I'm not going to go back and quote people but all the valid points have been said, Morrowind was original, it had feeling and a genuine uniqueness. There wasn't anything about it that reminded me of anything else. And nothing to this day reminds me of Morrowind remotely. It's world felt alive and was extremely immersible; I'm not a role player and yet found myself always reading books and quests just because they were THAT intriguing. There was no real babysitting, you chose your race, class and sign and were dropped off outside the door, free to do whatever you wanted. Absolutely no direction but go see this man somewhere in Balmora. First thing in Oblivion you're set up to go the Weynon Priory and you're able to fast travel there if you please AND given a free horse afterwards if you didn't feel like fast traveling to Cloud Ruler Temple. Same thing in Skyrim, go to Riverwood and start your linear questing. Granted, I've done nothing but wander aimlessly in Skyrim thus far, haven't even touched the main quest past being able to get my shouts and being named Thane. Skyrim is a great game thus far, don't get me wrong, I'm lovin' it. But the topic is in comparison to Morrowind and yeah man I'm a fan boy, not much I've played since Morrowind can hold a candle to it.