However, If someone Knows of a Mod That has already been made that Meets said criteria, I would appreciate A Link To said Mod, And A "Please And Thank You" In Advance.
Mods Not Loading into The Game...
DaxMastah replied to DaxMastah's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Apologies For Blaming CASM, Some How I thought it may have been eating some of my Ram, But when I Really Think about it, It's No Worse Then Auto Saving, As For NVSE And 4GB, I have Both and Still have The Issue (Had to Get 4GB For Memory Usage Crash...), However, I May Give Loot a Try... It is an Odd Situation Though... Ofcourse Now it's To the Point My Game has Just Been Crashing With NO mods... A clean Install, Re- Downloaded, Crash... Perhaps i Should Give Up on Sin City (Post-Apocalyptia) And Just Be Patient For the Next Fallout, Over If this Does Turn Out Fine, Thank you very Much, If Not, Apologies For All of This, Truth be Told, I figured i could Try and add this to The List of Issue For Those In the Future Who may have this Problem, But Anyways Again, Thanks For Trying To Help. -
Mods Not Loading into The Game...
DaxMastah replied to DaxMastah's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Sincerest apologies For Bumping This, But I still Require A fix Upon This issue, Mostly Because, More Mods are acting like they have yet To Be activated, The Sprint Mod Shows signs of activation Being the Perk "Charge!" or something similar... But When i Use the Shift key, Nothing, As for the groovatron... Well it doesn't even show anymore, As for removing More mods, It doesn't seem to fix it... Around the Mod count that this started at was 140 (Or somewhere close... Maybe Higher. I now have the count to Near 115, And it's Not fixed it, And yes i uninstalled the Mod at 140, First thing i did in-fact, Didn't Help... So Far, It's Almost like those Mods Just Aren't Taking Affect any more! I Really Do apologize for complaining as i am, But it's Very Frustrating when something like this Happens and you have no idea how to fix it, Or even what Happened! I Have actually Attempted to Replicate this On Skyrim (Failed and got another issue... But This is About Fallout NV so i'll keep it to that.) And at this point.... well Yeah, I would appreciate ANY information that ANYONE has gathered about this Issue ( Add Admittance To Fallout Addiction Here...), And Not JUST for me, Because i can tell, There have been People Who Have, And are going through this issue... Also, If this IS considered "Necro-ing" A Topic, I apologize and will cease Continuation upon this topic. EDIT: I just relized That from the count that i posted first, This Count has Actually Grown By a Small Number, So I'll Admit That part is Of my Own Fault... I also Just Relized that it May help to add that i do use Mods Like "BLIND", Enhanced Blood, Darnified UI, and Many Mods that Increase Limitations To level, Skills, Rad Resistance, Ect (although Skill Limit Increase has also Not been working very well... Kind of the Sprint Mod situation there...) as well As a Mod or two upon Companion Organization Enhancement(?) such as CFWNV, and a few NPC Mods Like Repopulated Wasteland and One that Gives Main NPC's HD Textures, And Finally for The last Script Eater That I'm Worried About is CASM... Essentially, If my problem is infact There is a limit, Even with 4GB, Then Perhaps a Way to extend to say... 6GB? -
Mods Not Loading into The Game...
DaxMastah replied to DaxMastah's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Thank you for the Information to gaining the load order, but as for the main issue, i really do think Fallout NV maybe having some form of script limit that i may have attempted going beyond, seeing as i do have script heavy mods, mostly construction and building mods such as RTS, Wasteland Defense, even some more decorative like BLIND, Darnified UI, Body Morph, In otherwords, Mods that allow For ALOT of customization to my game as well as mods to just make it look better (Also some mods, as said before, that allow me to go past my limits, basically removing caps on things like radiation resistance, poison resistance, max level, skill cap remover, better jump height, ect...) thing is though... i have attempted to simply uninstall mods and start over, but all i get is just... well the mods i remove are gone, and the mods I'm trying to get working still don't Load... There have been some occasions with groovatron where i get the gun for it, but things like npc grab, groovafy, essentially the shortcut keys don't work, even sprint, i know that PART of it is loaded, because i get the perk Where i can spring with my gun out... still... if anyone knows ANYTHING that could help this, maybe some way to add more then 4gb ram? (if that would help that is.) -
Okay, I've been Playing and modding fallout alot, New vegas especially, But my issue lately is that, some mods, That were working Before (Sprint, groovatron, and a few others that allow you to surpass the default level and stats) have now simply stopped loading in.... it SAYS the mods are in the game, they're checked on the mod manager in both the mod list and plugins, I've met the Mod's Requirements, so far it's becoming frustrating, i've tried uninstalling mods, reinstalling the ones i want the most, and still nothing... I fear that it maybe that i'm loading it down with too many scripts or something similar. just to add on, Yes i do have NVSE And 4GB launcher, 4GB helps with the running low on memory issue, but at the same time, it gives no assistance for my issue (As far as i know, i may be wrong.). if anyone knows how i may fix this issue, the information would be great! Also, if it helps in anyway, My Active Plugin count is 108 (99 excluding game and DLC). (On a side note: Because I know Someone will ask me for my load order, is there a way to simply copy and paste a text showing the load order from NMM or something similar? or would i really just have to type it out mod by mod?)
