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Everything posted by SnippyChris

  1. You can make your custom Nord race be selectable in character creation, but make sure you select the correct morphs of Nord on Race Morph and Armor Morph. Also dont forget to make a vampire version of your race as well if you have any DLC. Hope this helps. :wink:
  2. Greetings guantanamobayxx! Thank you for your interest in Dungeons & Draugr! Dungeons & Draugr is a Roleplaying Mod for Skyrim on PC. However the project is created with a framework in mind, so that a person can easily port Dungeons & Draugr to a tabletop, or even text based rpg. But this thread is for the Official Dungeons & Draugr Roleplaying Mod. "This is Dungeons & Draugr! The Highly sophisticated Roleplaying Overhaul Mod. Your adventure awaits!" As for what changes are being made feel free to check out the Dungeons & Draugr Adventurer's Manual and you can see exactly what changes have been made. Glad to hear you are very educated in TES Lore and would love to have you around for more ideas. Feel free to make suggestions all day long, we will listen and discuss them. As for this, I believe Sarus was meaning different in-game. No one would want to play the Skaal if they were the same as the Original Nords..lol And I would love for you to elaborate your opinion here. No need to rush on my account Sarus! My interest is all in this project, so anything that contributes interest me..lol Besides your writing is golden! In depth as we need to get, is my goal. Also I agree that there is much discussion to be had about TES Lore. Creativity Unleashed! lol Don't forget to participate in the polls and register at the wiki. That's The Adventurer's Manual. And we have live chats to discuss ideas and lore. UPDATE: Finished Necromancer Class; http://i.imgur.com/12C6nnml.png
  3. Really like the idea of poison resistance, and a small boost to magicka, as for the one handed thing I feel it would be a tad OP, so how about we give them an ability that gives them frost resistance of 25% due to them being Skyrim Natives? What do you think we could call it? Really dig the Skaal build, and we will definitely need to add them, so after the playtest I will. All races will be ready after today and the necromancer class should also be finished as well. With you being amazing at writing, do me a favor and head over to the wiki/manual and see if there is anything we could be missing or need to spice up even. This project is going well and I am extremely excited about this Friday. Scripting is a difficult process and its a lot of trial and error, so I am trying to find a scripter, to see if we can move this project along further.
  4. Hey Sarus! As of now the Races are all in game! I tested all of them myself to be sure, there were no CTD's. I can not wait either. - Argonians increased swim speeds. Added claws for 10 unarmed damage. - Khajiit swim speeds drastically decreased. Land speed increased. -Dark Elves now have Dark Vision for 120 seconds, just like Khajiit Nighteye. Ancestor Guardian still in development. -Redguard now have a 25% Weakness to magic which shows red in active effects. Increased base Stamina. Adrenaline rush needs a better description than vanilla. -Wood Elves now have cannibalism to follow the Green Pact. -Orismer have a 25% Weakness to poison which shows up red in active effects to stand out from Magic. -Need Traits for Reachmen to stand out from Breton. -All male and female heights changed.
  5. Surok The Scribe sounds awesome! And I am glad you like the Adventurer's Manual in game. I thought that would help immersion;) And please keep the ideas coming, I am just finishing the Orc race it was really hard to stay focused it seemed like ideas kept flowing today..lol every few minutes I was writing down ideas. And the Library Section is up for all to enter TES Lore. Eventually I would love for people to enter their own entries of their gameplay, and post their in game shots. Back to work! Sarus Friday I will upload what I have for just you and me to playtest. Note: Everyone dont forget to vote on the new poll and also we had a winner for the Redguard +10 One-handed, now we have the new stat system to vote on and, the bonus class for the future play test.
  6. if only I could get the old stats from Morrowind, that would be excellent, but its way above my modding level lol. As for your NPC, He will be located in Riverwood, and he will be like a guide for players for Dungeons & Draugr. And I want Sarus The Scribe to give the player their adventurer's Manual in game. (Any Modders know how I can achieve Morrowind Base stats without using someone elses mod?)
  7. UPDATE: Finished Redguards Manual page. http://i.imgur.com/t25Bs2Yl.png Off to add these 3 races in game. Will update today ;)
  8. Ok! Then I will add Sarus the Orc into the tavern of Riverwood. Also yesterday was super busy got 0 in game work done so today I am doubling up. Goals: all races (Orismer, Reachmen, Redguard) finished in game. Necromancer class finished in game and manual page finished. Think of your title for your Orc; ex: Sarus The Scribe.
