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Everything posted by Ithlia

  1. Years ago I played my first on line game. It was a text game and it had strictly enforced role playing. Anyone caught by the game monitors being out of character in game would get penalized. So needing to always be in character I played a female character, being female myself a female character was easier to relate to for me. So after several years of playing that game I got in the habit of playing a female and that habit still persists today. heh I never claimed to be a good RP'er. It drives my older son nuts because when he recommends games and my first question is always " Can I play as a female?"
  2. Just a nitpick, but you can build vault pieces pretty much anywhere. Their demo stream showed a huge vault built over Spectacle Island. I went to one of my settlements and opened up the workshop. No vault pieces, no vault posters as well as several other of the vault decorative pieces, no new vault power stations and no new security posts just to name a few. Do these things unlock later? Please tell me I missed something.
  3. I wasn't expecting to like this DLC truth be told. I was looking forward to getting more workshop items though and that's where I'm dissapointed. The things I really wanted to use in my other settlements are not available outside the vault, the new security stations and the posters. I explored the whole area, killed all the baddies and left the vault. Not sure if I will bother with it anymore. So like the original poster, I'm pretty underwhelmed with this one.
  4. Agreed. I wasn't interested in building more settlements, there are more than enough on the mainland. I purposely didn't build beds or anything else because I thought that would keep settlers from spawning.. but nope.. they just moved in anyway. and thank you for the night vision goggles tip, I will see about those.
  5. I'm enjoying Far Harbor for the most part. The fog made it very atmospheric and creepy. I haven't finished the main quest line there only because I'm trying to go slow so I don't mess anything up. However when I started to work on the settlements the lighting seriously got on my nerves. It is just too darn dark all of the time, even during the day. Peering through the dark to see what I'm trying to do gives me a headache and I have to give up after a while. I put over a dozen lights in one large room and they pretty much did nothing. I may have to play with my settings a bit.
  6. That worked for me. My character had weird looking lips that seemed to be stuck on top of her mouth. I had the surgeon remove her lipstick and her face reverted to normal after that. The irritating thing is that this problem appears to be the result of an update for the Survival Beta and I have not opted in for beta testing.
  7. The site and downloads are both very slow to load lately. It started after I upgraded to Win 10 so perhaps that is my problem but every other site I have visited is fine.
  8. In response to post #24595839. #24596394, #24596734, #24596949, #24597129, #24597184 are all replies on the same post. Well the mod author has to do that manually as well. and your welcome :)
  9. In response to post #24595839. #24596394, #24596734 are all replies on the same post. Go to one of their mods, click on their name where it says Uploaded by, right under total views. That should take you to their profile page. The donation thing is on the right.
  10. In response to post #24595839. The mod author has to turn that option on for you to be able to donate to them...as I understand it. Out of curiosity I turned on the donation thing and it shows up on my profile page. I looked at turning it on for one of my mods and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm not sure why, I just couldn't.
  11. My little house mods will be staying here as well. I've no interest in getting involved with the pay for mods thing. I've always liked the modding community here on Nexus and was always happy to be part of it. Let's hope that it continues to flourish.
  12. In response to post #23719594. #23737919, #23743949, #23746339, #23751059, #23751089, #23758904, #23759199, #23759404 are all replies on the same post. Well said Shezrie
  13. In response to post #10262139. #10262310, #10262477, #10262561, #10263581, #10264628, #10264822, #10267213, #10267381, #10267929 are all replies on the same post. Without modders there would be nothing for users to use. So I'd say that both users and modders have equal value here. Without one there wouldn't be the other. Some users seem to feel that as users they are entitled to the same rights as if they had purchased the mod and will continue to make demands, bully and pester in an attempt to force the author to tailor the mod to suite them. If I had had these new options a few months ago I probably would not have felt the need to remove my work from Nexus.
  14. I'm trying to recall the name of a mod that was released some time ago now. It was a set of armor that you had to finish the quest Ill Met by Moonlight in order to be able to craft it. It was primarily geared towards female werewolf characters. It was all black, the skirt had a slit on one side and it had a beautiful hood that came in two versions, worn or off.
  15. Me too. I was in the middle of updating one of my mods and was told that I was not authorized to do that. I noticed that I was logged in with my mods name and not Ithlia. heh It was then I realized something was a wee bit off. I'm sure things will get sorted our though.
  16. I play as a female character. Being a female myself I find it easier to relate to a female character. I do have two male followers that I've used console commands to increase their size so my gal has two large bodyguards. Best of both worlds.
  17. There is a brilliant video on SKSE by Gopher.. he does a great many very useful videos. Is is for an earlier version of SKSE but the information is still relevant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTGnQIiNVqA
  18. Well I did manage to cut off the tip of my thumb while cooking a big dinner a couple of years ago so I understand those harmful whoops moments. I very much prefer a digital loss over a digit loss... *ducks* bad pun. Still the idea of 4 weeks of lost work was rather upsetting, but as you say, unimportant in the grand scheme of things. I'm trying to create a house for the darker characters. Something I've not done before and while it is a bit of a challenge for me because I do tend to lean towards pretty, its been a lot of fun too.
  19. I'm busy with a large interior cell that I've been working on for a few weeks. I NavMeshed the upper floor and then decide to add a new item, hit F5 to refresh and get dozens of error reports and my whole interior turns into a mass of yellow exclamation markers. My last back up was three days ago... I know, bad me... but I got the same problem when I loaded the back up esp. So after several "oh crap!"s I finally figured out what I had done. It seems I had accidentally dragged my main mesh folder into another folder when I added that new item. All is well now but I had to stop working on the thing for a while. I can live without those modding moments! Sheesh.
  20. yep, yesterday was very bad....the 502 bad gateways or just endless loading. I finally gave up trying. Seems better this morning though.
  21. This looks like it may be very useful. It isn't working for me yet either but I'm interested in checking it out once you have things sorted.
  22. Brilliant! I have a house that is across the river from the Solitude Mill and I figured that anyone living on a river wouldn't want to swim it every time they needed to go into town. So I set up a rowboat as an activator on each side of the river to ride (teleport) to the other side. I knew it was probably very easy but I had no idea how it was done. I found that script that I posted, which worked, but it seemed wrong that I had to wait for my followers to swim across when my character had taken a boat. This works perfectly, even my horse comes along so now I don't have to walk up the hill to Solitude. Many thanks Ghaunadaur.
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