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Everything posted by mcgoy

  1. For those who are new to modding Dragon Age Origins, I don't know how other games are modded because I have only worked with the DAO toolset. I'm sure that it is easier than some and harder than other games to mod. The first step should be knowing where the toolset wiki is: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Main_Page The toolset will not answer all of your questions and for those entirely new to programming in any language, it will not teach you how to program from the very basics. It is however, the largest source of knowledge that I'm aware of. The next step is to work through the tutorial that is a part of the DAO toolset. It is referenced in the wiki and will answer many of the initial questions that someone new to modding may have. Then my suggestions on getting started - do some or all of the following: 1) Create some small mods. These don't necessarily have to be uploaded anywhere, they just teach you to mod in small achievable steps - add storage to Camp, give your future Grey Wardeb starting equipment, etc 2) Find mods that uploaded B2B files so that you can learn from what others did. There are also tutorials available with B2B files. 3) Look at the mods that you have used and think about how they could be made better. You won't put in the description "my mod is 10 times better than what mcgoy wrote", but there is no reason to make the same mistakes that someone else made. You also don't want to spend your time creating the exact same mod that someone else has already created. And then ask questions when you get stuck. Even if the answer isn't what you expected/wanted, thank those who responded.
  2. I don't have any interest in adding "hobbits" personally, but the following link may help you add them to the Character Creator/Generator http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Add_A_New_Class_Tutorial
  3. First, your very best friend in the whole world is this site: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Main_Page It has tutorials, examples, and information on how to use the toolset To create the module: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Creating_a_module To create a Companion, I used: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Follower_tutorial http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Compatible_Companion_Mod_Creation and http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/User:Satans_karma#Spawn_Follower_in_Camp_Script And Hickory was quite right, you need: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/PRCSCR_Script_Templates#Adding_a_NPC_into_an_existing_Area Because the link is how you add a NPC to an existing area. My suggestion is usually that people start by doing something easy with the DAO toolset like adding a storage chest to Camp.
  4. Yes, but you might want to jump into something a little easier. If you want to add a class, it might be better to start by adding talents or spells and working your way up to adding a new class.
  5. Yes, there are still people creating mods for DAO. There is a tutorial http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Add_A_New_Class_Tutorial for creating new classes. And it would be in the 'not simple enough' category.
  6. LOL I didn't want to talk about my project(s) until it was well under way because I was afraid that I would never be able to release anything! But keep on working on it and eventually you should have something you can share.
  7. You're welcome. It took me a long time to figure all of that out. Not to mention the swearing, lots of swearing :thumbsup:
  8. The same topic - and a resolution is at http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/8/index/14173165
  9. The forums section and messaging has been down for 'quite some time' (I didn't stay up all night to periodically check for availability). This is a rare occasion when I can get to mods, but nothing else! Any status on when forums and messaging will be available again? I first started seeing problems on Wednesday (26th), but that went away within one day. I believe this issue started the morning of the 27th and is still a problem. I would report someplace more appropriate, but.... this is the only place I can really get to!
  10. Try Rainshocks Male Bodies. I don't have it installed, but it may be what you are looking for. I thought there were some others, but I don't remember the names.
  11. I don't know if I would play Q&L if you have all the sapphos mods installed. Entirely different types of mods. Q&L adds substantial difficulty to the game through new types of opponents and incredibly tough battles as well as challenging puzzles. Q&L changes no core resources, but it can cause lag if your computer doesn't surpass the minimum requirements to play DAO.
  12. I would suggest doing the Dwarf Origins. It wouldn't interfere and the only thing that I would do is make the Aeducan only recruitable for a Brosca and not recruitable by another Aeducan. Jasmine is such a little sweetheart http://social.bioware.com/project/8619/#details is a mod started on Bioware. I don't know how far they ever got with this mod, I suspect just writing dialogue which may or may not be an issue for you. If you don't like writing dialogue, you might want to reach out to the mod owner. He is still active on BSN. http://social.bioware.com/group/1148/is a group for Companion modders. It seems to be 'dead', but it would be a good place for us to discuss modding new Companions so that we 'stay compatible'. And I'll be sending you a pm :dance:
  13. I finally got past the message to read the links and then I lost my response because .... drum roll please.... this site is down for maintenance. The message clearly needs to be updated to something like: 'Due to high volumes of downloads this site is temporarily not available. Please be patient while we migrate to new servers' Or something to that effect. Dark0ne's posts primarily talked about downloads - which I wasn't - and the actual error message I am receiving is buried. It might also be good to provide an update and projected time line for how much longer this will continue.
  14. Woohoo! I managed to get to the messages without getting a 'maintenance' message. The information about what the message says is buried. As I've said, I think the message is poorly worded. It would have saved frustration if the message had said 'due to high download volume this site is temporarily unavailable. Please be patient while we migrate to new servers'. Something like that would have told me to just walk away and do something else for a while.
  15. This really sounds like you need a new message then. I understand, but at the same time, this has moved from being an occasional (once or twice a week) issue to multiple times every day and worse on the weekends. I'm glad you're getting so much traffic, indicates interest. But at the same time, seeing the 'down for maintenance' message indicates that someone is working on .... maintenance. Based on your response, that is not the case, it is just heavy traffic.
