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About DaJinari

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  1. Been looking for a mod that i had before i deleted and reinstalled oblivion, it's a simple esp i believe. But what it does, is make the weapon enchantment effect's look much better. For instance the fire enchanted weapons look like their actually on fire, and vica versa for the other enchantments. Also, wondering if their was a casting animation replacer, the simple hand toss is rather boring.
  2. For those who haven't gotten on steam and don't have both games, steam is offering a 67% discount on both TES Morrowind GOTY Edition and TES Oblivion GOTY Edition. You can get them both for $14.99, not a bad price.
  3. I'm not one to double post or such, but I've requested that this thread be alerted or something and hasn't been done, it's a re-occurring issue and there is nothing on the cs wiki or google that has helped with the problem, if there is someone here that can help me solve this problem, i would be very appreciative since at the moment it's hindering the ability to finish the next step in the mod i am working on. For detailed events on what happens refer to the following. First i open up the oblivion construction set, then i pick the oblivion.esm as the file. Once this is done, i click on the top tab labeled "characters" then i click on the eyes tab, soon as i click on it, the construction set crashes. Again, i do apologize for the double post but this is a matter that i hope can get resolved soon. DJ~
  4. I'm not to fond of CM either, which is the reason i started making companions to use ingame. Right now their choices are simple follow or wait commands seeing how i am still tinkering with them, but later on i plan on making actual voice overs for them as well. Been making both male and female's of all races, it's nice to have a partner to battle with in dungeons and such. Takes the strain of being mobbed up on away, i always keep them about 1-5 levels higher then me.
  5. Lighter to keep up with the tone of DB armor? Stat's wise or Color wise? It's got the same stats as the db armor and has a black color due to being "black as the void" the vanilla armor's were not "black as the void" lol. But as for the metal part's i plan on darkening their color but not until i get all the parts in their respective order so that i can see them, if i darken them anymore now i will be struggling to see where their at in the editing like i do with the chest piece lmao. But it will be worked on over time. Someone told me that the leg's didn't match the rest which is personal opinion, but to me it looks fine. Like i told them if i was going to change the legs and boots, i might as well change the chest to a steel piece as well or else it would indeed look bad. But thanks for the comment, i am still working on it. EDIT: Here's the latest version previews, changed the gloves which look a lot better imo. http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j416/DaJinari/ArmorNifskope.png http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j416/DaJinari/ArmorPreview.png
  6. So, over the time on nexus i have seen several armor's being a remake of the vanilla armor's. Some looked real good and some didn't but that's all in opinion right? Alright well i took a real liking to the dark brotherhood's armor and indeed i decided to add my own spin to it. So i put some armor on it and below in the picture is what i came up with. Now i might change the pauldrons and gauntlets but i am not sure yet, i don't mind criticism but please make it constructive and not asinine. http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j416/DaJinari/Armor.png
  7. Click on the file's tab and click on the correct file.
  8. Alright, so i wanted to add some new eye's to oblivion this morning and when i went to the top tab, "character" and clicked on eyes, oblivion construction set crashed. I can click on all the other parts and it doesn't, only happens when i click on the eyes section. Google hasn't shown a solution nor has the CS wiki. I'm at a bridge here and well it seems to have been cut short. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Agreed, i like the idea as well. Having a war hammer or even a lance added to the game would be a nice idea. Each time i start a new character on oblivion, it's either a archer or warrior. At the times i pick warrior, he always needs to be bulked up on armor and i normally find a nice sized great sword to throw on him.
  10. Darn UI is also a good choice. Click here for the link Also, make sure to check out the replacer's for the bodies such as Roberts Body v4. Click here for the link
  11. Last night i was sitting here messing around on a game called Vindictus, and i got to thinking "How nice it would be, to be able to use dual swords such as the Lann class does.". So this is what i ask, is there a mod out there or script that will allow a person to use two swords and fight like on this game, i am sure some animations will probably have to be made, but is it possible? Because if it is, or already has been done i haven't seen it or been able to locate it. Video reference below.
  12. It's not that hard to make a knock down arrow or do what i did with the bow and arrow mod i made. Just go into the tes construction set and put the paralyze effect on the arrow. Each time it hits, the target falls to the ground and lays there for about 10 seconds, giving you plenty of time to hit it with another arrow. If you don't know how to do the whole scripting or cs thing, tell me what arrow you want the effect on and i will do it for you. For instance, daedric, steel, iron, silver, amber, pick a arrow and i'll put the effect on it.
  13. Thanks blanket. Guess i need to drink the whole pot. :P
  14. Sounds like Elven Map Redux to me, it's a VERY nice colored map mod which also has its own colored icons.For even more colored map markers, this mod has several different choices, all of which look very nice. :) You're both right, most appreciative. :) Kudos to both.
  15. Seen this mod once but i can't remember where it was at, but what it does, is when you hit tab to view the map, it's colored and has colored icons. Basically a detailed map, and i can't seem to remember what it was called. -_-
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