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About Teppup

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Final Fantasy Series, Skyrim, Heart of The Swarm
  • Favourite Game
    Final Fantasy 6 & 7

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  1. Seems like a great place to start, thanks for sharing ^-^
  2. I used search first, exactly what I put in the title and didn't find what I was looking for. I'm wondering how difficult, if at all, it would be for someone to start creating their own mods with photoshop, blender and the Skryim Construction Set (when it's released). I've never used any of the programs extensively, mostly just screwed around and clicked stuff. I'm not a complete moron though I guess if my opinion of my intelligence mattered lol. Anyone know of any tutorials floating around anywhere? The things I'm interested in doing would be adding new playable areas, races maybe, weapons... stuff along those lines. Thanks for you time reading ^-^
  3. I had to overclock my dual core CPU (Intel e8500) to lessen the bottleneck [video card (GTX 460)]. maybe that's happening there with you too? I see you've got a dual core and a top end GPU.
  4. I got a GTX 460 off newegg really cheap. Runs Skyrim on High just fine, about 40 frames on average, 60 in clear areas.
  5. I've swapped out perk points with the console. I remember how many I take away and only add that many back. So the total perk points remain the same. Player.removeperk and player.addperk ---->http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Skills i.e. to add Alchemist rank 1 you'd enter in your console player.addperk 000be127 hopefully that's about what you're looking for...
  6. The simple answer is, after playing through a second time, I really get sick of looking at a dude. So I make a decent looking female and stare at her instead and ignore the dialogue; I've already read it and it doesn't matter. All about what appeals to you man, You like onions on your pizza and I like bell peppers.
  7. I was able to use the console to get the books back (that took awhile : /) but the enable/disable isn't working to fix the bookshelf. I was able to disable all the books on the shelf by clicking them individually and typing disable so it's empty again though.
  8. Is there anyway to fix books being stuck in the shelves? I only stored them there for a minute to sell something else and now I can't pull any of them off or read them. Anyone else had this problem and/or knows how to fix it?
  9. I'm not going to go back and quote people but all the valid points have been said, Morrowind was original, it had feeling and a genuine uniqueness. There wasn't anything about it that reminded me of anything else. And nothing to this day reminds me of Morrowind remotely. It's world felt alive and was extremely immersible; I'm not a role player and yet found myself always reading books and quests just because they were THAT intriguing. There was no real babysitting, you chose your race, class and sign and were dropped off outside the door, free to do whatever you wanted. Absolutely no direction but go see this man somewhere in Balmora. First thing in Oblivion you're set up to go the Weynon Priory and you're able to fast travel there if you please AND given a free horse afterwards if you didn't feel like fast traveling to Cloud Ruler Temple. Same thing in Skyrim, go to Riverwood and start your linear questing. Granted, I've done nothing but wander aimlessly in Skyrim thus far, haven't even touched the main quest past being able to get my shouts and being named Thane. Skyrim is a great game thus far, don't get me wrong, I'm lovin' it. But the topic is in comparison to Morrowind and yeah man I'm a fan boy, not much I've played since Morrowind can hold a candle to it.
  10. I voted for Skyrim but only because the gameplay and the visuals and the story have made it so good. Steam really knocked a lot of points off my 100 score of the game. Really don't like Steam, especially in a game where there isn't even multiplayer. Fortunately, Steam offers an offline mode. I don't care about achievements so I've simply kept it offline.
  11. I've been using light armor. Stealth based with daggers and Elemental Fury if it isn't a one hit kill to finish them off.
  12. As soon as the CS releases, I will be working on a mod with another guy to enhance Vamps. We worked independently in Oblivion but have PM'ed each other since Skyrim's release. I simply cannot play this nerfed Vamp style very well. That would be awesome ^^ lookin forward to it then, save my vampirism for later or maybe a new toon.
  13. :/ was hoping that once I contracted vampirism I'd have some more really cool vamp related stuff.
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