  9. Ranger manual page is almost finished. http://i.imgur.com/yi8tTI8l.png Sorry for the misunderstanding on the orcs, I love their magic resistance as well, and never even thought about the poison weakness, is there something we can right in to explain the weakness? Also as for making the beast races seperate, I am glad you like the claws be lesser to the Khajiit, and to further things along I want to give the argonians the ability to swim in water faster, that the other races and the Khajiit swim slower due to being Cats..cats hate water kind of thing. Mlee suggested visual modifications and effects so that a person cannot grind/overcome the perks, abilities, and I think it would make things so much more immersive as well. See Mlee post here:Mlee Suggestions How is your day Sarus? I will be adding Reachmen info to the Manual page today. How about instead of witch doctor for group role we say Shaman?
  10. Thank you for the information Dr! This seems more of a viable approach, and still may require scripting to give the races said perk and to make it invisible. any ideas there?
  11. Greetings Nexus! I am working on a Roleplaying mod, and have hit a hurdle. So I want to ask you if someone could point me in the right direction of how to change individual race weapon swing speeds. Would that be Scripting, Animating, or just finding the right place to change a number? Please help a fellow modder out and I will add your name to the contributers of the mod. Thanks Nexus!
  12. These are great suggestions, and I love giving Redguard Magic Weakness, however as you said with the Orcs 25 percent is a whopper, so How about balancing that to maybe 15 percent weakness to magic? As for Argonians I would actually welcome the speed and jumping heights for sure, and maybe since reptiles claws are fragile and brittle we go 10 damage for claws. And I love the making the Beast races constitution lower than the rest as to nerf the Savagery of the Khajiit. Wow!! Sarus those are all amazing and we will use them all, and anytime you have any ideas throw them out, because 9 out of 10 times we are on the same wave length..Finished Ranger Class and I will add in the Reachmen and Redguard race in game tomorrow! I want to have all the races and a few classes finished for the Playtest on Friday. As for our Polls +10 One Handed seems to be winning and The Original 1 +10(Major) 5 +5's(Minor) seems to be winning as well for the stat system also! Keep them votes coming, first to 10 votes will go into the mod, and I will be adding another poll for the bonus class to try out in the playtest!
  13. Sorry for the late response, doing some things around the house..lol Yes Mlee, Sarus is amazing at writing, and he should definitely get a resume up, a lot of Modders would keep him super busy As for Reachmen Sarus, I would love for you to do roles and racial traits for them. And as for any suggestions anyone would like to share I am all ears! I would love to have participation from the whole community.
  14. Nonsense. Your imaginings can go as far as you want them, which makes your writing unique. I am glad you are enjoying the writing aspect of this project! I would love to keep you on as head writer of this project if you would like. Then you would have unlimited resources to keep your creativity flowing and a platform to share it with the world.
  15. I think you have some real writing talent Sarus! This is very good content. I am going to sort through this and shorten the description a tad for the manual page and in - game description...really great stuff Sarus
  16. http://i.imgur.com/o69cwccl.png This is one of our many classes The Paladin almost completely finished. Will be ready for Fridays Playtest Along with Ranger and Cleric! Make sure you have set up a username with the Dungeons & Draugr Wiki, check out our discussions so that we can keep this thread organized. Will have Ranger Class finished tomorrow, and I want to say thank you to Sarus31 for all of his contributions:) Don't forget to vote in the polls on this thread as you the community are shaping the Redguard Race, we need at least 10 votes to close it and see which one got the most votes. See you tomorrow Nexus!
  17. Want to discuss Roleplaying in Skyrim join me on Dungeons & Draugr Wiki Chat:http://dungeons-draugr.wikia.com/wiki/Board:Dungeons_&_Draugr_Mod_Discusion
  18. that was an amazing contribution! It is in the lore section now! I also put a little something at the top for you;) Looking forward to your ideas tomorrow. Also I see the polls are getting votes! Thanks Nexus!
  19. This is all very good! I am now adding all of this Redguard writings to the Lore Section here: Redguard Lore
  20. Absolutely! And making some of it up is OK, as long as it plays into existing lore **Updated Thread Post
  21. This is really good! Very detailed and I feel like I learned something. Is this your writing?
  22. I'm glad you like that! The class system is in place and If you want I can get you a link to do a private playtest. Keep in mind it is roughdraft, so feedback is a must. The Classes are a bit rough and need quite a bit of fine tuning but progress is good! let me know Sarus and I will give you a link in pm
  23. Added Cannabalism Trait to Bosmer Race. Working on Redguard Race today, look for that update soon!
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