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Posts posted by mcgoy

  1. As a GUESS, Origin did the equivalent of reinstalling.


    So you probably need to reinstall the dazip files.


    For the files that go in the override folder, I would check to confirm that all of the folder names are correct. I don't know why mods in the override folder wouldn't work if the folder structure is corrent.

  2. Warning for others - this does NOT always work.


    Some mods (note that the Original Poster listed mods) override core resources and can cause the game to crash at this point.


    If you do not have your game (Ultimate Edition is the only one that I can speak for), the game can also CTD in Denerim without ANY mods installed.


    I certainly suggest trying torrorosso1's solution, but be aware that these settings are not the only reason that the game can CTD in Denerim

  3. My first suggestion would be to use the toolset wiki, a LOT



    Then I would suggest making sure that your new race didn't conflict with the existing races:



    For changing an existing race, yes, there are icons and text that can be changed to reflect the revised information.


    To ADD a NEW race, there is a lot of work that has to be done so that the game correctly identifies the race as valid. There is a lot of information on the toolset wiki, sufficient to add a new race if that is what you want to do.

  4. It was in the saarebas mod. Thanks to LadyHonor's links, I created my own "plt_gen00pt_party_doug.plo", but I have as yet been able to get it to compile the "doug_module_core.nss" I created by unsuccessfully following the instructions from the same link.

    "it was in the saarebas mod" was the problem because your mod won't recognize the files/resources in another mod.


    The links that LadyHonor provided are similar to the ones that I used to get started. All of the information is there so I will leave you to it!

  5. For what I think you are asking for, no. I don't think there is any way for you to control when/where your GW sits down or sleeps.


    Your GW can sit down or lay down as part of a cutscene or a part of the animations associated with a conversation. Since I only know the theory of cutscenes, I can't tell you how to create them, just that it can be done. If you wanted the entire group to sit down as in the image included, each NPC would have to have their animations created individually (as a part of the cutscene)

  6. Four options

    1. Don't worry about compatibility and just tell everyone that your Companion mod isn't going to be Compatible with any other Companion mod.


    2. Put your Companion on the default char_stage and let other modders add your Companion to their partypickers if they want to (since I may be the only one actively creating new Companions this may have the same result as the 1st option)


    3. Create a partypicker with the waypoints for your new Companion and every Companion from a mod that you want to be Compatible with.


    4. Create a partypicker with waypoints for ALL Companions that you can find documentation for.


    Karma sent me her partypicker privately so I used it as my starting point. It had all of the Companion mods that had been added at that time. I don't know if she has uploaded it anywhere as a common resource for modders. There have gotten to be SO MANY Companions that I'll probably upload two versions of the partypicker the next time I upload my mod - ALL of the Companions which becomes incredibly crowded and Companions from the mods that I like. Players will have to be responsible and select which partypicker they want to use.

  7. I would suggest looking for information in the toolset wiki rather than old forum discussions. Some of those discussions are VERY informative, but some are not.


    You can do a search in the folder with the excel spreadsheets and find that three spreadsheets exist that contain the word 'autoscale'. Then you would find that the sheet 'autoscale' exists in creatureranks.xls If you read the toolset wiki, you would know that each sheet in a spreadsheet is converted to a separate gda - the conversion is done using 'excelprocess' (if I remember correctly, I usually create & modify gda files with GDApp at this point) .


    Or you could do a search through Nexus Dragon Age mods and find some mods that add to the difficulty of the game if that is what you are trying to do.

  8. http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Main_Page






    the second link even tells you were the source files are (.xls files which are converted to gda files)


    I guess I should have capitalized




    I had to read the toolset wiki, I still do have to read the toolset wiki.


    You don't have to put the files in a .erf to have them take priority, but you do have to have only one version of the gda. If you want to create .erf files, then I suggest learning how to create a module first. And I also suggest reading http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_Dragon_Age_Mods_for_Dummies (I didn't name it so don't blame me) to learn about priorities.


    Modding DAO is not a 5 minutes to learn process. It takes a long time and I'm still learning. If you want to learn how to do it, you ARE going to have to put in the time to read the toolset wiki and experiment.

  9. So here is what you do.


    Install DAO/UE.

    Hit 'play' on the first screen

    Select 'Downloadable Content'

    Select the 'Installed Content' tab

    Remove all of the checkmarks for the DLC that you don't want to use.

    select 'Done'


    Select New Game (if you don't want to do a 'forced load' and you are done.


    Ta Da! You now have DAO & Return to Ostagar without any of the other official DLC that you don't want.

  10. Just a guess. Never written code before? Of course, the 'code' format changed the colors of some of the words and I could have chosen a better variable name.


    I am not going to teach someone to code from the beginning and the toolset wiki expects that you have some level of experience programming/scripting. My very specific example had a different function so it won't look like your code. Try this.....

       object oItem = GetEventObject(ev,0);
       object oyourvariablename = GetEventObject(ev,1);   
       if (GetTag(oItem) == "yourtagnamehere")
         _AddAbility(oyourvariablename, spellidentifier); 

    oyourvariablename is the variable that represents the user of the unique item.


    If it doesn't compile, it won't work in the game. If it doesn't compile, do some research on the toolset wiki :thumbsup:

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