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Everything posted by ShinraStrife

  1. I agree with censoring mods like those. While people should feel entitled to their point of view, there comes a point where nexus moderators should ask themselves if its worth having a lot of people uncomfortable being on the site due to a hateful presence against their race, or just a few people uncomfortable being on the site cause their mod was taken down for anti-semitic themes.
  2. I'll take screenshots then and you can put it on your mod page aswell
  3. Both do pretty much the same thing; They change the compression, and/or size of a lot of textures while trying to keep the quality at about the same as vanilla.
  4. I'll need some info for the installer: What do you want the top banner on the installer to say (plus an image to go on the top right) Also what is the version number going to be for the update that's going to include the NMM installer? You can reply with the info or PM it to me.
  5. You download FO4Edit and use it to change/add records. If you haven't modded a Bethesda game before you are in for a headache though. A lot of the records structures are unknown, and therefore must be edited using hexadecimal code. My advice to new modders is to wait for the CK to come out, or for a really good in-depth tutorial for FO4Edit (whichever comes first)
  6. Re-textures of existing clothing can be done, custom meshed armor isn't possible until Nifskope gets updated.
  7. I'd be glad to do it (markup languages get me all hot and excited) I'll have it done sometime tomorrow. If you wanna see what the one in my mod looks like for quality check purposes, a link to it is in my signature.
  8. The above comments are funny. But, jokes aside, this would require making custom AI sandbox packages for Piper, which I don't think has been attempted yet, and would be quite hard without knowing the record structure, or without the Fallout 4 Creation kit, whichever comes first.
  9. What he said. Look for the sound file at royalty free websites, then reupload your mod.
  10. I had people who downloaded my mod immediately after I uploaded an update telling me the archive was corrupt. You just have to wait a minute or two before downloading newly uploaded files is all.
  11. All armor pieces have 2 Nif files, one for male body and one for female. The problem is even if you found those files, you cannot edit them yet due to Nifskope not supporting Fallout 4 as of the current version.
  12. Download the file mentioned in the post above yours, and rename TES5Edit.exe to FO4Edit.exe Then open FO4Edit.exe and select Fallout4.esm and hit ok. BAM now you have the ability to edit any record you wish. Reply if you want me to show you (using screenshots) what steps are involved for extending jet's effect durration.
  13. I need a baseball bat with the shihkebab flame jets on it XD Anyways it would be quite simple to change weapon mods records to allow equipping to unconventional weapons. If you need help I'm always on these forums.
  14. It's pretty simple Just delete the MOD2 sub-record's value from the armor piece's record. And the update shouldn't break the mod you are working on (this is because changing the FormID's of any record not only breaks mods, but also removes the item/armor/weapon from players save files when their saves try to look for the old record's FormID and find out it moved)
  15. I listen to di.fm progressive channel. Or sometime just listen to progressive playlists on youtube.
  16. You are a god. A digital god. EDIT: I compiled, converted, and checked this script in the translator: ScriptName NukaColaBottleCapAdderSCRIPT Extends ActiveMagicEffect MiscObject Property Caps001_var Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor AkTarget, Actor akCaster) akCaster.Additem(Caps001_var, 2000) endEventThis should give the player 2000 caps upon drinking a nuka cola (I'm just testing stuff ATM) However, it doesn't and only applies the effects of the drink. I used the same variable for bottlecap (Caps001_var) as the original script (NukaColaBottleCapAdderSCRIPT) and didn't edit the magiceffect record in fo4edit. I'm confused why its not working. EDIT 2: removing _var at the end of the property, creating an empty MiscObject record in the CK with the editorID "Caps001", and setting the script properties to AutoFill in the CK worked! http://s27.postimg.org/l0l7fx5sx/enb2015_11_23_15_43_35.png Now that scripting is a reality I can begin making some neat updates for my mod :D
  17. What he said. One at a time and check the comments/bug reports for each mod you plan to download. Other downloaders might have some insight to whether the mod works as intended or not.
  18. Opening the nude mod that Art of The Body made in TexView2 (a texture viewer originally made for ARMA modding) shows he used DXT3 with RGBA so there's no real difference in the settings your using. Wasn't there an issue with skyrim that caused darker shading for custom textured characters if the facegen data wasn't exported? That might be it but idk. I don't do enough re-texturing to have a solid answer for you. Sorry.
  19. When nifskope is updated the first thing I'm doing is making a hockey stick weapon. :D Imagine hearing the goal buzzer when you kneecap a raider. Glorious.
  20. I made a big trader city at starlight. Would be cool to look out your window and see a movie playin XD
  21. GECK not being out isn't the issue. Nif format has changed since skyrim so the current Nifskope doesn't support fo4 yet, therefore no 3d models can be imported yet.
  22. It does technically fully support fo4, you just need to do some extra work if you wanna edit records with unknown structures/values.
  23. For textures that don't have an alpha (transparent color) channel use RGB8, for those that do use RGBA8. The compression is up to you. DXT1 gives you the smallest file sizes but has the worst quality. DXT5 Is what most texture makers should use if they want a good quality, compressed texture. You could always just leave the texture uncompressed (absolute best quality) but this would make your mod file get big fast with the more uncompressed textures you use. (it will also hurt performance on low end systems or if alongside many other uncompressed texture mods) As for your other question, I'm not sure what you mean. If you want to increase the original textures resolution, you would have to increase the size, add a new layer over top of it, then redraw it in Gimp or Ps. Just scaling the image wont make it have better quality (infact it might make it worse due to the image being stretched then scaled down again)
  24. That trailer was live action, so it wasn't actual in-game footage, just a representation of it. As for the difficulty; Shouldn't be too hard once we get a papyrus compiler. Scripting makes anything possible.
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