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About Forzane

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    United States
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    FNV, Oblivion,Skyrim,FO3
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  1. In response to post #64183701. #64191081, #64204401 are all replies on the same post. @reptileye you as a mod author CAN get ads removed...use your DP from your wallet and get Premium for 1 month and then after that month is up you go to Supporter ...boom no ads
  2. ok im trying to make a terminal with the option to disable/enable Xmarkers for caps that will remove certain objects and well im not a Papyrus kind of guy.... basically the most i know is that papyrus doesnt like references in the script like im use to in FONV i have no Papyrus skills so i need help making this script
  3. easy to clone a courser change sex and then throw that armor onto them.and then throw them into the same spawner of the males...but voicetype would have to be mute unless someone can revoice all the male courser lines to female
  4. In response to post #34794445. #34796485 is also a reply to the same post. NMM is going for a facelift right before it comes out of Beta...they will be skinning NMM as well
  5. exit the armor and then get back into it....I noticed it with Nick
  6. I would like a script that made it possible to make X amount of form-ids in a certain category like say in the weapon category and make like 40 WEAP Formids in that category or any of the categories
  7. or you can use the Nexus Sites Steam Group ChatRoom
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