  16. I'm SURE those links would be most informative , but the site is down for maintenance. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Maybe the message just needs to be changed to be more informative than 'maintenance'. "This site is temporarily unavailable while we work on changes/upgrades" I've gotten SO MANY maintenance messages at this point (since November) that it must be the best maintained site on the internet.
  17. alduin78 - I am glad that I'm not the only one! I kept thinking that it was just me. Grizzly_UK - this has been going on for well over a month now. In late November, I thought that all of the people on vacation where hitting the servers hard and causing the problem. In December, I thought it was everyone on vacation with the Christmas and other holidays causing heavy traffic. I'm out of holidays to blame this on!
  18. I would just like to have some information on status of Nexus servers/maintenance. I've been getting 'down for maintenance' or 'problem with database (try again soon)'. I used to OCCASIONALLY get a message that the Nexus site was down for maintenance. Now it is an almost daily occurrence that Nexus mods (Dragon Age) and/or forums will be unavailable for hours. Primarily in the afternoon, but it is 6am east coast of the US and the mods are unavailable but the forums are available. If this happened once a week, I would think that this would be a natural time for maintenance when the traffic on the site is probably light. But this is daily and sometimes multiple times each day. IS there maintenance being done or is this something that Nexus has been unaware of? Edited: While I was trying to post this message, I got another of the 'database' error messages and saved the message to a txt file so I wouldn't have to retype. A few minutes later, the forums were available again.
  19. Unless the mod says that it is specifically written for the DLC, then it isn't going to show up. a FEW mods have been written for Awakening and I think one or two that change head morphs have been written for Leliana's Song It can be darn annoying starting Awakening to have all of your equipment disappear!
  20. ummm if you are referring to the official DLC - Golems of A, Witch Hunt, Awakening... the mods have to be specifically written for the standalone to use the mod for it to function. Since you don't list the addons or the mods, it is virtually impossible to determine what addons you are referring to and what mod.
  21. Nope, didn't break my save, but was a mess to get rid of. I don't think that Kajana is the mod author. SpaceAlex is the author. It is possible that they are the same person, but unlikely. Having seen your list of mods.... I'm not surprised by the CTD. You have 3 or 4 mods that are resource intensive and it wouldn't surprise me if they are actually changing the same resources. Good luck.
  22. Unfortunately, the only suggestion that I can make is to remove IA. It is known to cause CTD (Crash To Desktop) and is notoriously hard to remove. I had it installed - for a while - and had to remove it because of the incredible issue with lag. I never made it to the Landsmeet; another site where it is known to CTD. It is a lovely mod, but I can't play it on my desktop. Someone else might be able to help you. I suggest trying on the IA project page.
  23. These factors might be contributing to your problems as well.] I am not sure whose rig you are looking at, (perhaps I put my rig on my profile when I still lived with my Mom 4 years ago, when I would have still been using her computer) But I have 8 GB of ram, and an AMD 6970, I also have a mid level Intel I5, If you had payed attention to my first post you would know that. If It was a problem with my computer not being powerful enough I would know, do you not think I would mention something like "oh hey my PC is a pile of s*** that can barely run any modern game on the lowest settings."? Also when I said people here SEEM to have their heads up their ass, BEFORE you "pointed out that no one is under any obligation to do so" I might add, I was referring to you and your clearly bad attitude. It is beyond me how you became a Moderator here ad you behavior is not that of someone I would ever consider making a moderator.I will also quote my post to disprove you, as you yet again try to put words in my mouth. Where in that post does it "Simply say 'Help me. Again."? Absolutely nowhere. Obviously I had thought the plugin fixed my problem so I had no need to remove any mod, I came to let it be known that I had experienced another problem. I did not say "fix it". Also as I understand it removing the mod would break my game even more, hence the logical idea of trying to find another solution that does not involve starting a new game. You don't seem to understand that when I posted that I was not asking for anything, I was just sharing my experience with people who may have experienced it as well, and if I was lucky someone might come along and say "oh hey, here is what I found works". I would also like to add that I asked for help a grand total of One time in this thread. Please just leave my thread alone. Us arguing here solves absolutely nothing. As a player, not a moderator, I offered what little assistance I could. Thandal almost always (always that I have seen) has more detailed assistance than I can provide. And WAY more patience so take a moment to consider what I would have said :devil: You have provided very very little information that can be used for anyone to help you and what is provided is so buried in your posts that I have no interest in trying to figure out what is useful and what is just an attack on Thandal. IF you want help, rather than an opportunity to rant, you need to provide a list of mods, what you have already tried to fix the problem, what your set up is, and any other information that might be relevant to resolving your problem. Or you can continue insulting Thandal and everyone who tries to help you. That method hasn't seemed particularly effective, but far be it for me to suggest that you should be polite. :rolleyes:
  24. 99.9% chance that it is a problem with your partypickers. As a guess, you have one or more mods that impact the partypicker. From a previous Save, is the partypicker doing the same thing? Do you have the most recent version of the partypickers? And please list which mods you have installed that impact the partypicker (pocket plane is one of these). There are two mods that have the partypicker that you've described - MerAnnes Dwarf Companions and Karma's Companions.
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