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Everything posted by Voldearag

  1. The Lykalos race makes my remaining displeasure with Argonians a lot more apparent, them being human bodies with animal heads. UBR has made a huge improvement, changing them to human torsos with animal heads and limbs, but I still don't like the torsos. The collar bones and shoulders, (especially of the females) I wish it all looked less primate, less like a model grown from a human body into a different direction and more like a different creature which just coincidentally grew into something vaguely similar to a human body. I care about being able to believe in where they came from, and I just like really alien forms, especially when they have to live in a human-shape-centric world. Still, about the Lykalos race, I love wolves! But wolf heads mounted on vertical human necks look more odd than lizard heads. Long muzzle faces need bodies that would call for them, long necks, hunched spines... new skeletons. A brand new XP32 compatible skeleton with with ankle and even toe joints is a very endearing future concept. I'm always touting Morrowind beast races as the preferential style, but looking at them again, they leave a lot to be desired too. Is it fine to wish for even more beastial beast races than in Morrowind? I want a huge contrast, District 9 level, bigger reasons for there to be prejudice.
  2. Skinning anything in-game kind of weirds me out, I'm also very gentle on and careful with all of the wildlife I encounter in game, (a little crazy here I admit) but an Argonian wearing a suit of Khajiit skins sounds pretty cool for being dark and unusual. I have a dialog story in mind for what they'd say if you question them about the skins, they'd say that they're the furs of their best friends whom they outlived. 3DNPCs has made me expect every random character to have a long deep backstory to share. I wish we could use our tails for stuff, like Cluny the Scourge from Redwall with the blade affixed to his. More relevant to UBR though might be the Argonian/Khajiit gait or running/walking animations, they look pretty stiff and human to me, especially with the new feet. I wonder how movement animations with more bobbing and more of a hunch would look, straightening our spines with our tails.
  3. I'm delighted you also care for breastlessness enough to incorporate it. One of the Argonian mods I always install is Bigger Argonian Tails. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17339 Maybe something like that is includable. A comic today expressed our general dissatisfaction pretty eloquently. http://www.awkwardzombie.com/index.php?page=0&comic=122914
  4. Drohung, I don't know how to say how happy everything you've just said about UBR and your work has made me without sounding insensitive concerning your possible personal tragedy. But I care about all the stuff, and thanks very much for everything. I champion including anything you like and taking as long as you need. I have no opinion about bulges vs non bulges, either shape could look cooler, I won't know until seeing. I would rather have more feet shape options than groin options though.
  5. Please go into more detail about these butt differences. I would find non human-looking Argonian butts to be cool too, but since Argonians use the same chairs everyone else uses they need to have something.
  6. Around Orcish sounds promising! Great luck to you.
  7. It looks good. I like small simple specific new things.
  8. I'd use the word released rather than finished. Never know about later on! Wonderful though.
  9. Buh. http://www.skyrim-beautification-project.com/ Edit: Oh yeah, that guide uses Nexus Mod Manager, but going through the installs with Mod Organizer is probably not only possible but easier.
  10. Oh I see. Very happy festivities! No one else is speaking, so yes Drohung please start with the Orcish armor. Unrelated for the most part, but have any of you also wished for available Skyrim fighting styles specialized for beast races, like biting? I wish Argonians could just bite someone's face, or Khajiit could jump upon someone's back and dig their feet claws in while cutting their throat with daggers.
  11. Drohung, are you starting with armors with leggings and sticking with those for a while, or do you already plan to remodel shoes into UBR style shoes too? Also this is probably a dumb question but is there a UBR Khajiit foot model? I remember Khajiit having Argonian feet in the last update, but to be honest before that I'd never looked at them and don't remember if they were even digitigrade. No that's right, they were, but I think that may have been a different mod I was using. I'm guessing there isn't a model just because I haven't seen it, but if there is I'd like to. I would like proper fitting leggings for the Orcish armor!
  12. All hail Drohung, our new lord! May you enjoy working with this enough to continue making fancy UBR clothing for ages to come.
  13. Do you like the voice acting in this Argonian Shouts mod? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46364 Stardusk sounds pretty nice to me in the realm of human words, but outside of that realm I prefer voices which don't even sound like they should speak, like the growls and hisses of Argonians in Morrowind. What sort of mod do you plan to make, if you don't mind revealing that already?
