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Everything posted by Voldearag

  1. Oh it's the same one I linked to a couple pages ago. I thought it fit with the UBR feet really nicely. I would prefer more hunch though. What's with people who like that gigantic argonian chest mod? The lizard folk's defining feature, enormous herculean chests.
  2. Please paste a link to or say the name of that new mod. I like following all of them.
  3. Cheering! My acquaintance would love to use UBR but their realistic cold weather effects mods prevent them from being able to survive barefootedly. These coming fitted sandal additions will allow many new converts. It's been a while though Drohung, is it unassembled, still in the mail or not fully purchased? I hope you haven't needed to return anything.
  4. First post is mostly what matters, it'll be updated whenever the mod is.
  5. Probably only I do. I definitely do though, and to know what this one was about.
  6. Wait is there a were-tiger mod? That sounds awesome.
  7. If you're going to rely entirely on one person to get you what you need, you have to take their life into account. Luckily this is just one nicety in one video game so it's perfectly easy to wait.
  8. No, my wishes don't have anything to do with the lore, as in regardless of the lore, my wishes are based on other things, namely how much I liked Morrowind and how much I hate alternate playable forms all being built out of humans. I'm probably going to eat a pumpkin.
  9. You're only helping it, now I want to know about your costumes.
  10. To be clear, my wish for argonians to be more lizard shaped and not have human breasts doesn't have anything to do with lore, that's just an appearance I find a lot cooler and miss getting to appreciate in the only previous game I played. And Khajiit having six nips is great, that's another interesting little difference I can appreciate, but it's less of a priority to me, although I've used a skin that included them. And I think I agree with everything DrakeTheDragon said.
  11. I yearn for different things, alien things being used in familiar environments, or familiar things used in alien environments, for the purposes of this mod discussion the former. :c Seeing and interacting with a different species (subjectively, people, I know they're races) formed from a different evolutionary path with very different workings and needs than ours, but who are still officially respected and accounted for like everyone else, is the basis of the experience I've always hoped for. I still feel positivity tingles whenever I start a new game and that execution-happy lady from the intro says "Next, the lizard!" because it's like maybe, perhaps, there might be prejudice here, or what you are might at least help determine what's available to you. That's the way I wish that it were, all hail Morrowind. Edit: Oh yeah, as well as boring I find beast races with plain catagorical human traits gross, not the sort of gross you might feel if something smells like vomit, but the gross you might feel if a child who you respected for their interesting wild ideas and passion for adventure later on uses this one place's slang, wears this one place's clothes, and outwardly supports all of this same one place's views. I really dislike that the genders are as easy to tell apart as "the boob one" and "the herculian torso one," feels poisonous to me that if argonians were just spraypainted a different color they would be human bodies, the differences are all the reasons for me to appreciate beast races. Sorry for sounding ranty, I'm a little sad, I suspect the argonians in Argonia are going to be the least beast shaped yet.
  12. Although I don't personally find that to be more important than aesthetics, are reptile chests less local lore friendly than reptile feet?
  13. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70701/? Is this one new to anyone else? Seem nice? I keep imagining everything great made for the beast races being combined, like for Unique Beast Races to include the changes from Breastless, Drachis Argonian texture, and a skeleton like that new mod I linked, just as it already makes unnecessary Bigger Argonian Tails. But compatibility across the board would be just as good, I just have less faith in my own ability to get all the mods to agree with each other.
  14. Nnnnnnn or save $200 and watch a youtube video about how to put it together. It's just like Legos. Unless you're shakey handed or something. I think mod progress is paused until Drohung can work on it again, so computer progress is sort of mod progress. Edit: The thermal paste step is less Legoey, unless you used to combine them with Playdoh. Squirt the smallest amount of it onto the processor that you can evenly smear over the whole square, the thinnest layer is required. And we might have said this already, but please make sure to install your ram and processor while the motherboard is on a flat strong non static surface, (before putting it in your case) like a wooden desk, you can put the plastic bag it comes in beneath it if you aren't sure about the static danger. The point is so you can push down hard on your motherboard without flexing it, ram takes a lot of force. I don't know which processor socket you're getting this time, but clamping the processor down was the scariest part of my experience. LGA2011s make a terrifying crunching crushing noise while being pressed into place for the first time. Watching a youtube video of someone else doing it eased my anxieties very much. Good lucks.
