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Everything posted by icecreamassassin

  1. @InDarkestNight if you feel like coming over to the Icecreamassassin mods discord and start a support ticket if you have any more issues getting your setup going, I'm sure someone from the community or a dev team member will be happy to help out.
  2. Look buddy, you need to stop whining about the script cleaning issue because we have been deterring people from doing that for YEARS now but you have it in your head and that's that I guess. Also we had always utilized script cleaning since the early days BEFORE you knew about issues it caused so your departure from "following" legacy wasn't because of actions on our part it was because of what you learned about the risks of script cleaning. Get over it already. As for general stability, if you want to make specific claims and reference data that actually substantiates your claims which we can use to solve said issue, that's great, otherwise pipe down, your commentary is not helpful or welcome. That said how about letting the topic actually return to the topic at hand? Sorry folks, just had to respond since I was once again publically called out for this BS.
  3. been awhile since I've needed to post but I'm desperate lol. So quest stages can fire one of several possible logs/fragments depending on conditions and it evaluates from the top of the stack down until one passes the condition check. I have QuestVMVariables set as conditions but the quest stage log variants do not seem to be actually recognizing them at all. They will pass as true no matter the QuestVM value. The variables are properly assigned as flagged as conditional, but no dice. Oddly as well, it seem that the log stack is processing EACH variant rather than the first that passes. I set up debug lines in each variant and all that pass fire. Any ideas why the QuestVM can't be read by the quest stage log conditions? Did I just stumble on a random "cuz reasons" CK quirk? I've used these variables before in dialogue with no problems, but this is vexing. Thanks. EDIT UPDATE: Figured it out. Didn't realize that log entry stacks process ALL entries rather than just the first one that passes. As far as the QuestVMVariable I just goofed and had another plugin overriding some things I was working on in the newer patch, so that's why it didn't seem to be respecting the conditions, they were being overwritten
  4. Did you make sure that the audio file is 16bit 44.1k hertz mono? If it's anything but 16bit, it won't play.
  5. So this was never a problem in LE, but now in SE if you enable parent link too many objects to a parent controller and then right click that parent and tell it to select enable state children, the CK just freezes up. No memory bloat, no processor drain, just hangs where it was with resource usage and does nothing. Has anyone else experienced this or found a solution? Nukeem can't seem to replicate the problem but I know other modders who have the same issue. Currently uploading a 9GB dump file to see if we can't find a solution. The only lead is that Nukeem said that with selecting a prefab book shelf setup (shelves you can place books on via container), it was throwing an infinite loop trying to process the object bounds, so I'd wager it's similar here. Any thoughts?
  6. Nexus doesn't need taxation revenue from mods, the mods are what DRAWS people here and helps them get advertising revenue, it's why Nexus actually throws a few bucks in the tip jar as well in the form of download points to authors; it's the source of the draw for their business. Ultimately you are saying that you are too cheap to pay for anything and you want everything for free. Sorry buddy it doesn't work that way. Authors like myself and Arthmoor and Ethreon provide a huge service to Nexus by providing mods for it's users to download, what exactly do you provide? hmmmm... nothing, if you are too cheap to buy a lifetime premium membership (which is a freaking steal btw), then I'll bet you have never given a thank you tip to any modder and likely don't even endorse very often either. Just buck up and buy a membership and that'll be it; you'll have faster download speed and will have done your part to help support the modders and the venue through which you get your free content from.
  7. @armathyx There is a huge difference between accepting donations or patronage in thanks for already created works which are openly available to the public for no cost implied or expressed and actually SELLING content made with Bethesda's proprietary software using their copyrighted IP. Making things available only through a pay gateway to those people who have paid something is against TOS of the publisher. Accepting a cup of coffee or lunch on someone who loves the work you do is just someone being nice and encouraging you to continue your efforts. Now if you offered exclusive content in exchange for those donations, you'd be back in sticky paid mod territory. TLDR; you are wrong from a legal/TOS position.
  8. Was just informed by a user that a Russian pirate has stolen and is selling many mods over on their website and also has established a Patreon. I have filed DMCA claims against their registrar and Patreon and suggest that if anyone notices other stolen mods posted by this person, that you report them to the appropriate authors so they can take action as well. Thanks. http://modding.club/...orn-650-rub-10/ https://www.patreon.com/KristaModding
  9. Just following up on this last response as I stumbled upon this old thread lol. The alias fill requires base forms not references because it's looking for the closest reference OF the base forms shown on the list.
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