There is a few things that can affect it now, the first thing to check is that you have the modding station set up correctly and the file path to the compiler is right in the modding station settings. New versions of the compller now need .net 5 to work, here is a link if don't already have it. Choose the one to run "Desktop apps" "Download x64" You just have to download it and run it and that's it. The last thing is windows can block the compiler from working, to fix or check that right click on the compiler itself then in the window that opens scroll down to "Properties" click on that then in the next window that opens down the bottom there is a check box that say's " UNBLOCK " click to unblock it then click " Apply" down the very bottom then click " OK " and you're all set, it should work now if all those things are correct. If not then the compiler itself may not be updated sufficiently yet for the matching game version, some files may de-compile but some may not and it's usually the popular GLOBAL files that may not work when a new compiler first comes out. Try some other files in some of the folders and see if they de-compile into EXML's to check if it is just that, if so then just keep checking back for updated compilers but remember you will need to re-set the path to any new compiler again in settings and unblock it too. If you don't already know there is a "Helpful links" tab at the top of the modding station that will take you to the latest stable compiler and some other modding goodies as well. Hope that helps, let me know if not and we can try to figure it out. JJ