  15. Dang Drohung, tell us what the parts are! I hope they all fit and are pretty.
  16. Better than nothing. I refresh a few times every day. I think Drohung passed out some files to other testers, unless I'm remembering wrong. I hope it's still exciting behind the scenes.
  17. My motherboard arrived with a split into thirds PS/2 port and a very scratched up chipset heatsink; I sent it back for a replacement as I worried whatever caused the damage had also cursed it and would come for me next if I held onto it. Spot check your new hardware for problems right away before the strongest warranties run out.
  18. Dual graphics cards, honestly I've never done it! But it's the coolest thing. If you're going to buy a new graphics card at all then your spending requirements go up at least $200 though. I don't know enough about modern graphics cards to suggest anything, besides that I would go for a card with all of the ports in one slot, like say, this http://www.amd.com/PublishingImages/photography/product/360px/AMD-Radeon-HD-6990-360W.png instead of this http://computingforever.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/amd-radeon-hd-6970.jpg So that if you replace the fans with a waterblock later you'll have space to use the expansion slot beside the card.
  19. Why would the interface end of the computer be facing a wall? That's the side that faces me, so I can plug stuff into it. I haven't needed to read or burn a CD in ages. Directx 12 sounds really cool, but Windows 10 is a predator so I won't be able to use it. I've just bought all the stuff I suggested, with tax and stuff it was $1252. In case anyone's confused, I'm not Drohung, we just both needed to upgrade.
  20. I gotta disagree with Dardranac's suggestion of a motherboard with onboard video. Those ports are never going to be used, because he'll have a video card, that's a lot of space which could instead have more USB ports. Drohung's budget is my budget too, nice. I would trade out the motherboard from my last build idea with this MSI X99A Gaming 7. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130839 My reason being it has red ports instead of blue ports and it has a Killer E2200 network interface card, which is really cool, and it's only a little bit more expensive. Dardranac is thinking Intel Z170 chipset motherboards, they're the brand new this month thing created for lower budget normal gaming people. I'm more fond of the Intel X99 chipset motherboards, LGA2011v3 processors, because they have eight ram slots and six core processors. The general word I've seen around is that Z170 is a better idea for gamers, they're cheaper and the processors are faster, 4GHz or higher right off the bat, and x99 is a better idea for people who intend to overclock, programmers, and editors of huge files.
  21. You are the second voice I have heard say this. Would you please be the first to explain it? A Newegg comment suggested that newer i7 and such builds no longer experience any noteworthy difference between x8 and x16 SLI. Why is that, and do you know where I can read about it? I'm deciding on my new computer too.
  22. Hurray! Remember your gamesaves, and you might like to take a screenshot of your Program Files folder/s to remind yourself what to reinstall. I normally install my new OS onto a new partition of the hard drive so I can just slowly move everything over while I'm using it.
  23. Also Drohung, I don't expect you to just choose everything we think is cool, but I hope you run the hardware you're buying past us before buying it so we can bring up possible cons you may not have considered. Computer people love helping people with computers, it's just freaking fun. Maybe you're one too though, I dunno.
  24. I know helpful stuff. Here's a general pretty build, Drohung. $230 Motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130841 $390 Processor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117402 $135 RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231873 $12 Thermal paste: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835100007 -Lowest amount of RAM sold in this size this speed and this color. I know the motherboard's native RAM speed is lower, but it's an overclocking board, I'm pretty sure this'll run colder than a lower speed RAM overclocked to the same speed. -Unless your old processor cooler is compatible with lots of sockets you'll need to buy an LGA2011 cooler too. If you don't already have one that'll fit here's one. $70 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835709011&Tpk=N82E16835709011 It's a matching black color and logicalincrements.com says it fits this motherboard. -I left out a video card because you can use your previous card on the new board, don't need to upgrade everything at the same time. But if you ever plan on using two video cards a la SLI\Crossfire then you should buy this processor instead of the one I first suggested. $585 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403 Has more magic lanes, allows for x16x16 speed instead of x8x8, but if you only plan to use one video card then that first $390 processor is just fine. -Didn't suggest a case because like the video card you can just use your old case, unless your last computer was a weird small proprietary ATX thingy, but case options are all up to personal preference anyways. -Newegg is going to add something like $100 in tax. Sorry, I don't know why.
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