First i would like to say the following: 1- Yes, I know this isn't Completely lore friendly 2- I know there is no reasoning for the daedra haveing kids 3- and i know that daedra may show themselves as any gender (and form in some cases) as they please. so overall, this is a fanfiction type of mod, so please, leave the "put-downs" and "Negitivity" else where, I Will however take constructive criticism to account, no matter what level of, well to generally put it, "far fetched" ideas you may toss at me. now then, on to the actual request of the mod! as it states in the title, this mod would concentrate on the idea if the daedra had heirs, children of thier own basically, what would the dragonborn have to do with this? at first, nothing, but you may find a portal (up to the creator on where to put it, or even adjust how you would find the daedra even! doesnt have to be a portal.) and out of curiosity, you jump in and your put in a pocket oblivion, at that point is where ive gotten farthest, mostly because iv'e spent most of my time working on the actual characters, the list is as such: Duskin- Son of azura, like his mother, he draws from both darkness and light, though has chosen a more darker side of power use, he is slender, average height, he is a silent, dark, yet wise person, his appearance tell's of the age around 16-17, he uses dark spells of high magicka indused force to blind his opponents, then sets them ablaze with light magic. Baleith- Daughter to Boethiah, as her mother, and all heirs do, she drives from the same powers as her parent, using poison to kill her enemies in mass murder, she has a similer appearance to her mother, very slender, around 5.4 feet in height, very mordid, find great humor in other's suffering, and is by mortal definition "Evil". Cleos Vile- Daughter to Clavicus Vile, a young looking girl, looks around 13-14, accompanied by a pup "Blabby", she is, as her father, schemes in every way to trick mortals to make wishes and create pacts to help her father's power, she is overall average for her "age apperance", she has had no need for combat, simply magicka induced look into a mortal, and they are stunned for as long as she remains in the general area, she is not necessaraly "evil", but "good intentioned" does not fit her either... Hermis Mora- Son of Hermaeus Mora, he is but simply a "helper" to his father, organizing, catagorizing, and remaking all of his father's collections, having an appearance similar to his father's, his cannot be simply explained in human like structure, he spends most of his time simply reading, and on occasions, creating new, small powers. Hirline- Daughter of Hircine, her appearance takes closer to Hircine's Created Desease "lycanthropy" being that she is similer, but not complete in appearance to werewolves, she is very slender, around 6 feet tall, yet bares what seems like a similar peice as to the "Saviors Hide" but instead of a dark grey fur, its dark, blood like red, weilding a spear like her father, yet mearly uses it to knock her enemies off thier feet, as so she may feed on there flash while the still live. Malice- Daughter to malacath, appearance of an orc, but with small horns from her forehead, she is emmencely powerful in physical strength, to the point of a giants club is but a mere gabble to her, she is as average overal size as a female orc, she disises weakness of any kind, and will stomp out any who are as such, though this is as such, she is not an "evil" daedra, she will aid those of Orsimer (orcs) in attempt to aid her father. Meihres Dagon- Daughter to Mehrunes Dagon, unlike her father, she resembles a Large Female Dremora, almost xivili in the sense she only has two arms and is very muscular, she weilds a large dagger in her Right hand and a claw in her Left, Very tempermental, and an even worse destructive power, Completely Immune to Fire and heat, she could swim in lava if she saw fit to, she is one for annilation and complete destruction. Mephie- Daughter of Mephala and Cousin of Hermis Mora, loving the ideas of sending all friendships into complete chaos, she attemptes to lie and cheat to send any into anarchy, accompanied by a small group spiders, plitch black, shadow like, she also wields a small blade similer in appearance to her mother's artifact, the "Ebony Blade", mear appearance of a young teenage girl, within a long black hood and cloak. Mieahre- Meridia's Daughter, a kind girl, partial to Both Light Magic and the use of an enchted sword she calls "Light Shard" she bares herself in a heavy robe, her appearance is with a human like form, with angelic wings, she mature, yet gentle to those of deserving praise, she despises the undead, she acts more of as a guardian than a daedra. Morohg Bal- Son to Molag Bal, a young, scamp like appearanced, child like