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Everything posted by SnippyChris

  1. NightGuard that is genius! I am glad you suggested that! I will get started on that factor tomorrow and we should have another playtest up and ready by Friday :wink: We like everyone to get to See where we are for themselves rather than read abunch of words lol Also we will be posting another update to tx12001 Supernatural plugin and the quest plugin Sundered Kingdoms is coming along nicely as well. I am hoping to have a tester version for Supernatural plugin with Fridays playtest. Hehe thanks! :sweat: Anyways I'll be sure to test the new version, and send more thoughts soon... :tongue: Awesome and looking forward to it, do me a favor and spread the word for us ;)
  2. Thanks Matthiaswagg I will put this in and tinker immediately thank you again friend!
  3. I didn't want to have a bunch of little quote boxes so...lol NightGuard that is genius! I am glad you suggested that! I will get started on that factor tomorrow and we should have another playtest up and ready by Friday :wink: We like everyone to get to See where we are for themselves rather than read abunch of words lol Also we will be posting another update to tx12001 Supernatural plugin and the quest plugin Sundered Kingdoms is coming along nicely as well. I am hoping to have a tester version for Supernatural plugin with Fridays playtest.
  4. I am super glad you enjoyed the playtest and the races you did play. You said time travel were you refering to Colovian Imperials Battle Tactics? So what would be your suggestion to help us balance the Argonians, because I think the claws are Over powered as well. Love the screenshots, and thank you for the compliments and feedback it is really helpful. Night eye is a vanilla ability, I feel that power should stay due to feline race, they should be able to see in the dark, However I would like to have something to make it recognize when it is dark to trigger the ability much like a real cat vision. Suggestions Mathiaswagg?
  5. Hey Nexians! We have officially uploaded the first public playtest! You can playtest the core by clicking going here: http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/821-veritas/ and make sure to read the small testing guidelines. Make sure to leave us feedback here or on DC! Thanks agian for your interest in Veritas
  6. Glad to hear you got it somewhat up and running. Ok what do you mean it crashes with more than 1 dlc? What is the exact error message you get before it crashes? Now that my friend is an outline someone can understand! And it will help others know what they could be getting themselves into. Also tells your followers what they will be getting in your project. Good job Stoic, glad you have learned from feedback as that is super critical to being a true member of the modding community. Just know that Armor modifications will also be in Veritas as we will have a few armor variants from Morrowind and Oblivion make an appearance.
  7. Atherial Head Splitter..lol (Splitting Headache)
  8. lol... Pokemon used to be pretty cool before they came out with a bunch of different videogames just for money..hate commercial type stuff/ So I'm sure you know it takes an average of a few minutes for the CK to open, and then load up esp's takes even longer, especially if you load up all the dlcs too lol. what is your proc and ram speed?
  9. Just wanted to drop this down here; :dance: :whistling:
  10. Well what kind of issues are you having with pc and ck.. like what are your system specs? and is CK slow loading or not responding for too long, give me some info and I will gladly try to help
  11. Lord let me help you out so that people have a good Idea of what you are wanting to accomplish and what you are looking for. Sit back grab a pen and paper, scribble on the paper what you want to change like a scope.. for Instance what I gather is You want to bring Immersion back to Skyrim, well my friend Skyrim is a HUGE place :wink: So break it down to folks, like; An Introduction, address the Nexians a lot of them will just be happy you took time to address them as part of a bigger world. In that explain why you will be modding like your motivation. Next you start the description of your mod...super important as others have pointed this out. YOU need to sell your mod project so that people will want to jump on. Most people want to know how your mod is going to improve their game... See this is where a lot of upcoming modders get this part wrong. Modding is about the experience, and the enjoyment you get out of making something. So sell them your Idea that got you to want to mod, not whats going to make them happy because... that will never happen..lol I'm sure a lot will agree it is hard to make a community happy. Then you say you want to start with armor, that's awesome!! So ... Step 1.) Make armor more immersive by: (your ideas here) Step 2: Retexture armor because (your reasons here) Step 3: Fix Armor to be more useful(your direction here) Step 4: type what you wrote in your thread post Step 5: Submit post and wait for interested people. Step 6: figure out pc situation, because no one wants to do all the work. Step 7: Recruit a team perferably a few modders, a scripter and maybe even a modeler or 2 as well. Optional VA's when everything is ready. Step 8: package mod for Playtest, wait for testers feedback, improve. Step 9: Submit feedback to team and fix issues discuss testers ideas, Step 10: Repeat Steps 8 and 9 until mod is polished and ready to rock with minimal to 0 bugs. Step 11: Release mod with credits to EVERYONE that helped you through your project including testers and fixers. Step 12: Calm down and mod some more. *Sorry I typed this part with a toddler on my lap lol **I fixed it made it lay out nice :wink: This should get you some results. Hopefully more positive then negative. Also piece of advice.. really get that pc issue fixed and hit the tutorial section, also hit up Quick Questions, Quick Answers Thread its amazing!! Also might want to try a bunch of tutorials as this will open up your skillset. Good luck with your Mod LordStoic
  12. So I took a break and decided to mess with the wilderness of Tamriel and found Illinalta's Foothills is not a marked place in the world, so I decided to make it an encounter zone, added a few more bandit npcs, gave a few of them some patrols, and made a stationary lookout and this is my result: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Skyrim%20Level%20Tinkering/72850_2014-10-07_00004_zps8812b14e.png Jest messing around really to take a break from modding.