  14. That has bothered me before, please don't let them sound like boots! I'm sorry I can't be a reliable tester right now.
  15. I'm totally gonna. As soon as I have a crashless enough computer to play again.
  16. nyonker concerning the breastless mod, now I'm ashamed for not finding that myself. Power to you! Looks like an excellent improvement, particularly the Drachi's textures version. I don't think it'll work with UBR, but judging from the screenshots they're into digitigrade feet too, and their FAQ leads me to believe they're willing to work with other mods, so perhaps it can become compatible. I actually don't know though. Drohung, that's fantastic already!
  17. WarmBlackRooster, FAR and CoverKhajiits both look really really cool, especially FAR's reptile eye retextures. I think I'll take both of these. I don't care that much about Practical Female Armors and the like yet, but it's a noble change I may come back to. I would more like to find a mod that removes female Argonian breasts. And we're waiting with anticipation Drohung, please report your results!
  18. nyonker, I didn't mean to suggest that you like running around in game nude, it's clear to me that you don't. Please consider this, when you kill a beast race NPC you have the option of stripping them nude, and the option of not doing so. You don't need to. However if their skin around their pelvis is made of underwear then you do not have the option of stripping them nude. In one case there are two options, and in the next there is one, I believe the case with more options is more considerate to more people. I keep wanting to reiterate though, that there isn't even anything there to shy away from, so far in vanilla NBR the pelvis is just the place where their tail is. Perhaps beast folk simply don't have anything there, it could be! In the only official smut I've read about involving Argonians, they were restricted to giving handjobs. But if their pelvises are censored then they apparently do have something there, and something we should not see. Can you see why I'm viewing this as one option verses two options? As a more general response to the thread, using NifSkope to edit the mod before using it feels pretty hacky and uncertain to a user such as me who's never even installed that program. Separate downloads for versions with or without underwear would be totally user friendly though, as would an MCM toggler for them. I'm sorry about the complications in finalizing UBR that have come from hearing out our wishes, I'm full of gratitude and excitement, and I don't mind if you (general you, all of you, mostly Derok) need more time. I really like this and appreciate your work. Edit: Drohung's last comment, oh boy thank you! Looking forward to watching you work again.
  19. I would personally love for a subtle cloaca to be a part of the texture, like the raptors from Jurassic Park: The Game had, but I don't know if that's really a canonical Argonian thing. Then again, this is already an aesthetics mod with a different view than Bethesda had. I'll also be fine without though, I can just use my imagination there. I wouldn't be fine with unremovable tighty whities on my fantasy lizard body, I don't find those to agree with seasoning in marsh swamps for weeks. nyonker, your Argonian will only ever be nude if you remove their clothing, and you probably won't need to. Was this a problem for you in Morrowind? AriaroseArgonian, I don't know why you've opted for a mature filtered Nexus account, but if changing that is out of the question for you then someone like me can just send you the mod.
  20. I'm not questioning Nexus's reasons for needing a blank alien groin area to be classified as adult, they need to be careful, but as reasoning personal entities ourselves shouldn't that be fine? They were fine in Morrowind. I don't want big fat groins where they don't belong either, although I think that underwear does more to suggest those are present. I'd include a Mod Configuration Menu entry for underwear or no underwear, I'd be fine with underwear even being the default setting then.
  21. I'm okay with this. I would totally welcome the inclusion of some sort of Argonian genitalia too, but I haven't read enough lore to know what they'd have. Probably best we get the junk from a separate mod though. Thanks Derok.
  22. Finally found an account, so I can comment on this thread that I've followed for almost a year. I love this mod, it is making all of my Skyrim dreams come true, or certainly more of them than anything previous combined. I thank the three Ds for creating reviving and enhancing it. I watched Drohung's join.me near the end, their new accessories feel as special as the feet. And I don't like the idea of underwear either. I know something is necessary in order to keep this from being classified as an adult mod, but I don't know why this being classified as an adult mod would be a problem at all. I've gotten plenty of adult mods from Nexus. Please someone, fill me in.
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