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Everything posted by ShinraStrife

  1. Where do I find the version? In the properties of your game in steam there should be a version. You are either using the current version or the beta
  2. What version is your fallout 4 and what mods were you using
  3. It could theoretically be done before GECK (once Nifskope allows importing new meshes to FO4) The process of refitting the armor to the exoskeletons would be an annoying task though. It would either look to big compared to FNV on vanilla exoskeletons, or anyone attempting this would have to add a whole new slimmer exoskeleton that only allows the NCR combat armor to be used. (this is all assuming that the NCR combat armor would be considered modular power armor, and not just an armored clothing)
  4. I'm gonna write my own script, with blackjack, and hookers! Futurama :D
  5. Updated with coverage on more features (Flags and conditions, and detecting other installed mods for compatibility purposes)
  6. Offensive content is still offensive. As a person of Russian background I have a big problem with both USSR and nazi promoting material. I have no problem with WW2 style clothing for historical accuracy sake. Avoiding getting into politics, both sides were said to have been oppressive and simply put, supporters of these offensive parties shouldn't be encouraged to take refuge at this site as long as they have their mods listed under a tag. Bad idea.
  7. In Jet's item record there is a duration value, have you tried setting it to a huge number or 0 or -1? If that doesn't work you could always make a script in Skyrim's CK and upgrade the compiled script to FO4 with the PexUpgrader tool.
  8. Time to build a sky base so tall that you can see it from New Vegas.
  9. From a modders point of view: I have a mod that allows you to craft alcohol. A user reported an issue when using my mod with Better Item Sorting; alcoholic beverages would no longer be sorted. I had to add a new esp that overwrites my mods esp, adding the tags that sort the items. (this way I'm not editing the actual ESP for my mod, and he doesn't have to edit his mod, Instead users can install the compatibility patch I made if they use Better Item Sorting)
  10. For some reason it didn't work. I see some perks have the path to the swf file stored in their VMAD sub-record. I hate hex editing >.< Nvm. I thought I had to convert the string to hexadecimal. I really don't get FNAM records. In some records you have to enter hexadecimal values, but in PERK records I don't have to? I need to call it a night before I get a headache XD
  11. Didn't someone on the FO4 Mod Talk forums have this same issue when editing some Diamond City signs? It seems Bethesda went a little overboard with the specular maps.
  12. If you need my help, I'm good with making NMM installer scripts, scripting in Papyrus, and will also beta test :D Edit: He could always add a requirement for nuclear material when recharging (to simulate replacing the depleted uranium for new uranium)
  13. Your biggest obstacle would probably be getting used to the new scripting system added since Skyrim. (Papyrus) Papyrus is easy to learn though so you'll be making mods in no time :D Link to Papyrus documentation.
  14. Mods wont be on console until Micro$oft and $ony can find a way to curate the mods that go to console. They obviously don't want certain mods on their platforms so you'll have to wait.
  15. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar! Many thanks friend.
  16. I see, I was thinking more of adding a new button on the pipboy or the workbench, but I think this is probably impossible without GECK. Its very possible, even without the CK. You'd need to make a script that takes a user input and stores it in a variable then set the settlements name value to that variable. I was able to make a script (albeit a simple one), compile it and attach it to a magic effect, and all without the CK in this thread. Could I get your advice on something??? I'm trying to make a recipe where you can break down something into multiple components (to go along with my mod)... So, for example you got to a reloading bench and breakdown ammo into base components - gunpowder, shell casing ,etc. I know how to create an item in FO4Edit but not how to reverse the process? Any suggestions or do I have to wait till GECK. So you basically want to make an item breakdown-able into components? Sorry english isn't my first language so understanding peoples intent can be a bit hard for me. Yeah, what I am trying to do is take a weapon and break it into four components. For example: you could take a rifle you found and with a recipe break into 4 components (Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Magazine). Then you could use those four components to make a different weapon. Problem is I can't figure out how to break an intem into multiple components (pieces). I thought you mean changing what scrap items you get from breaking down weapons. What you are describing might be a bit harder because your mod would need to figure out what mods the user has attached to their gun, which you could do in a script.
  17. That wouldn't make sense if bethesda has kept to their "support for modders" sales pitch.
  18. I added a new perk and want to try my artist skill (or lack thereof) at an animated pipboy for my new perk. I see a lot of PerkClip_xxxxxx.swf in the extracted interface.ba2 but from what I can tell there is nothing telling the game which pipboy animation to play for the perk being viewed. I've looked through some decompiled animation swf's and inside the PERK records and cant find the relation. Any advice from someone who's done this before?
  19. They work just fine in FO4. I have a tutorial in my signature and if you have any questions or want me to test out your installer before uploading it I'd be happy to.
  20. I am a huge hockey fan. Specifically the Tampa Bay Lightnings. I wanted to make a hockey stick weapon that, when executing a critical, sounds a loud airhorn following people in the arena cheering after a goal. I have already synthesized my own airhorn, and have recorded and cleaned up the sound of cheering fans. Now what I'm worried about (due to the MBL attacking a certain mod that was released) is my mod being removed for copyright infringement. However I will not be featuring any uniforms, logos, or trademarked anything from the NHL or the Lightning's franchise and any textures I make will be made from scratch in GIMP and not feature anything resembling a trademarked logo. So is this a good idea?
  21. Your mod seems to be downloading fine so I'm guessing you fixed the problem?
  22. Each armor and armor addon record has an FNAM value. I have edited damage resistance in this post.
  23. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3432835-editing-armor-values/?p=30794640
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