  13. I have a puzzled look at the moment when reading your statement "Yours deviates too much for my taste (I am a bit OCD when it comes to lore accuracy :geek: )" can you please curb my curiosity by informing me where the project goes against lore? It would be feedback that greatly improves the project
  14. Updates on the Veritas Thread! Check us out
  15. Update: No images this time..lol =Race Overhaul- New Carryweights, Heights for males and females, New Abilities, New Positive, Negative Traits. Argonian (Done!) Breton (Done!) Colovian Imperial -95% Done Dunmer (Done!) Altmer (Done!) Khajiit (Done!) Nibenese Imperial (was Done!) -Needs Rebalancing Nord (Done!) Orc - 98% done Reachmen - 75% done Redguard (Done!) Bosmer (Done!)
  16. That would be amazing!! Still working on the Khajiit speed boost and jumping higher. Also only have a few of the races left to finish overhauling, and then I can focus on other aspects of the core. I hear Armor isn't very immersion friendly;) What do you all want to see in a core overhaul?
  17. Check out the thread, there is a ton of information in the comments by me, all the updates and there is screen candy too! Ttyl its bedtime lol
  18. No worries there rien, our combat overhaul will not have you hating Skyrim, Our goal is to bring Immersion and fun back into Skyrim. We plan to have aggro radius' and if the enemy is a lower level they recognize you as a thread and may flee, or will try to fight you but if they start to lose will retreat, or get more people to try and over run you. Archers are supposed to be deadly due to being ranged attackers. A great example is an archer ingame will try to take high ground and pelt you with arrows or a spellcaster may retreat and spray you with spells as they depart. So No we don't want the game to be terribly difficult only fun and challenging. I believe Frostfall has that aspect of immersion well taken care of;)
  19. No its here...lol I was just doing some clean up of the core for Veritas and seen this, I really like your Armor Overhaul. Let me pitch it to the team and see what they say. Do me a favor and go to Veritas thread and post this idea it will help get the word out quicker ;)
  20. Quick update from tx12001: Currently working on; - Mehrune's Razor - Price 105,000 - Mace of Molag Bal - Price 110,000 - Ring of Namira - Price 50,000 - Wabbajack - Price 90,000 - Spellbreaker - Price, 75,000 - Ebony Mail - Price, 120,000 - Ebony Blade - Price 115,000 - Volundrung - Price 60,000 - The Rueful Axe - Price 55,000 - Azura's Star - Price 100,000 - The Black Star - Price 100,000 - Ring of Hircine - Price 64,000 - Masque of Claviucs Vile - Price 66,000 - Dawnbreaker - Price 80,000 - The Saviour's Hide - Price 77,000 - The Staff of Magnus - Price 150,000 - Skull of Corruption - Price 88,000 - Auriel's Bow - Price 125,000 - Oghma Infinium - Price 95,000 - Keening - Price 99,000 - Skeleton Key - Price 70,000 Mace of Molag bal now drains 30 points of Health per hit and Traps Souls for 10 Seconds Mehrunes Razor now also Inflicts Fire Damage SpellBreaker Defends for up to 200 Damage instead of 50 Ebony Mail Grants 75% Fire Resistance as well as the Vanilla Enchantment Ebony Blade's attacks will no longer be classified as assult The Ring of Hircine will keep the vanilla abilities but also with the Supernatural Plug in Prevent Unwanted Lunar Transformation The Saviour's Hide Enchantment is Increased and while worn the player will inflict greater damage to Lycanthropes The Staff of Magnus will now Drain Health and Magicka At the Same Time up to a far higher degree The Skull of Corruption will do increased damage Dawnbreaker will Inflict Sunlight Damage instead of Fire Damage Auriel's Bow's Enchantment will do increased Damage Keening Will cause the Player to Lose 100 Health when they wield it Thank you for the update tx!
  21. Update: Warning Screen Candy Ahead Argonian Claws: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Argonian_Claws_zps83c2daf8.png Argonian Amphibious: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Argonian_Amphibious_zps3ffe72b9.png Argonian Swamplands: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Argonian_SwamplandsResistances_zps5d6d5d62.png Dunmer Darkvision 2.0: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Dunmer_DarkVision_zpse5147ba0.png Dunmer Ashlands Protection: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Dunmer_AshlandsProtection_zpsfbd10b00.png Altmer Arcane Affliction(Negative Racial Trait): http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Altmer_ArcaneAffliction_zps4286a1d9.png Altmer Disease Tolerance: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Altmer_DiseaseTolerance_zpsabd272c5.png Altmer Arcane Knowledge: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Altmer_ArkaneKnowledge_zps6b5879b4.png Redguard Distrust of Magic(Negative Racial Trait): http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Redguard_Distrustofmagic_zps706711dc.png Redguard Desert Walker: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Redguard_DesertWalker_Ability_zpsd6865ff8.png Breton Atherius Tap: http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/SnippyChris/Veritas%20Mod%20Project/VT_Breton_AtheriusTap_zps40fd91b5.png More to come hope you are enjoying this as much as we are making it! Are you happy with development so far? Let us know what you think. :dance:
  22. Hi LordStoic! Did you find yourself around the tutorial thread OK? You may want to take a look at Veritas, link to the thread is in my signature. Might be a project you want to follow, and possibly join on as a tester to get the in's and out's of how modding works. Not to mention asking questions also opens your skill chart up.
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