daedra, very brat-ish like in the sense he feels he owns everything, he is a slave driver to his servants and his father's worshippers, weilding a great hammer the size of a giant's arm, he smashes any who defie him, he and Baleith start war when they meet. This is as far as i have gotten at this time, i would do this my self, but i have nor the skills or the persistance to do this, and i'm sure there are other's who may find this idea interesting, the children of the daedra are not LOCKED as the above, you find details that you feel may need tweaking or completely change, by all means, i'm not making the mod, so i should not have complete control, this is merely an example of what i am asking for. to the creator of this, you have my thanks, and to those who may throw ideas to help this along, You aswell, have my thanks.
1, i Believe i know of the mod you speak of, im not sure it it was just me, but beast races only unlocked beast races (meaning as ex: khajiit got argonian, and vise versa) and secondly, i'm all for this idea! it is unfortunate that humans get all the attention, elves are secondary, and beasts.... well yeah, dont get me wrong, we get plenty of attention, but i still feel they dont get AS much...truthfully, i would hope for the requests idea of ADDING a secondary hair slider for horns (it would be interesting for argonian addition races or replacements) but one can only do so much. overall, seconded (or...forthed?).
for this request, i ask for a small home, a bunker in a sense, fully dwemer, yet not like the other's, im looking for a "Not so clean" look, i want a somewhat cramped yet still storage-able home, like an appartment for the "bad-ass" protagonist, a few small displays for some weapons, a single manikin for the best armor, if possible, could one make the manikin more of a broken dwemer droid in a sense, in the looks of attempts of repair were made but decided to just use him to hang you'r jacket upon, i request the specified manikin ONLY if it may be done, moving on, also a single person bed, stone preferred, not the luxury beds, to some it up, basically make it into a rundown underground apartment made from (Mostly) broken dwemer equipment (i add mostly as to the factor of, if this were just some house mod made from a ruin, then it wouldn't be as interesting!), as for the smaller details, i'm not too picky ("Too"...) so i'll let the creator choose as such, for location, i would prefer somewhere close to ground, even under a bridge would be good, i mean, this is supposed to be a form of bunker, so a hidden place would be great!
seconded, all for deadra, "the nine divine are boring, deadra are never boring!".....had to, but all humor aside, i would actually like to see something like this, but a spell? maybe not.... maybe something of a "summoning" like in daggerfall, where you go to summon a daedra from a which cult?
I personally Would love to wear Jack's suit, not as narrow as they make it... but to the point, maybe someone would make it around hallow's eve, but at the moment... it would'nt be AS likely.
Indeed, but the thing is, this isn't as much an apocalypse as it is post-apocalypse... except for that endgame part where the hero goes back to their own time to stop the apocalypse; then it bears close resemblance to the Oblivion plot line, which wasn't actually what I intended, but eh, what the heck. Extracted from original post: "The daedric apocalypse itself isn't a mystery, because a very powerful daedra is responsible for it. This daedra is completely unknown in Nirn due to his daedra basically never having interacted with it up to this point. This daedra is as powerful as the other daedric princes, but it's a bit more... liberal with its powers. And by liberal, I mean it just tore its way out of the planes of oblivion and straight into Nirn to cause havoc, raise the dead, and tear down civilization as we know it." Sounds like OP wants a new Daedric Prince, or one that we just haven't seen yet. Indeed, a new Daedric Prince... well, one we just haven't seen yet, actually, but that kind of also means it is new. By the way, just to clarify, the main reason for this mod is the cyberpunk aspect, not as much the daedric apocalypse thing itself. That's just for... added flavor... and an excuse for not re-doing all of the cities into complicated cyber-punk versions of themselves. to that point, why not just make some modified dwemer tech? and not just use bronze either, maybe some iron, silver, even dragon bones if one feels the need! i honestly never understood why noone would make dwemer tech with other alloys as a mod, but with this, that tech cant be around that much, but the blue prints and specialists on the otherhand, may be more common, not so common as to say you'll find them traveling on every route, but to the point.
