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Everything posted by Voldearag

  1. That's amazing and exactly what my silly ideal you-playing-Darksouls image was. The claw swipes were cool but I'm so glad it lets you keep holding weapons if you choose, I like swords too much.
  2. Seems like a Batman Beyond villain, not one in particular, just like it would roam the streets of that universe. But naa, you haven't swayed me yet.
  3. DDD: So sorry. Admirably on the ball though, it sounds.
  4. Drohung, do you have DSFix installed and set to your resolution? Would you like a fat pack of hires texture mods?
  5. Very interesting! I could have guessed that though, you've always seemed like one of those cool people, I've known a few. ^ ^ I think it's kind of like subscribing to a certain standard for yourself, but on the inside beyond your active reasoning. I think you're using your powers for good. Good neeeeews, have fun with your new PC! Your screenshots have assured me that you're going to use this mod at least as much as the rest of us.
  6. I'm hearing everything you say in Sans' voice. I bet the Dragon owners are cool enough to at least honestly try, and I'm willing to gamble $35 on a game I'd enjoy as much as that. It doesn't sound like it's to be a MMO, which is great for those of me without much of an internet connection.
  7. I'm back. I like all the news, besides Drohung's computer dieing, sorry for that. Lots of interesting new links and titles I need to look at. Like before, I'm rewarded that Drohung is as invested in and attached to this mod as he seems to be, thanks for that. Edit: And Dragon The Game looks amazing and now I've backed it.
  8. That sounds neat. Social part, is that like companions commenting on your or their UBR feet?
  9. Eeh, I'm not putting down your style, but it lacks my priorities. Good luck to you. I can enjoy being any wild new freaky creature shape as long as it's not a human(oid).
  10. No playing as any kind of tailed long faced non-human thing in your game Derok? Very sadface aww.
  11. That is so great! That sounds milestoney-feeling! Upgrade feelings.
  12. What caused the suck? Family stuff? There's still a fourth of an xmas left where I live, I plan to spend it relaxing and ignoring stuff.
  13. No need to worry, no need to hurry, relax buddy. I hope we each enjoy tomorrow in whichever howoranothers. I also hope that completely new areas continue to be added to Skyrim in mods, eternally. Biggest world.
  14. Sorry about the times I haven't visibly reacted to what you've said. For everyone who responds there are probably about five who don't, but they're still there. Okay good it was Senviro. Yes, the pictures were creative, but they used the URB body in them is what's important. Others drew things too, but those were my favorites. Come to think of it, the purpose of them at the time might have been for official nexus art, so perhaps using them is fine.
  15. I think it was Senviro who rapidly made some very awesome UBR art and shared it here last year. I saved it, but cool artists normally want people to ask for explicit permission before using their stuff. I haven't looked for a couple of weeks, but everything sounds pretty nice around here, besides DrakeTheDragon and Derok having uncertainties about their goals and respects. I don't want anyone to leave, particularly neither of you; I like believing that threads never really die, someone new can always read everything and then gush about how grateful or interested they are. Unless some jerk locks the thread, then it's dead. Edit: Man Drohung, you get a lot of days off!
  16. Yes, and a newer version is soon going to be uploaded. Read the first post for the download link.
  17. Yes please! That will only save me from going to the trouble of removing them later.
  18. Oh right, the dreaded underwear. I thought those were thrown out the window. Happy thanksday.
  19. Yes please Drohung, about your gatorman LARP pictures, I want to see. And mentioning the mod page makes me excited, thanks!
  20. I imagine a few of us have read Prequel, the Elder Scrolls webcomic by Kazerad. Has anyone else present been following their new prequel/side comic Dodger? http://www.prequeladventure.com/dodger-break-the-law/# It's here-mentionable because a bunch of beastier physique Argonians have entered the picture.
  21. Motivational positivity. Empathetic sadness. Gracious encouragement. Pleasant display of patient faith.
  22. I would really really like to know which computer parts you have purchased. D: I wanna know the decisions you made. I'm also a little worried you might have gotten something incompatible and will need to return parts.
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