in a sense, a follower creation mod like dragons dogma, that allows you to create you "main pawn" just as you would your own character.
sci fi fantasy post apocalyptic scenario in elder scrolls.... full support, seconded. only detail i would add is, which daedra, marunes again? an added allie to marunes? perhaps molag and marunes? or jygallag comes to nirn? im just making random scenarios for such, in a sense of trying to help.
ah, i forgot they have throw-able weapons, my apologies, with that aside, i had a few ideas for the card enchantments animations, especially for the "uniques", like finding some form of dwemer pack of power weapon cards or something along those lines, holographics would be nice for the enchantment, and i dont mean the cheap stuff like with the "off Brand" yu gi oh cards...
this brings to the idea of enchanting them, perhaps even making metal cards, razor sharp, and causing bleeding damage, perhaps even give special enchantment effects, though as for the animation... i would use the staff animation personally, the charging one at that, at least for the enchanted type...
as to expanding upon the dodging system, actual precision with weaponry, arrows with the hit boxes would be a great necessity in doing this, refining them to be more precise, as well as making it an over all fair system where it wont be just the npcs who are missing... But overall, a few other things like static items would a nice detail, but i would save that for those whom may be OCD about the subject...
i would actually like to see something like that, it would be interesting as both a weapon and a frontal defense, though i wouldn't add on much to it, it is after all still meant to be a weapon, but if you could add it as a crafting system of some sort, then id say it would be highly recommendable for the ranger type characters.
i could see that, but to make it un-god like, you could use Great power, but longer reload time, as well as a mini-gun like form, it would still require the crossbow animation, unless someone wants to create a custom animation for this... that aside, for "tank" style characters, this would be excellent ranged weaponry, perhaps add on a chain and pull system if it advances far enough, but that i would save much farther for after the initial creation.
A puzzle dungeon, when i think about something like that, i almost wanna mention something like a climbing mechanism from shadow of the colossus or dragons dogma, but i dont think we should get ahead of our selves in such topic, course when i think about it, a proper dodging mechanism with this would actually be somewhat easy after the initial creation would actually be quite helpful for those of quick movement type rogue characters.
As the title says, i would like to request a mod that betters collision meshes, as an example, crouching, be it for stealthy users, such as thieves who wish to get a better angle, also for the assassin who prefers the darkness but is unable for the inability to crouch under something is of taller height of when we are crouching, maybe even for those who wish to say, use in game building mods and cant reach because of this (it can happen...), it could even help some mod makers create so much more imaginative dungeons and areas (not to say they aren't already...), and to those who may find more to add on to this, please do, my main concern is crouching under things (perhaps things made with the multiple repositioner or builder mods we have here). so as said, just this small mod could open A LOT of opportunities. if anyone wants to give it a try, by all means, i require no credit taken, the creation it self would be plenty.
LE Rukia's sword - "Sode no Shirayuki" (Bleach)
DaxMastah replied to keionn's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
i was more or less talking about the mod = http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32282//? -
IDEA! quills :D, there only somewhat like hair and might work wonders! like bow fish needles, or like those under sea needle creatures (i cant think of the name...) either way. more variety for beasts of my favorite kind would be excellent! you were thinking of sea urchins... how about tenticle type things that come from the head (abit like touch receptors ie like cats whiskers) that could be tied up in a pony tail type thing and the barbals could hang from the chin to create a type of beard they could also have dinosaur bit like the tricerotop thing and parasaurolophus protrusion from the back of the head ah, so on the triceratops, they could be like half clannfear!
- 13 replies
LE Rukia's sword - "Sode no Shirayuki" (Bleach)
DaxMastah replied to keionn's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
why not just ask the maker for the cloak physics for permission on the...well, physics! -
i THOUGHT bethesda did it some time in there games, its odd that they would take it out after being such a great way of attacking... either way, i would say seconded, but im not the second person hoping for this, so ill just say aye to the those who want it.
i second this on one condition.... that you may relinquish the dungeon after you find a new or better one as an immersion option (im going for immersion gameplay at the moment)